The whole network is a CP fan of my ex-boyfriend and I

Chapter 258 My Husband Is Not Home Tonight

Chapter 258 My Husband Is Not Home Tonight

The door opened and he carried her in.

The outside floor has been covered with sound-absorbing carpet, and the inside floor is covered with a thick layer of cashmere carpet.

When Chi Yu was about to put Gu Yuan down, she said, "Take me to the bathroom, I need to change."

Without hesitation, Chi Yu hugged Gu Yuan and walked straight towards the bathroom.

The bathroom is very large, with all the furnishings. It is still decorated in a metal European style, which looks extremely luxurious.

"Put me down." Gu Yuan said.

Chi Yu put Gu Yuan down and put his hands on her waist. She is now barefoot, although she is stepping on the carpet at the entrance, but he is still worried that her wrists will be sore and she will not be able to stand stably.

After Gu Yuan got off the ground, she did shake twice.

It seemed that he had been hugged for too long, and his ankles were sore.

Chi Yu's hand on her lower back rubbed against her waist as her body leaned to the sides. The feeling was indescribable, and Chi Yu immediately withdrew his hand.

Gu Yuan turned her back to Chi Yu and walked over to the huge white bathtub that could accommodate two people. There were still four steps to go up to the bathtub. Gu Yuan sat down on the stool covered with fluff next to the steps, her body was wet. clothes wet the plush stool.

A pair of tender white feet stepped on the carpet, her shiny toes curled up, her body was soaked through, and she was also lazy, adding a bit of flamboyant charm, she raised her hand: "Come here, I I have something to tell you."

Chi Yu's Adam's apple swallowed slightly several times.

Every time he felt that his throat was drier and tighter than the last time, he swallowed slightly again, but there was no saliva in his mouth to swallow, and the raised Adam's apple fluctuated violently.

He stepped forward, and every step he took was a torment for him.

It all happened so fast.

He was trying to run towards a goal, but suddenly found that he could fly directly to the space station by rocket.

To Chi Yu, these few steps seemed as long as a century. Even before the water was turned on, the whole bathroom had already been filled with dense white mist.

Walking in front of Gu Yuan, he lowered his head to look at her, while Gu Yuan needed to raise his head. From this angle, he had a panoramic view of the scenery below her neck.

Gu Yuan hooked her fingers at him. Chi Yuming knew that he would lose control if he continued like this, and his instincts would be overwhelmed by the rationality of his brain. He squatted down and squatted in front of her: "What do you want to tell me?"

Looking at each other like this, Gu Yuan will be taller.

She leaned over slightly, there was obviously no smile on her face, and she couldn't hide her good mood, and asked him jokingly, "What are you restraining?"

Bright incandescent lights were turned on in the bathroom, illuminating every inch of the bathroom, probably because the lights were too bright, she could clearly see every subtle expression on Chi Yu's face.

He has been restraining himself.

After she asked about his current state, he remained silent and did not answer.

Gu Yuan leaned closer to him, wandered close to his ear, and whispered to him: "I have this kind of heart, I don't have this kind of courage, restraint, because I am worried that my husband will find out that we have an affair when he comes home?"

Chi Yu's Adam's apple swallowed slightly again.

It went up and down really badly.

He was breathing harder and harder, restraint was futile.

Until, her words came to him again.

she says--

"My husband is not at home tonight."

This sentence, this moment, made the string in Chi Yu's mind snap, and it broke explosively.

He tilted his head back a little, and met her smiling Yanyan eyes with rippling water, which seemed to have been washed by the rain before a sunny day, so clear that he could see the bottom, but as if they were so deep that he could suddenly suck him in. go in.

Gu Yuan found fun tonight, she likes teasing him too much.

When Chi Yu first came to her world, she had no feelings for him, and always thought that a person like him would not talk about his true feelings, and was just coveting her money to pave the way for herself.

So in the beginning, he just blindly flattered her, and she was indifferent most of the time.

Missed the beauty of this two-way.

Once again, Chi Yu will still do this, but she will not be indifferent anymore, she suddenly likes to tease him, not only for fun, but also as a kind of compensation.

It was the compensation she owed in the first place.

"You, you," Chi Yu swallowed harder and harder, his throat a little itchy: "What do you mean?"

He pretended to be stupid.

Gu Yuan used softness to control hard: "It's not interesting, I'm just expressing my current situation."

what's the situation?
the husband is not home!
Cheating! ! !

Just thinking about it is exciting.

At this time, Gu Yuan got up, and Chi Yu also got up, holding her by the hand: "Can I understand that you want to rule me secretly?"

Gu Yuan smiled happily: "You look so good-looking, who wouldn't be tempted to see you?"

The more she smiled, the happier she was: "Have you ever cheated?"

Chi Yu shook her head foolishly: "Not yet."


"there has never been."



Chi Yu felt that every sentence he answered was wrong.

But he was very confused, how should he answer?

Even though he had already made plans to confirm the identity of this lover, he just didn't expect the progress to be so fast, so fast that he was a little caught off guard, and always felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, he thought of something, his face darkened a bit, and he asked Gu Yuan: "Have you ever cheated on others?"

"That's not true." Gu Yuan shook her head: "I love my husband very much, I love him very much, he is my life, and I want to give him the best in the world."

Knowing that she didn't, Chi Yu heaved a sigh of relief, Yuan Yuan is not such a person.

But after hearing the second half of the sentence, he felt that it would be better not to ask.

His heart was as sour as a sour plum tree, he said coldly, "What about me?"

Gu Yuan didn't seem to understand: "What are you?"

"What am I to you?"

"Does it count in your eyes? No... it should be in your heart." Gu Yuan stood on tiptoe and put her arms around his neck: "You are very good-looking, I like it very much, does that count?"

Even if he just likes his skin, he is happy.

At least there are redeeming qualities.

"Forget it." There is still a real husband above, so he can only retreat first.

Now Gu Yuan withdrew her hand and pointed to the bathtub: "Put me some water, I want to take a bath."

"Are we together?" His subconscious reaction.

Gu Yuan: "You think beautifully."

Chi Yu: "..."

Putting in the water is very simple, and Chi Yu quickly made it.

He didn't want to leave yet, but Yuanyuan never said anything to keep him overnight, even knowing that she was just playing with him now, she was willing to damn it, why would he want to lick the dog?

of course--

Lick dog lick dog!Lick it all to the end!
Gu Yuan came over with her bathrobe, opened the drawer and took out a lavender-scented essential oil bath ball, tore open the package and threw it into the bathtub filled with water, before taking off her clothes, because Chi Yu was looking at her eagerly, waiting for her a reply.

She dragged her on purpose to let him scratch his heart and lungs. It was really uncomfortable to see him at the moment, she said with a smile, "It's so late, and it's still raining outside, and I don't know when it will stop when the rain stops. Stay overnight at Gu Mansion."

When he got what he wanted, Chi Yu immediately grinned: "That's so embarrassing."

"The corners of the mouth are almost grinning to the back of the head, which is quite embarrassing."

Chi Yu smiled more and more wantonly.

Gu Yuan: "Go change your clothes and take a shower, there are bathrobes on the shelf."

Chi Yu hesitated for a moment and asked, "Where to change?"

Gu Yuan smiled but said, "Change in front of me?"

Chi Yu got out very quickly, and immediately unbuttoned his shirt. His figure has always been very good, with perfect lines, and there has always been a mermaid line.

Moreover, Chi Yu's skin is very fair, comparable to Gu Yuan's.

But he is in a cool white tone, while Gu Yuan is in a warm white tone.

So Chi Yu looks whiter in many cases.

He quickly took off his shirt, then unbuttoned his pants, and suddenly realized that he would be too sensual?Will the kite kite not like it?He quietly looked at her expression, and found that she was watching him undress with a deep smile on her face, Chi Yu was suddenly uncertain.

After thinking about it for a while, he turned around and quickly took off his pants.

Quickly put on the bathrobe in twos and threes, tied the belt and turned around, saying, "I'm done."

How does it feel to see half of the wonderful scene suddenly disappear?
Gu Yuan's mood: "..."

surprise!He actually knew how to lose face.

Gu Yuan pointed to the door: "Go out when you are done, there is a hair dryer outside, remember to dry your hair."

Chi Yu: "Oh."

He went out in a hurry, closing the bathroom door behind him.

Gu Yuan thought to himself, he is quite honest now, but he was not like this before, probably because the speed of the rocket ride was too fast this time, he felt very satisfied today, so he was so honest.

But that's okay, she can take a bath with peace of mind when he goes out.


After Chi Yu came out, she didn't know what to do.

Standing there was a little dazed.

Completely forgot Gu Yuan's instruction just now.

Yuan Yuan only promised him that he could stay here overnight, but did not say where he would sleep?

If you don't lay the floor now, anyway, that wild man won't come back tonight, so he will sleep here and enjoy the qualifications of a real husband.

Thinking about it, it might not be successful in practice, Yuanyuan only promised him that he could spend the night in Gu's mansion, if he continued to lay down the floor in her living room with a faceless face, what would she do if she was unhappy and angry?
She is upset and angry, what should I do if I drive him away?
She chased him away, what if she didn't see him for the next few days?
Ah, it's annoying.

How can people have so many troubles.

Like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who turned into two butterflies and flew lightly, how happy they are, without any worries and troubles.

"Bah, bah, bah!" Chi Yu patted himself on the head, "What are you thinking about, it turns into a butterfly after death, go!"

knock knock knock-
There was a knock on the door.

Chi Yu went to open the door.

Mama stood outside the door, holding two bowls of steaming soup on a tray in her hand.

I don't know what kind of soup it is.

Seeing that it was Chi Yu who came to open the door, not only in Miss Gu's room, but also wearing a bathrobe, mother thought that this young man had some tricks to get into the room so quickly.

Mother said: "This is soup for Miss Gu, go to the cold."

Chi Yu stepped aside: "Let it in."

Muma brought it in, put the soup down, and passed by Chi Yu when she turned around to go out. Muma couldn't say what she shouldn't have said, but this person... Muma said too much: "You better not lie to Miss Gu."

After a pause, I felt that this was wrong.

Mommy said again: "Ms. Gu has seen people like you a lot. They are all tricks. Don't take yourself too seriously."

Chi Yu: "..."

After Muma finished speaking, she felt that the words were too ugly.

I wanted to say it again, but the words came to my lips: "Forget it."

Then take the tray out.

Chi Yu went to close the door.

He touched his face: "Has my current character set been stabilized?!"

It should be stable!


The difference between a shower and a bath is that there is sound in the shower, but there is no sound in the bath.

Chi Yu wandered around outside, although he couldn't hear the voice inside, but he couldn't help thinking of some pictures in his mind, which made his mouth dry.

By wandering around, he had a clear understanding of the structure and furnishings of the entire living room.

Then, Chi Yu was surprised to find that all the furnishings in the living room were women's items, and there were no men's items.

The cloakroom is next to the bathroom.

Chi Yu wasn't sure if he could go in.

He pushed the door and tried it, and it opened, so he walked in.

The whole huge cloakroom is full of beautiful things, dizzying sights, all kinds of brand-name bags are placed on the cabinets on the first floor, the glass wardrobe is full of famous brand clothes or luxurious dresses, and there are also shoe cabinets on the first floor. , 80.00% are high heels.

The other wall is full of accessories and cosmetics, and the entire cloakroom is surprisingly large and extremely luxurious.

But this is described by the vision of outsiders.

Looking at these dazzling wardrobe furnishings, Chi Yu thought to himself: there is not a single piece of men's clothes in it!Not a single pair of men's shoes!Not a single piece of men's accessories! ! !

Chi Yu's mood became joyful because of his great discovery.

In the end, I checked again and again that there were indeed no items related to men in this cloakroom, so I came out happily.

The increasingly presumptuous smile on his face was like an emoji. As soon as he stepped forward, when he saw the people standing outside, he immediately restrained his smile and returned to a serious look: "You've finished washing."

Gu Yuan: "Yes."

Chi Yu scratched his hands and then his eyes drifted randomly to cover up his confusing behavior just now.

"What are you doing in my cloakroom?" Gu Yuan interrogated.

His eyes lingered on him even more, as if he was sizing him up and wondering what he was doing...

Chi Yu quickly explained: "I was curious, so I turned around and just, just... just turned to your cloakroom."

When it was over, he also firmly assured: "I have absolutely no bad habits."

Gu Yuan just came out of the shower, a large bathrobe wrapped her pretty body, her face was still a little flushed after being steamed by the mist in the bathroom, she inadvertently exuded a charming style, her hair was wet, dripping down The water is gradually hidden in the carpet.

Chi Yu stared straight at her eyes.

"I'm taking a shower, you're wandering around in my living room, why don't you go to rest?" Gu Yuan walked to the bed, picked up the towel on the bed and wiped the ends of her hair.

Chi Yu knew it was time to go out this time, afraid that she would be unhappy, so she didn't dare to stay longer, so she turned around and left.

"Wait a minute," she called.

Chi Yu stopped in her footsteps, her back was turned and she still hadn't turned around.

Gu Yuan took out the hair dryer from the drawer: "Come here."

Chi Yu immediately fell back.

Gu Yuan said, "Sit down."

Chi Yu: "Where to sit?"

Gu Yuan sneered: "How about sitting on me?"

Chi Yu obediently sat down by the bed, Gu Yuan plugged in the hair dryer, and asked him in a somewhat unhappy tone: "I asked you to go out to dry your hair, why didn't you do it? Did you take a shower in another bedroom?" ?”

Blow your hair?
Chi Yu had already forgotten about it.

bath?He forgot too.

After he came out, he wandered around the huge living room, completely forgetting that his hair was still wet, even though he was a man with short hair, but he was so wet, it was still rain, and he had to dry it, otherwise he would catch a cold easily .

He felt a little guilty: "I didn't wash it."

(End of this chapter)

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