355 Chapter 3 Like it or not ([-])
When Lin Yixia said what he wanted to buy, Jiang Hen wrote it down on the side, and smiled slightly while writing it down, feeling very satisfied.

Jiang Hen was cooking in the kitchen. Lin Yixia was holding Jiang Hen's computer to look at furniture and home appliances online. She wanted to go to the physical store to have a look later. If the price was similar, she would buy it in the physical store. Much cheaper, then buy online.

Jiang Hen made spaghetti, and Lin Yixia ate three bowls with dignity. She praised Jiang Hen while eating, "Your meat sauce is really good. I've never eaten such a delicious meat sauce."

Jiang Hen said, "I bought the meat sauce in the supermarket."

Lin Yixia: "..."

After a while, Lin Yixia boasted again: "Your shredded cucumber is pretty good, even in thickness, and it tastes particularly crisp."

Jiang Hen couldn't help laughing when he saw Lin Yixia turning a corner and praising himself.

Lin Yixia looked at Jiang Hen and smiled, thinking: I'm so fucking smart, I've worked so hard to praise Jiang Hen's delicious cooking, won't he have to contract all the cooking in the future?The more she thinks about Lin Yixia, the more proud she is. She doesn't like cooking the least. It's great to find a boyfriend who can cook!
After eating, Jiang Hen washed the dishes, and then drove Lin Yixia to the furniture city.

In order not to be recognized by others, Jiang Hen was wearing a hat, mask and sunglasses. He was fully armed and couldn't see his face clearly. It's not good for a star to be a public figure. He has no privacy at all. Go out for a stroll You can't walk freely in the streets like ordinary people. If you are recognized and cause traffic jams, you will get headlines again.

In order to make Jiang Hen's dress look less obtrusive, Lin Yixia also wore a mask, hat and sunglasses. In summer, it's fine to wear sunglasses. Wearing a hat and a mask is really a pain. It's boring. , Lin Yixia took off the mask within a few minutes of wearing it, and seeing Jiang Hen continue to wear it without changing his face, she felt distressed in her heart, and said: "Why don't I go in and buy it, you wait in the car Just follow me."

Jiang Hen held Lin Yixia's hand and said, "Let's go, let's go together."

Lin Yixia's heart was both sweet and sad. She felt that Jiang Hen really had a hard time. He suffered so much when he went out. If he had known, he would have bought all the furniture online.

The two entered a store, and sure enough, it attracted the attention of many people. The main reason was that Jiang Hen's outfit was too eye-catching. If it was better in winter, it would be too strange to wear a hat and mask in summer.

Jiang Hen ignored the gazes of those people, and pulled Lin Yixia to look at the sofa first. The female clerk in the store enthusiastically introduced them to the leather sofa. Lin Yixia said, "I don't want real leather, I want fabric."

The saleswoman let out a disappointed "Oh!" and introduced them to the fabric sofa. Lin Yixia looked at a set and asked, "How much is this set?"

The female clerk said: "Madam, you have good eyesight. This is a hot item in our store. More than 100 sets were sold last month, and the price is 880 yuan."

Lin Yixia frowned, "I saw the exact same one on the Internet, and it only cost more than 6000. Yours is too expensive."

The female clerk was choked, and within a few seconds, she immediately said: "Ours is a brand, and many of the online products are fakes! It's unbelievable."

Lin Yixia said: "I was looking at the flagship store of this sofa brand, are there any fake ones?"

Saleswoman: "..."

In the end, the two went to look at the bed and coffee table again. Lin Yixia compared them and found that they were both more expensive than those on the Internet. In the end, she didn't buy anything. She pulled Jiang Hen out of the store under the eyes of the female shop assistant, babbling : "Fortunately, I checked online in advance, otherwise we would have been fooled, the things in the physical store are really expensive."

Jiang Hen suppressed a smile and said, "Okay, then buy it online."

Lin Yixia slapped his head and said: "I remembered. The flagship store I saw said that it will be a bargain starting at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. The discount is hundreds of dollars more than usual. There are only [-] sets, and they will be gone when they are sold out. I Get up early tomorrow to grab it."

Jiang Hen said, "Okay, get up early."

Lin Yixia said worriedly: "I have to set an alarm clock on my mobile phone. Just in case, you set an alarm clock on your mobile phone, so that if someone's mobile phone breaks down, the other mobile phone can still ring."

Jiang Hen said, "Okay."

Lin Yixia said again: "In case I oversleep and you hear the alarm clock ringing, remember to call me, you know?"

Jiang Hen was stunned by Lin Yixia's serious and calculating expression. His voice trembled when he laughed, and he said, "Okay, I will remember. I will call you tomorrow morning."

Lin Yixia finally solved a major issue, and held hands with Jiang Hen to find a restaurant to eat, and when he saw a restaurant, he searched on Meituan with his mobile phone.

"No, no, there is no Meituan in this store."

"No, no, the Meituan coupons in this store cannot be used on Saturdays."

"No, no, this restaurant isn't very good. It says the portions are small and the food isn't tasty."


(End of this chapter)

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