The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 79 The So-Called Sisters

Chapter 79 The So-Called Sisters

Although Xu Fang's family background is not comparable to that of the Leng family, the Qin family, and the Ye family, her family is not small. That's why she said such words with confidence.

Of course, the more important reason is that she is venting her anger for her sisters.

However, what she didn't know was that the sisters in her eyes didn't take her seriously at all. In Qin Qing's eyes, she, Xu Fang, was a clown!
Ye Yayan didn't care about Leng Huaqing's sneer, but Qin Qing and Xu Fang had to care about it, because Leng Huaqing's words contained a layer of meaning.

Brothel girls!

Thinking of this, Xu Fang's body trembled, and there was a begging for mercy in his eyes.

Ye Yayan's contact with Leng Huaqing was relatively short, and he didn't know Leng Huaqing's methods. Since Leng Huaqing said this, he would definitely take action next.

Xu Fang also knew Leng Huaqing's temperament, so she was so afraid at this time.

"Qin Qing, you have to save me!" Xu Fang didn't beg Leng Huaqing for mercy, because she knew that even if she knelt down and begged for mercy, it would be useless. Now, her only hope was pinned on Qin Qing.

However, facing Xu Fang's pleading eyes, Qin Qing turned around and walked out as if she didn't see it.

Qin Qing's sudden turn made Xu Fang freeze in place, her eyes full of disbelief.

She, is this given up?
Ye Yayan was not surprised by Qin Qing's departure, the only thing that surprised her was that Leng Huaqing seemed to have an unknown side, otherwise, Xu Fang would not have such an attitude.

However, no matter how bad Leng Huaqing is, she won't feel anything, because now, Leng Huaqing is really venting her anger for her.

"The so-called sisterhood is nothing more than that!" Ye Yayan is a person who must take revenge. Before, she ignored Xu Fang's clamor, but now, she will not be so kind as to say nothing.

My heart seems to have exploded!

Xu Fang's eyes were full of pain and despair.

Although she was already aware of Qin Qing's abandonment of her, she still wanted to make a desperate struggle, but Ye Yayan's words completely cut off her thoughts.

Such sisterhood is really vulnerable!
"Sisters have deep love, and they are just pretending to show it to others!" Leng Huaqing definitely likes to add insult to injury, no, after Ye Yayan spoke, he followed suit.

Originally, he disdained Qin Qing very much, and his attitude towards Qin Qing was within his control. The only thing he didn't guess was that she would be so decisive.

In fact, there is one thing that Leng Huaqing doesn't know, that is, Xu Fang also likes him, and because of that, she also becomes a thorn in Qin Qing's side.

It's just that Qin Qing wanted Xu Fang to support her, so she didn't take action against her.

Now, using Leng Huaqing's hand to deal with Xu Fang is exactly in her favor.

And she also understood very well that if Leng Huaqing made a move, otherwise she would not have spare hands, and she, Xu Fang, would be destroyed in Leng Huaqing's hands.

Unfortunately, this time, she missed one thing, and that was the existence of Ye Yayan.

As long as Ye Yayan opens his mouth, even the most difficult things to change can be changed, not to mention, the most important thing now is Ye Yayan's attitude.

"Leng Huaqing, let her go!" Suddenly, Ye Yayan's voice sounded, and her words also made Xu Fang startled, and a look of disbelief flashed in her eyes.

Ye Yayan, what is this for?
Leng Huaqing glanced at Ye Yayan in surprise, and after seeing the firmness in her eyes, there was a flash of surprise in her eyes, so she nodded and waved for Xu Fang to leave!

(End of this chapter)

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