Chapter 301 It's Him (6)
Lucy was not annoyed at being taken advantage of by Mr. Wang, but she smiled more cheerfully, she said: "He is tender." Then Lucy pointed to Lin Yixia who was beside him and said: "Yixia, this is Far East Investment Company Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, this is my little assistant, Yixia."

Mr. Wang looked at Lin Yixia with a smile, his eyes looked up and down her body, and his eyes were very unscrupulous.

Lin Yixia saw Mr. Wang and Lucy's actions just now, and now seeing Mr. Wang looking at her so blatantly, she felt even more uncomfortable. She squeezed out a smile and said, "Mr. Wang is good."

Mr. Wang looked at Lin Yixia even more lewdly, and he said to Lucy, "Lucy, it's your fault, such a good-looking little assistant is still hidden and brought out today."

Lucy said: "It hasn't been long since Yixia came to our Sedum. Today I made an exception and brought her out to see the world. I didn't even bring my assistant Ah Kun. Mr. Wang, are you still not satisfied?"

"Those who can make an exception for Lucy must be excellent!" Mr. Wang stretched out his fat hand to Lin Yixia, "Yixia, hello."

Even if Lin Yixia didn't want to, she could only shake hands with Mr. Wang. When she wanted to withdraw her hand, she found that Mr. Wang was holding onto her hand, and deliberately stretched out his finger to rub the back of her hand. , made Lin Yixia feel sick for a while, her face changed color with anger, and she withdrew her hand vigorously, but President Wang didn't seem to be annoyed at all, but smiled and said: "I am very optimistic about Yixia, it is definitely the future of Sedum I don’t know if I invite Yixia to dinner another day, will Yixia give me face or not?”

Lin Yixia didn't expect Mr. Wang to be so shameless, to say such words so shamelessly and nakedly. Before she could speak, Lucy on the side hurriedly said: "How can you not reward your face? It's great to have dinner with Mr. Wang." Yixia's honor, isn't it?" Lucy pushed Lin Yixia while speaking.

Lin Yixia could only bite the bullet and say yes.

Mr. Wang's face was extremely thick. He touched his beer belly and said, "I just like staying with young people, and I feel that I have become younger."

Lucy complimented: "Mr. Wang is young, and I would believe you even when you said you were thirty."

When Mr. Wang heard this, he laughed happily. He glanced at Lin Yixia who was silent, and said, "Then leave a contact information, and I will keep in touch in the future!"

Lin Yixia stood still, as if she didn't hear, Lucy gave her several winks, but Lin Yixia didn't respond, and finally Lucy got anxious, she reached out and took out a piece of paper from Lin Yixia's bag. Lin Yixia's business card was handed to Mr. Wang, and said: "This is Yixia's business card with her contact information on it. She is young and ignorant. Mr. Wang should take care of her."

Mr. Wang took the business card and put it in his pocket, waved his hand, and said, "It's okay, I just like Yixia, who has personality."

Mr. Wang and Lucy chatted around Lin Yixia for a while, until Mr. Wang was called away.

As soon as Mr. Wang left, Lucy's face darkened immediately. She took Lin Yixia's hand and said in a bad tone, "Come with me."

Lucy took Lin Yixia to the corner of the banquet where there was no one else, she scolded in a low voice: "Yixia, I thought you were smart at first, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid. Who do you think you are? How dare you show your face to me?" Look, Boss Wang, do you know who Boss Wang is? Do you believe that he can make our Sedum go bankrupt with a single word?"

Lin Yixia bit her lip and said, "I'm sorry!"

Lucy snorted, "I'm sorry, it's over? Did you just want to embarrass me or Mr. Wang?"

(End of this chapter)

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