The whole network is a CP fan of my ex-boyfriend and I

Chapter 246 This is a gift for Chi Yu

Chapter 246 This is a gift for Chi Yu
The next day, it was just dawn.

Gu Yuan got up at 07:30, first went to the next door to open the children's room to have a look. In the past, when she got up early and came to the children's room, she could see the pink and tender princess bed, and the soft balls lying on their backs, sleeping soundly.

I woke up early today and saw that there was no one on the princess bed.

Looking around, there was no one in the children's room.

Gu Yuan went downstairs to search around, and finally found Ruan Tuanzi in the vegetable garden to the east.

"Sui Sui."

Gu Yuan stood outside the fence and shouted.

Sui Sui sneaked up early in the morning, and she came out barefoot to ask Mu Ma to change her clothes.

Looking at the little princess with an explosive haircut who woke up so early, Muma has long been used to it, and carried the little princess to the cloakroom to get dressed. The weather is fine today, and she was worried about the heat, so Muma even tied two braids for the little princess. later.

This is Miss Gu's daughter, the young master of Gu's mansion. Mother told herself not to kiss too many times, but she couldn't help but kiss once quietly before carrying the little princess downstairs.

Uncle Xiang took a hoe and scissors and went to the east side of the vegetable garden that was planted after digging the soil the year before last.

Sui Sui followed, one old and one young walking back and forth.

The sun is about to rise in the east, and the twilight in the morning is like a thin and densely irradiated film cloth. Sui Sui is wearing a straw hat and walking with her head held high, the twilight falls on her face, like a blanket A thin layer of fine powder blends with the soft down on the face.

"Grandpa Xiang, can we eat green beans?"

"Okay, let's fry green beans tonight."

"How about someone who is black or not?"

"Little princess, that's not black, it's green, and that's called cucumber, and it won't be eaten until two days later."


In response, Sui Sui stood on tiptoe and took a bite of the palm-sized cucumber.

good to eat.

Take another bite.

Still delicious.

When Uncle Xiang came here after turning half a circle, he saw a cucumber that had been bitten several times and was dangling pitifully.

"Huh?" Uncle Xiang was surprised, looked around, and then looked around at his feet: " there a mouse??"

No matter how you look at the bitten gap, it looks like it was bitten by a mouse.

It just looks relatively fresh, and it is estimated that it has been bitten not long ago.

No, he had to look for the mouse.

"Sui Sui."

At this time, Gu Yuan's voice came from outside the fence.

In the vegetable garden, Sui Sui, who had just finished doing bad things, heard her mother calling her, and raised her head, with evidence of stealing cucumbers on her mouth—a cucumber seed.

"Mom." Sui Sui smiled and rolled her eyelashes.

Gu Yuan walked over here.

She hasn't done her makeup yet, she only wears a brown skirt, her hair is pulled up with a hairpin, and she wears slippers on her feet, she is casual and lazy.

After walking over, she saw that Sui Sui's mouth was stained with cucumber seeds, she knelt down and pulled Sui Sui over, tidied her clothes, brushed her messy light brown hair, put on the crooked straw hat, and asked Said: "Are you hungry?"

Sui Sui shook her head: "I'm not hungry."

Uncle Xiang came over and said to Gu Yuan, "Miss Gu, some mice have entered this vegetable garden at some point, it seems that we need to prepare some cages for catching mice."

Gu Yuan raised her head and asked, "What did the mice steal?"

Uncle Xiang showed Gu Yuan the cucumber with a gap in his hand: "This cucumber hasn't grown up yet, I saw it was fine yesterday, but today it has such a big gap, it looks like the tooth marks should be eaten by a mouse. "

Gu Yuan couldn't hold back her smile: "The mouse has been found."

Uncle Xiang was startled, and saw that Ms. Gu turned the little princess around, and the little princess raised her head, her mouth was still stained with the cucumber seeds left after stealing it.

The culprit is here.

unambiguous evidence! !
Only then did Uncle Xiang realize: "It turns out that Sui Sui ate the cucumber!"

Sui Sui smiled flatteringly, she didn't quite understand why she couldn't eat it, as long as it tasted good, she would eat it.

At first, Uncle Xiang secretly thought about preparing more cages or traps for catching mice, but when he found out that the little mouse was Sui Sui, Uncle Xiang couldn't help but laugh.

"Little princess, you can't eat such cucumbers. They are still young. You can pick them and eat them when you grow up." Uncle Xiang said with a smile.

Sui Sui half understood: "It's delicious."

Uncle Xiang said: "I'm not mature, and my stomach hurts if I eat too much."

As soon as she heard it, her stomach hurts, Sui Sui clutched her stomach: "No."

Uncle Xiang laughed.

"Sui Sui." Gu Yuan turned her daughter to face her.

Sui Sui looked at Gu Yuan with her beautiful eyes.

Gu Yuan knew that her daughter was still young and needed to be taught slowly, so she asked, "Do you know what's wrong?"

Sui Sui nodded: "Hey~ Heck~"

"Will it be like this next time?"

"It's okay."


This sentence seems to say: I know I was wrong but I will not change it!

Gu Yuan couldn't get angry, but she was a little helpless, and her mood early in the morning came from Sui Sui's side.

For the past three years, apart from work, Sui Sui has been everything to her.

Let her life become alive again because of Chi Yu's departure.

In a gloomy life, the first light is Chi Yu, and the second light is Chi Yao.

Chi Yao is a surname that follows Chi Yu's surname, with the word Sui Sui.

However, Gu Yuan seldom calls out her big name inside and out, and most of the time she calls out the small character Suisui. Sometimes Sheng Yi likes to add the word Gu in front of Suisui, so she just calls out Gu Suisui one by one.

So others only know that Suisui's surname is Gu, but not Chi Yao's name.

She still remembers that she was pregnant with Sui Sui back then, and it was also within her expectation.She had taken measures before, but she didn't take any measures on her own initiative that night.

She originally planned that Chi Yu should stay for a while this time, at least she wouldn't leave so hastily. It was already December at that time, and there was still more than a month before the Chinese New Year. She thought, if she was really pregnant, she would also give it to him. A gift before leaving, the two will spend another year together.

Things are always unpredictable.

What a pity, Chi Yu didn't know that she gave birth to a daughter for him.

On the way back with Suisui in her arms, Suisui took off her hat and put it on top of Gu Yuan's head.

The hat was too small and could not be worn stably, so Sui Sui supported it with her small hands: "Mom is so beautiful."

"Sui Sui is also very beautiful."

Sui Sui made persistent efforts: "Mom's dress is so beautiful."

Gu Yuan asked her, "What color is it?"

Sui Sui thought for a while and said, "Green."



"It's brown."


In fact, Sui Sui still can't tell the color clearly.

Except for white, she couldn't tell the difference between other colors, and she would guess wildly every time she asked.But Sui Sui speaks very clearly, besides recognizing life, she is especially lively in front of familiar people.

Sui Sui doesn't have to go to early education class today, Gu Yuan plans to leave her at home to play, and she will come back to have dinner with Sui Sui at noon.

Gu Yuan doesn't need to go to Gu's for the time being, as Yingcan has a lot of things going on recently.

The drama "The Emperor of Heaven Is a Puppet" has been in preparation for three years. It is a major production produced by Yingcan, and the original work has won the popularity list for three consecutive times.

After the copyright was purchased by Yingcan, intensive adaptation and production began.

It took nearly three years to build the film and television base with huge sums of money, and it took three years to prepare for the costumes. Dozens of costumes for the protagonist in the whole play are all hand-sewn.

The adaptation is now complete.

Servicing is also well prepared.

Most of the casting has also been finalized.

However, the male lead and the female lead have not yet confirmed their schedules. We are currently talking about a popular celebrity and a top-tier celebrity. The other party is fighting for it. Yingcan has a lot of considerations and cares more about the opinions of fans of the original book. Therefore, the lack of a schedule is just an excuse to the outside world. , actually still picking.

The remaining male number two, male number three, and female number two are still recruiting actors to audition for auditions.

Last night, Zhou Huai didn't meet a rich woman who saw through his inner strength, but met a boss who wanted to 'go through his back door'.

The other party stuffed the business card from the back of his waist into his crotch, and Zhou Huai was going to be stupid. Last night he was depressed all night, and this morning he was in a state of depression, and he was engulfed in a sluggish decadence.

Although, he bowed his head to life.


He really can only accept a rich woman of two hundred catties, and he can't afford to go through the back door.

Glancing at Chi Yu, he saw that when he came to the company, it was like clocking in at work, and he was ready to leave after punching out.

Zhou Huai called out, "Hey, buddy."

Chi Yu turned his head when he heard the sound.

Zhou Huai came over, and put his shoulders and backs on Chi Yu's shoulders: "Where did you go last night? Could it be that you met a rich woman with good conditions in all aspects and went to hook up secretly?"

Chi Yu glanced at him, and took away his hands clasped behind his shoulders: "What does my business have to do with you?"

"Of course, we are all newcomers who joined the company on the same day. I don't have what you don't have, and I want what you want. By the way, you won't really hook up with a rich woman, right?"

Chi Yu's face was cold, and he obviously didn't want to talk to him.

Zhou Huai said: "Did you really meet a rich woman? Wow, why is your life so good? I will be miserable. I met a pervert who wanted to go through my back door."

It's too loud.

Chi Yu leaves.

Zhou Huai chased after him: "Brother, please do me a favor."

"What's the matter?" Chi Yu didn't stop walking.

Zhou Huai followed Chi Yu's footsteps, and said, "Go and ask the rich woman and sister you are looking for, and ask her if she has any girlfriends around her. It doesn't matter if she is older, or if she hurts others. If it's me, I'll take off her socks myself."

Chi Yu: "..."

The pace slowly stopped, Chi Yu looked sideways, and looked at Zhou Huai without words: "Are you short of money?"

Zhou Huai said with a smile: "I don't have any skills, but I can still see this face. I know that the money is coming quickly, and I can do this if I don't lack money? Otherwise, I will go to scam."

"Then why not engage in fraud?"

"I can't let my conscience go, I still have to accumulate virtue."

"You've already taken this step, but you still need to accumulate virtue?" Chi Yu snorted.

Zhou Huai's smile faded, and his voice was not as loud as before, and he said, "Give my sister good deeds, she is still lying in the hospital, she needs money, a lot of money..."

Chi Yu was silent for a while.

Then ask: "How much is missing?"

Zhou Huai raised that heartless smile again: "Dude, don't even try to help me, we are both the same, you have some spare money to live on, and you can help me when you really have nothing to worry about. "

As soon as the words fell, Chi Yu handed over a card: "There is one hundred thousand in it, is it enough?"

Zhou Huai: "..."

Temeow's others were dumbfounded on the spot! !
Can't believe it!

It's outrageous! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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