Chapter 277 I want you~
Two days later, Chi Yu realized something was wrong.

Just when Sheng Yi came to Jiao Sui to play with her for two days, and said that Gu Yuan had promised, Chi Yu didn't let her go, and asked coldly, "Do you know where Gu Yuan is?"

Sheng Yi pretended not to know anything, and asked, "What do you mean by this attitude?"

Chi Yu lost her patience, her voice was colder than before, but also louder than before: "Gu Yuan didn't go to Haojiang, you know that right?"

"I don't know. I don't have anything to do recently. I'm going to take a vacation. I discussed with Yuanyuan to come to Jiaosui to stay with me for two days. Don't be surprised, I used to go to my place to play with Scions. "Sheng Yi lied without a trace, and the topic was put aside.

Sui Sui came down from upstairs.

She has already carried her bobby boy schoolbag.

The skirt was chosen by herself, a goose yellow doll collar skirt, and her hair was braided in two braids, which were made by Chi Yu. She had learned it for a long time, and it was barely presentable.

The little girl is like a porcelain doll in the world, so obedient as hell.

Knowing that she was going to be taken to her godmother's house, the little princess was so happy that she came down the stairs and hopped over.

Jumping to Chi Yu's side, Sui Sui stood on tiptoe, trying to hold Chi Yu's hand.

It turned out to be too short, standing on tiptoe, he couldn't even touch the tip of Chi Yu's finger hanging by his side.

Sui Sui was not discouraged, she was able to touch her mother's hand, why couldn't she touch the hand that eats fish.

Repeatedly stepping on the ground several times, even Sheng Yi couldn't stand it anymore, and reminded Chi Yu: "Why are you staring at me? Even if you stare at me out of a hole, I have nothing to say, you should just look at it." Your daughter."

Seeing Sui Sui struggling to get on tiptoes but unable to touch Chi Yu's hand, Sheng Yi felt really angry and funny.

Chi Yu lowered his head, and saw his little princess struggling to hold his hand.Chi Yu was still angry, but when he saw Sui Sui, he lost all anger, knelt down and picked Sui Sui up, complaining: "Your mother doesn't want me anymore."

After speaking, I felt that I was the only one who was pitiful and unfair.

He added another spike and said, "Your mother doesn't want you anymore, we have become orphans and widows."

Sheng Yi on the opposite side: "..."

Sui Sui saw her good friend suddenly very sad, so she quickly coaxed him first: "Don't be sad if you eat fish~"

Chi Yu: "Your mother doesn't want me anymore, how can you not be sad."

Sui Sui said: "I want you~"

The little girl is really healing.

Chi Yu felt better, but when he thought that Gu Yuan had lied to him and now disappeared, he became very angry and annoyed.

Still regret it.

I regretted why I stopped being a little sloppy and went with Yuanyuan, so these things would not have happened now.

Sheng Yi said: "Chi Yu, if you want to see Yuan Yuan, just wait patiently for a few days, don't look for her everywhere like a fool."

"You don't want to join her to lie to me. If it's really just a matter of time, why didn't Yuanyuan tell me?"

"This is what Yuan Yuan said."

"……"Fool?I? ?

In the end, Sheng Yi took Suisui away as he wished, and before leaving, he did not forget to tell her: "Don't keep urging Yuanyuan, don't worry, she is not a runaway bride, even if she is, I sponsored the sneakers of the runaway bride."

Chi Yu kept a cold face and ignored Sheng Yi.

He knew very well that no matter how many times he was cheated by Gu Yuan, even if he knew that he would still be cheated next time, he was still willing.

Medicine does not heal itself.

Not to mention a psychiatrist, he can't cure his own mental illness! !

However, he could only hope in his heart that Gu Yuan still did not lie to him this time.


Chi Yu has not been idle these days.

He found out the current location of Gu Yuan's cell phone—Sydney.

When he saw Sydney, Chi Yu panicked, and called Gu Yuan several times in a row, but she didn't answer, and she didn't reply to WeChat.

Why did Yuanyuan go to Sydney?

What is she going to do?
Does she have any plans behind his back?
On the fifth day of the torment, everything was ready for Wen Fei, and she notified Gu Yuan: "You can call him and ask him to come over."

In fact, what Gu Yuan doesn't understand these days is: "Since you need five days to prepare, why can't you let Chi Yu come over in these five days?"

Wen Fei smiled: "Because he knows what it means to come to Sydney. If you come early, if he persuades you in the past five days, or if he uses any means to stop you, everything will fall short."

"Then what if I regret it now?" Gu Yuan's voice was obviously exhausted.

The five days of anxious waiting made her mentally stressed. As long as she thought about what would happen in five days, the barrier in her heart seemed to be built into a wall and turned into a test.

Wen Fei understood Gu Yuan's current mood very well, but she didn't say anything to comfort her: "Go away if you regret it, you have room for repentance, and the result is that you torture each other until you die. You think you can bear it." , let's go now."

Gu Yuan fell silent.

She knew it was useless to regret.

It's all come to this point, there is no point in regretting.

Wen Fei knew what Gu Yuan was thinking, and seeing Gu Yuan's silence, her indifference gradually softened... In fact, she regretted it, but even death could not make up for her regret.

There are no melted rivers behind the cold, and there are still thousands of miles of frozen mountains and rivers.



Gu Yuan called Chi Yu.

He answered in seconds, as if he had been waiting for her call for a long time.

The first thing he said was: "Yuan, when are you coming back?"

The second sentence is: "Yuan, I miss you very much."

Chi Yu's favorite thing to say to her is: Yuanyuan, I miss you very much.

These words represent all his thoughts.

Gu Yuan's heart was churning like a tide, and the image of him missing her suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, sitting on the steps, looking at the moon in the sky, connected her phone, and told her that he missed her.

"Chi Yu." Gu Yuan called his name and said to him, "I miss you too."

His laughter didn't come from the receiver, but she could feel that he was laughing at the moment, so she must be in a good mood.

She said to him, "Come and find me in Sydney."

There was a sudden silence on the receiver side. The silence was very long, and Gu Yuan didn't know how long it took before she heard his hoarse voice: "Do you have to come?"

"Aren't you here to pick me up? You don't want to?" Her tone was very relaxed.

"Yes," he said, after a pause, "but I don't want to come to Sydney."


"No why."

"Didn't you say you would come to pick me up when I went out? You broke your promise." Gu Yuan stabilized her emotions and tried her best not to lose control due to his reaction.

But he said stubbornly: "Yuan, I want to take back what I said that morning. I won't come to pick you up. I'll wait for you at home."

"Then I won't come back." She said suddenly.

It was like a hard blow.

(End of this chapter)

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