The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 701 Secret Store Step 1

Chapter 701 Secret Storage First Step

Although he was sure that the girl was his daughter the moment he saw Ye Yayan, but after Ye Yayan said it, he didn't know what to say.

After so many years, he didn't fulfill his responsibilities as a father. He even knew that he had a daughter, and he didn't even know what his daughter looked like.

Now, Ye Yayan appeared so prettily in front of him, the shock was a bit big, so much so that he didn't know how to speak.

The Fenshi Jinyan in his body was constantly impacting his body, and the corners of Ye Yayan's lips leaked a trace of blood because of the suppression.

"Yan'er!" Seeing the blood on the corner of Ye Yayan's lips, Luo Lihao's heart ached, and he couldn't help but get closer to Ye Yayan.

"Don't come over, you go in quickly!" Ye Yayan signaled everyone to enter the secret store immediately, because she found that the Burning World Jinyan in her body was no longer under her control, if this continues, I'm afraid they people Can't get into the secret.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Before they were sure about Ye Yayan's safety, they would never enter the secret store. Even if they gave up these treasures, they would not give up Ye Yayan.

This is a promise made to her by a father and a lover.

"It's okay, go in quickly! I guarantee my safety!" Ye Yayan urged everyone to enter the secret storage. Although he didn't know why the Fenshi Jinyan, which had been quiet all this time, suddenly erupted at this moment, but Ye Yayan What Yayan can be sure of is that Fenshi Jinyan will not cause any trouble to herself, but now, what she wants to ensure is that they can enter the secret storehouse.

"Let's go!" Di Batian has always been a decisive person, even if there is a hundred unwillingness in his heart now, he can only bring his brother into the secret storehouse.

Entering the secret store has always been their goal. After knowing the existence of the secret store, they sharpened their heads and wanted to go in, but they have never discovered the existence of Fenshi Jinyan. Now, the door to the secret store has been opened , if they missed it, they would be really sorry for themselves.

Therefore, with a big wave of Di Batian's hand, he led a group of brothers into the secret storehouse. The moment he stepped into the gate, he looked at Ye Yayan with a hint of reluctance.

Originally thought that Ye Yayan could be protected, but now it seems that Ye Yayan is protecting him.

He is so proud of having such a daughter!

"Li Hao, let's go!" Time waits for no one, if Luo Lihao is in Moji, neither of them will be able to enter the secret store.

At this time, a quarter of an hour has passed since the person who entered the secret storehouse!
"Be careful!" After Luo Lihao fell into these two words, he also stepped into the secret storehouse door, and at the same time, Ye Yayan also entered the secret storehouse.

As soon as she stepped into the secret store, Ye Yayan found that the Fenshi Jinyan in her body had actually quieted down and was no longer active. Most importantly, the Fenshi Jinyan on her palm also disappeared at this moment. .

What's happening here?
When he didn't summon Fen Shi Jinyan back into his body, Fen Shi Jinyan disappeared automatically, even disappeared without a trace.

Is it because of entering into a secret store?

This should be the possibility, otherwise, why would Fenshi Jinyan disappear?

With a puzzled look, Ye Yayan took the first step in the secret treasury!
(End of this chapter)

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