The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 719 How Much Did You Participate?

Chapter 719 How Much Did You Participate?


These two words made Di Batian's body tremble, and a flash of pain flashed in his eyes.

It turned out that their daughter was a kind of stain on Mu Wan.

"Yan'er, I still don't think Mu Wan is such a person!" It's not that he wants to speak for Mu Wan, but from various signs, it seems that the person Ye Yayan is talking about is not Mu Wan.

"Are you going to say that person is Mu Xin?" If it's not Mu Wan, then only Mu Xin fits in, after all the two of them are very similar in appearance.

"It's possible!" Actually, when Ye Yayan said that Mu Wan poisoned her, his first reaction was that the person was Mu Xin, not Mu Wan.

"If time hadn't turned back and I hadn't seen Mu Xin, maybe I would have thought your words were right. However, I have met Mu Xin and had contact with Mu Xin, so the claim that Mu Wan is Mu Xin is not true. The person I saw is indeed Mu Wan!" Ye Yayan can say this clearly and responsibly.

Ye Yayan's words made Luo Lihao and Di Batian fall into silence.

They will not doubt the correctness of Ye Yayan's words. She must be [-]% sure that she can say that. If that person is really Mu Wan, then she really did a little too much.

"By the way, father, you told me that the Youlan bracelet on my wrist was not given by Mu Wan, but I remember that this bracelet was indeed given to me by her, and the blue bracelet on Li Hao's wrist was also given by her!" What Batian said before made Ye Yayan unable to guess the meaning contained in it.

"Youlan bracelet, even if Mu Wan is the king of the demon clan, she can't have it. Youlan bracelet and blue bracelet suddenly appeared on your wrist after you were born!" Dibatian said, Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao didn't react for a moment.

"Father, you said that the blue bracelet and the blue bracelet appeared in my hands by yourself, so why is the blue bracelet in Li Hao's hands, and Li Hao also said before that this bracelet was given to him by Mu Wan!" Ye Yayan was a little suspicious.

"The blue bracelet on my wrist was indeed given to me by Mu Wan!" Luo Lihao also added.

"The reason why the blue bracelet fell into Luo Lihao's hands is an inevitable phenomenon. The owner of the blue bracelet will naturally fall into your hands, and Mu Wan is just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha!" ​​Di Batian said. After explaining, Luo Lihao fell into silence.

What happened at the beginning seemed to be a coincidence, if it was a coincidence, then...

Thinking of this, Luo Lihao's face became gloomy.

His life is in his own control, he doesn't need others to plan for him.

"Father, how much did you participate in these matters?" Why Di Batian seemed to know everything, as if everything was under his control.

"I didn't take part in it. I only found out about some things later on. My influence cannot penetrate into the continent you are in. Otherwise, I wouldn't let you be alone on the Sky Continent!" He had too much helplessness, if If it wasn't like this, he would never let Ye Yayan to fend for himself in Ye's house.

"Father, why do I think what you said is so weird?" It's impossible to lie to her, she needs to know the truth of the matter.

She wants to know everything that happened back then, she doesn't want to know nothing, she doesn't want to be kept in the dark!

(End of this chapter)

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