Chapter 717 Well deserved
This point, Ye Yayan did not expect, after all, this person just said such a sentence, and he didn't even say the oath afterwards, but now, the oath of heaven and earth bound him.

For the rest of his life, he will submit to her!
Could it be because in the secret storehouse, as the owner of the secret storehouse, the oaths they made were all related to her?

After this person said this, he obviously did not expect such a situation. However, the oath has been established, even if he wants to go back on his word.

"Do you want to die?" Ye Yayan looked at the crowd, his eyes sparkling.

This can be regarded as a windfall, these people have great strength in the outside world, if these people surrender to her, it will not be a dream to win the world.

The most important thing is that the people who entered the secret store this time are basically the entire strength of this continent. Now, these people will be in her hands, and it is not difficult to dominate at all.


"We surrender!"


After Ye Ya spoke, everyone knelt down on their knees. Between death and surrender, they chose the latter.

Surrender is just a loss of dignity, which is much less than dignity.

At this moment, everyone knelt down on the ground in unison, looking up at Ye Yayan. At this moment, they lost their dignity. For the rest of their lives, they could only submit to Ye Yayan.

Fortunately, this woman did not disappoint them, at least, she was the master of this secret.

"Since you all surrender to me now, I won't favor one person over another. What do you value, you can choose for yourself!" Ye Yayan has always been generous with his own people, so he signaled that everyone can find whatever they like here.

"Really?" Everyone's eyes were filled with shock when they heard Ye Yayan's words. At least, if it was their words, they wouldn't.

Yes, they won't!
They will only keep the treasure in their own hands, and will not give it to others.

Just because of this, they feel that the person who surrendered this time seems to be good!

"Of course it's true, let's go!" Ye Yayan knew that Di Batian had something to say to her. Moreover, as long as it happened in the secret store, everything was under her control. As long as she If you don't want them to get it, they won't get it.

After thanking everyone, they left happily. This was definitely a surprise!

"Daughter, you did a good job!" Di Batian gave Ye Yayan 32 likes. This one is relaxed and definitely has a leadership style.

Even if these people didn't take an oath and were not bound by the oath of heaven and earth, Ye Yayan's hand was worth their lives. It was their pride to have such a boss.

"Thank you father for the compliment, I deserve it!" Ye Yayan raised the corners of his lips with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha..." Ye Yayan's words made Di Batian laugh out loud, as if his laughter was going to break through the sky.

"Father, what do you want to say to me?" Ye Yayan knew that Di Batian had something to say to her. Ever since she said about Mu Wan, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes. Obviously, he wanted to tell her Talk about Mu Wan.

"Daughter, as for women, being too smart is not a good thing, but you are my daughter, and being smart is naturally necessary!" Di Batian expressed his feelings. In his opinion, women really don't need to be smart. , because smart people don't live long!
(End of this chapter)

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