The whole network is a CP fan of my ex-boyfriend and I

Chapter 270 Miss Gu Is My Wife, I'm Her Husband

Chapter 270 Miss Gu Is My Wife, I'm Her Husband
There was a shout from outside.

Not far away, and very clear, Sui Sui can hear clearly.

Hearing someone calling her, still a familiar voice, Sui Sui raised her head and looked out.

When Chi Yu came here today, he didn't pay much attention to his attire. He knew that he could wear anything and would not embarrass Sui Sui, so he only wore a gray sweater and light white cropped trousers to make his figure look taller and taller. handsome.

He stood there with a warm smile on his face, looking at Sui Sui who was carrying Bobby's schoolbag.

The father and daughter looked at each other for no more than ten seconds.

The little girl didn't even want her schoolbag, she raised her hand, and rushed towards Chi Yu like a gust of wind.She ran fast and anxiously, and almost fell down. Chi Yu was terrified and went to pick her up. The little girl had already rushed over, hugging his thigh and shouting:

"Eat fish, eat fish, eat fish~~"

Chi Yu really didn't know how to describe the moment when the girl ran towards her father.

Just short of tears.

He bent down and hugged Sui Sui, before asking her how she was doing today, Sui Sui hugged his face and kissed him, then wrapped her hands tightly around his neck: "The nest is so open, eat fish to catch the nest la~"

Children's emotions are expressed through actions most of the time.

Especially when happy.

Sui Sui is like this now.

Chi Yu's heart softened into a ball of cotton candy, and he plucked the little girl's messy hair from running fast just now with his fingertips: "How is your performance today?"

Sui Sui looked up: "Very good, teacher Suowo is very good."

At this time, the teacher who was walking from behind, holding the Bobbiza schoolbag, heard this sentence: "..."

Not good at all!

"Are you the parent of Chi Yao's child? Ms. Gu said..." The teacher was halfway through, when she saw the man's appearance clearly, the words in her mouth suddenly couldn't be found.

This beauty...

It's no wonder that Chi Yao is so good-looking. At first, I thought that Chi Yao followed her mother, Miss Gu's appearance, but now it seems that the main thing is to follow her father more. The father and daughter really look alike.

Especially the lip shape, which is exactly the same.

"What did my wife say?" Chi Yu asked with Sui Sui in his arms.

A wife yelled smoothly.

The early childhood teacher said in his heart: I am admiring, what a beautiful fairy family this is!
A beautiful hostess, a handsome and lawless host, and a super cute and beautiful daughter, this family combination of beauty and ceiling, everyone envy? ! !
The early education teacher finished what he had just said: "Miss Gu told me when she sent Chi Yao here in the morning that a gentleman surnamed Chi will pick up Chi Yao in the afternoon."

Chi Yu: "The Miss Gu you are talking about is my wife, I am her husband, and my surname is Chi."


I already know it, you really don't need to emphasize it any more, you can't be envious of this beautiful family.

The teacher handed Sui Sui the Bobby Boy schoolbag in his hand, and couldn't help but take a few glances, his face was about to turn red, Yaoshou, he's really handsome.

"Sui Sui, let's go home and say goodbye to the teacher." Chi Yu taught.

At this moment, Chi Yao was obedient and well-behaved, took the Bobbiza schoolbag handed to her by the teacher, and said politely: "Thank you teacher."

Waved again: "Goodbye, teacher ~ see you tomorrow ~"

The teacher was also surprised, Chi Yao's personality can be seen after a day of getting along.

Is not easy to get along with the character.

Could it be that he is so good now because he is in a better mood after school?
The teacher was belatedly aware, and waved his hand: "Student Chi Yao, see you tomorrow."

When he came out, Chi Yu had Bobby Tsai's schoolbag on his arm, and Sui Sui was sitting in the crook of his arm.The little girl was obedient and obedient, she didn't make a fuss at all, and looked very happy, Chi Yu asked, "Did you have fun with your new classmates today?"

Sui Sui nodded: "Kaisen~"

Then he put his head on Chi Yu's shoulder, pressed it close, and said in a soft and soft voice, "Dad is so generous that he comes to pick up the nest every day~"

Chi Yu paused at his feet, his face was also stunned, and then immediately asked: "What did Sui Sui call me just now?"

Ask this question.

The joy on Sui Sui's face disappeared immediately, she looked up at Chi Yu eagerly, looking very aggrieved, her little hands also tightened Chi Yu's clothes.

Chi Yu learned from Gu Yuan that Suisui didn't know that he was her father.

Instead, he quietly regarded him as a father in his heart.

So his agitated reaction just now, to Sui Sui, seemed to express that he didn't like this title.

"I'm Dad." He said to Sui Sui, "From now on, I won't call you Chiyu or Good Friend, but will you call me Dad?"

The smile that disappeared on Sui Sui's face rose again because of Chi Yu's words, brighter than before.It's just that she didn't obediently call her father, she just expressed her mood with a happy look.

This requires a process.

But Chi Yu thought, this process won't take too long, and he can't be too anxious.

What is missing is two years of growth, not two days, or two months.

Before Longlong left, Sui Sui saw Longlong, and he seemed to be gone. When Longlong greeted her just now, he looked like an ignorant little monster. She wrapped one arm around Chi Yu's neck and waved with the other: "Longlong Bye~"

Hearing Chi Yao's voice, Longlong also waved: "Bye bye, Yao~"

After finishing speaking, he said to his father: "Father, it's my daughter-in-law."

One second Chi Yu's expression was friendly and friendly, but the next second, it was black as charcoal.

Who is your daughter-in-law!

What a little brat!
Longlong's father smiled from ear to ear: "My son is worthy of being a qualified toad."

Longlong thought that his father was praising him, and his smug expression was so naive, he didn't forget to praise Suisui's father and said: "Yaoyao, your father is so beautiful, much, much prettier than mine."

Sui Sui said: "Thank you Longlong~"

"You're welcome, Yaoyao," Longlong said loudly, "I want to be your father, and I look as good-looking as Yaoyao, but my father is not good-looking, my father is ugly."

Longlong's father: "..."

"Son, that's enough. When we don't need to praise others, we don't forget to step on our father's foot. What kind of words do you say? Let me tell you, dragons beget dragons, and phoenix beget phoenixes. If you are a phoenix, you are a dragon."

Longlong's father said every sentence brilliantly, and every sentence made sense.

Longlong comprehended the mystery and deep meaning in his father's words, and agreed with him very much: "My father won't fart anymore."

Longlong's father: "..."

Chi Yu has already carried Sui Sui into the car and put it in the child seat.

The car window was lowered, Sui Sui lay on the car window, and waved to Longlong: "Wo is going home, goodbye Longlong~"

After saying goodbye many times, it seems that a hundred times is not enough to say goodbye between children. At this time, Longlong is also sitting on the child seat in the car, boasting one after another: "You are the best! I saw~”

Sui Sui: "Longlong, you are the prettiest~"

Longlong: "Yoyao, I'll bring you buns tomorrow, the buns made by my mother are delicious."

Sui Sui: "Thank you Longlong, Wo will bring you flowers tomorrow."

Longlong: "Yaoyao, I'm going home to be beaten."

Sui Sui: "I will coax you tomorrow~"

Long Long: "My father is talking, men don't want girls to coax you, can you take the beating, it's okay, I will take the beating for you."

Sui Sui, who was taken sideways, said, "I won't be beaten."

The conversation between children seems to have no end. If you don't drive, you can keep talking like this.

Chi Yu recorded the scene while the two little friends were chatting. There was no way, his daughter was so cute, and there was also a chat between the two children.

"Sui Sui, it's time for us to go home." If we continue to talk like this, we won't be able to talk until it gets dark.

Sui Sui is willing to chat with Longlong because Chi Yu came to pick her up today, so she doesn't have to be envious of other children, and she is in a very good mood. If it were normal, she would ignore everyone.

"Okay, let's go home~"

Only then did Chi Yu start the car, adjust the route and drive back to the mansion.

Chi Yu didn't plan to tell Gu Yuan about this meal in the evening, but he just learned that she had something to come back late at night, so he could only go to see grandma first according to the time.

Before going, Chi Yu didn't intend to bring Suisui with him, but Suisui knew that he was going to leave and clamored to be together, so Chi Yu took Suisui along.

Oriental Hotel.

Although Gu Yuan pushed back all the work today, she couldn't completely relax for a day.

In the afternoon, she was busy with several important calls, and at seven o'clock in the evening, she arrived at the Dongfang Hotel on time.

When she arrived, Chi Yu had already arrived with Sui Sui.Ah Fu stopped her outside the door, lowered his voice and said: "The old lady means, Ms. Gu, wait for a while."

Gu Yuan understood Yu Rujin's arrangement, so she went to sit next door for a while. She still had some messages on the way there but did not reply.

Chi Yu didn't know that Gu Yuan was next door, let alone that the person grandma arranged to introduce for this meal was Gu Yuan.

Sui Sui sat next to him.

Sui Sui was gnawing the pre-dinner bread with both hands, her small mouth kept moving like a little hamster, without stopping, when she was gnawing the bread, she looked up at Yu Rujin from time to time.

Yu Rujin had been staring at the little girl for a long time since Chi Yu reported Sui Sui in.

"What's her name?" Yu Rujin asked cautiously, keeping her voice as low as possible, for fear of scaring the little girl.

Chi Yu said, "Chi Yao."

Yu Rujin: "Why didn't you take your last name?"

Chi Yu: "Why don't you have my last name?!"

Yu Rujin: "..."

"Tsk, this gene is too similar." Yu Rujin couldn't help sighing, and said to Chi Yu, "I don't have your surname, but my mother's surname. What's wrong with you?"

Chi Yu raised her eyebrows: "Grandma, do you know?"

Yu Rujin snorted: "Do you think the head of my family has been fooling around for so many years?"

This time it's Chi Yu's turn: "..."

Yu Rujin's whole heart was on this little girl with bright eyes and bright teeth, and icy muscles and bones. She didn't need to go to the hospital at all. She could tell by her face that she was his grandson's own daughter.

They look so much alike.

You can see it from the video, and it looks more like it in reality.

She coaxed the little girl: "Chi Yao?"

Sui Sui shook her head: "No medicine."

Yu Rujin was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, even Chi Yu couldn't help laughing, "Grandma, you shouldn't ask that."

"A slip of the tongue," Yu Rujin said from ear to ear, "This name is also cute."

Yu Rujin approached the little girl and coaxed her to shout: "I am grandma, we met in the video last time."

Meeting via video is always different from meeting in real life, so Sui Sui is a little shy of strangers, and has been inactive since she came in, and doesn't talk much.

But good as hell.

Taking advantage of this moment, Chi Yu opened up and said, "Grandma, you have also seen that I even have a daughter, so let's stop other things. If you don't interfere with my affairs, I will try to bring Sui Sui back to accompany you every now and then. you."

As soon as the words came out.

Yu Rujin was not happy when she heard this: "The girl I fancy is not bad at all, she will be here later, are you sure you won't see her?"

Chi Yu: "No, send her away."

(End of this chapter)

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