Chapter 255 Sui Sui Is Your Daughter
Chi Yu was still thinking about the sentence of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan, Sui Sui had already reached out to take the phone, but when he couldn't reach it, Sui Sui's body suddenly fell down——

Sudden accident, Chi Yu was frightened into a cold sweat.

The first reaction was to ignore the phone, and stretched out her hand impressively, pulling Sui Sui, who was about to have an intimate contact with the carpet, back into her arms.

Sui Sui was also taken aback.

There was a bit of paleness on the little face.

Chi Yu held Sui Sui in his arms, apologizing, thinking that Sui Sui must have been terrified.

He was afraid that Sui Sui would cry, so he thought about going to hug Sui Sui to find Gu Yuan to coax him. He must be helpless when Sui Sui cried, but Sui Sui not only didn't cry, but after she calmed down, she remembered to get her mobile phone.

The video call was still on, Sui Sui saw the kind old grandma in the video, and imitated the tone just now and shouted: "Grandma~"

When Yu Rujin heard what happened just now, she was still trembling with fear, fearing that something might happen.

As soon as the screen turned, a cute little face appeared in the video, neat bangs, hair braided into two fishbone braids, big, round and clear eyes like washed grapes, calling grandma When he was sleeping, his cheeks bulged to the sides.

"Hey, my little boy." After answering, Yu Rujin suddenly reacted: "Look at my reaction, how can I call you grandma, I have to call you grandma."

Sui Sui looked innocent and curious: "Grandma?"

Yu Rujin explained: "Little darling, Grandma Tai is your father's grandma. You have to call Grandma Tai, or my great-grandmother, but you can't follow Dad."

Sui Sui said oh, with a half-understanding look, she turned her head and ordered Chi Yu: "Hurry up, call your grandma."

Chi Yu: "..."

Sui Sui didn't understand, so she could only express that she understood according to what she understood.

Yu Rujin laughed happily in the video. During this period of time, because her grandson ran away from home and went to Suicheng, she was in a depressed mood all day long.

it's good now.

It's so complete now.

Sui Sui didn't quite understand, she was in a daze, she seemed to understand, but she didn't seem to understand, because the title of great-grandmother was very strange to her, but she said she had never come across it before.

So she is also being fooled now.

Chi Yu could see that Suisui was confused, and wanted to patiently teach Suisui to call someone, but after thinking about it carefully, she decided to forget it.If grandma knew the truth, it would take a few days for a strong body.

If you don't explain it clearly, grandma will definitely check it out immediately, and it will be even more troublesome then.

He took Sui Sui's hand holding the phone, moved it up, and let his figure appear on the screen, and said to the people over there: "Grandma misunderstood, Sui Sui is not my daughter."

Upon hearing this, Yu Rujin persuaded her earnestly: "Don't worry, grandma is not a mean person. You should bring Xiaoguai back as soon as possible to recognize your ancestors. This is the first great-granddaughter of our Quan family."

"What is it about recognizing the ancestors and returning to the ancestors?" Sui Sui poked his head curiously, and his small face filled the screen at once, pushing Chi Yu out.

As soon as Yu Rujin saw Suisui, she was happy, and she was in a surprisingly good mood: "Recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan means returning to the place where they took root. Little boy, do you want to come to your great-grandmother?"

Sui Sui shook her head: "No."

She turned her head and hugged Chi Yu, and threw herself into Chi Yu's arms: "I have friends."

Chi Yu stroked Suisui's hair, the light brown hair was thin and soft, he said to the person on the other side of the video: "Suisui is just my friend's daughter and has nothing to do with me, this is a misunderstanding."

The identity of the stepfather is still in premeditation, and he will admit it when he becomes him.

Yu Rujin: "It's all right if it's carved out of the same mold?"

Chi Yu: "..."

At this moment, Yu Rujin is staring at Sui Sui's face in the call screen, which is exactly the same as that of Xiao Jin.

This is a friend's daughter?
Yu Rujin is now doubting his life at an old age.

At this moment, Ah Fu, who was beside Yu Rujin, reminded Yu Rujin: "Old lady, there is a very popular saying on the Internet now, called I have a friend series, and usually this series is me."

Chi Yu who heard this said: "..."

You said things I didn't even think of.

Ah Fu also said: "The young master must have his own difficulties."

There are difficulties, but this difficulty is the difficulty of being a stepdad.

Yu Rujin figured it out after thinking about it for a while, and immediately asked Chi Yu: "Is the identity of the little girl's mother not on the stage?"


"Don't lie to grandma, Ah Fu reminded me just now, you must have your own difficulties."


There are difficulties, but not in this case.

Moreover, it was only then that Chi Yu realized that grandma said that Sui Sui looked like him...

Is it really that similar?

Gu Yuan came downstairs, Chi Yu saw that beautiful figure, and said to the people in the video: "Grandma will talk next time, I have something to do, don't forget what you promised."

The promised thing refers to the artificial rainfall.

Before Yu Rujin could say anything, the video call ended.

Yu Rujin: "..."

She looked at Ah Fu beside her: "What do you think?"

Ah Fu said: "The young master is probably a strict wife."


When Gu Yuan came down, it was time for dinner.

Dinner is late tonight.

Chi Yu came at five o'clock, and waited for an hour in vain, and now it's only 08:30. Gu Yuan deliberately made him wait for an hour to meet again in order to keep him.She couldn't find a better excuse, so she could only wait until it was getting late, so that it would be logical to keep him.

"What's in your hand?" Gu Yuan asked.

Chi Yu looked down at the colorful hands: "Sui Sui's nail polish."

Gu Yuan laughed: "You are quite indulgent, this can be washed with water, go wash your hands."

"Okay." Chi Yu went to wash his hands.

After coming out, the color of the nail has returned to its original color.

"When I came down just now, I saw who you were video calling." Gu Yuan walked over and said.

Chi Yu's expression remained unchanged: "My family."

Gu Yuan raised her eyebrows, and suddenly remembered the identity information he had set up for herself: "Your family has had a hard time. As for you, you just entered the entertainment industry without a backer or background. This road should be difficult."

"Starlight doesn't ask passers-by, it's not something I can decide whether to be popular or not," Chi Yuyue said more and more desolately: "I have no background and no money, and a barefoot guy like me can't stand in the entertainment industry." If you have feet, you can only take one step and see one step at a time."

It is indeed the top class in the past.

Although sometimes her acting skills are so sloppy that she can see through it at a glance.

But when he acted hard, he was so rigid, and his performance was just like the real thing.

"Then your conditions... are indeed quite difficult." Gu Yuan filled in her lines according to the bitter script he gave: "It seems that you need help very much."

Chi Yu suddenly looked at Gu Yuan.

The plea for help in his eyes is self-evident.

Gu Yuan almost couldn't hold back his deeds, if he hadn't insisted on fabricating his life experience to act with her, how could she talk about her marriage.

Moreover, even if she said that she was married, the husband she was referring to was Chi Yu.

But he doesn't know that.

"I don't have the habit of being kind and generous." Gu Yuan shrugged: "You get along well with Suisui, and I will try to pay you more salary."

Chi Yu: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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