Chapter 282 I want you~
As night falls, the lights are put on.

Row upon row of buildings become a sea of ​​lights, and the bustling city is dressed up as a city that never sleeps, which is more beautiful than the daytime.

The famous Meiling No. [-] Bar.

Dynamic jazz music will feel a little noisy after listening to it for a long time.

If you dance with those people on the dance floor, not only will you not be noisy, but you will get more and more excited.

Gu Yuan knows that Chi Yu is here tonight, not only she knows that Chi Yu is here, Yanjing also has many sons and some group daughters, and when they learn that Master Quan is here tonight, no matter whether they see anyone or not, they all come .

So much so that tonight's Meiling No. [-] bar is extremely lively.

Gu Yuan specially dressed herself up, the makeup is not heavy, but the eyeliner at the end of the eyes is extremely long, and the lips are light honey color.The main reason is that the bright red is a little too familiar to her tonight's outfit, and the honey color looks more comfortable.She was wearing a black velvet suspender dress, her figure was hot and plump, and the suspender skirt upper body was simply a walking stunner.

There were quite a few people who came to strike up a conversation, Gu Yuan showed the attitude of coming to have fun, and dealt with each of them.

More and more wolf eyes are locked on her. Gu Yuan is too bright tonight, sexy and mysterious, she is the focus of attention wherever she goes, and she is a seductive little fairy with every frown and smile.

Not long after, Quan Jin appeared.

With the appearance of Quan Jin, most people's eyes fell on Quan Jin who came in.

The eyes of most women can't wait to stick 502 directly to the man who came in.

A man who looks too flirtatious.

There are many high-ranking children in the Beijing circle who are good-looking, but there are very few who are as beautiful as Quan Jin.Qing Juan and Yao Ye merged together without being obtrusive, and a mole of tears at the end of her eyes became a stunning beauty in the world.

For such a noble person, every move is always eye-catching, and no matter where he goes, he cannot be ignored.

"Master Quan is here."

"I still need you to remind me that such an eye-catching appearance is only the prince of the Quan family."

"By the way, Su Boqian sent a woman to Young Master Quan two days ago, and he took it. The Su family's action is really fast enough."

"Many women came tonight, it depends on who Young Master Quan will pick in the end."

"It is good to have power and power, and to enjoy the blessings of everyone at all times."

"I don't ask for anything else, I just have a night with Young Master Quan, and I am satisfied."

These discussions were not far away from Gu Yuan's ears, she heard them clearly and clearly, she raised her eyebrows, and looked in the direction everyone was looking at.

Four months apart.

It's not too long, it's not too short.

But compared to those three years, it was much better anyway.

"Master Quan, this way please." The manager received him personally, respectfully, for fear of accidentally offending this master.

Quan Jin walked in, and quickly blocked the eyes of those people.

Tu Kuan followed Chi Yu until he entered the private room, and Chi Yu turned around: "I'm here to have fun, what about you? Are you looking for trouble for me?"

Tu Kuan smiled wryly: "I only get a meager salary. This job has a good development prospect for me. I want to do my job well."

Chi Yu directly took out the phone: "How much is it, I will transfer it to you now, and you can leave tonight after collecting the money, and don't let me see you again."

Tu Kuan said truthfully: "Master Quan's deal is not bad, but what I value is long-term, stable and reliable, so Master Quan should accept this idea, I will not leave."

Quan Jin: "Desperate!"

Tu Kuan: "..."

You are insane.

This sentence was on the edge of Tu Kuan's mouth, everything was for work, so he swallowed it back, pretending to be in a peaceful mood.

There are many beauties in the private room, but none of them can get close to Young Master Quan. There is nothing to do. The magnetic field of this master is too cold. If someone is not afraid of death, he wants to go forward to please him, but he is so frightened by a look that he loses his mind immediately. previous desire to please.

I heard that this prince plays with women like changing clothes, he is a very good player.

But now why do you always show an abstinent, unfeminine look?
Damn it, the more this is the case, the more commotion those women who can't get.

I really want to experience it for myself, how fiery and intense it is when such a man who appears to be abstinent and unfeminine really pushes a woman under him...

If Quan Jin knew what these people were thinking, he would definitely have two words in his heart: Dirty!

Recently, he has been having fun, but he is not enjoying it. People are always empty, but it is not the emptiness of desire, or he always feels that there is something missing in life, the fun that can make his blood boil again.

Originally, he wanted to find a woman to comfort and fill his emptiness, but if there was someone he liked, he wouldn't be like this now.

Really boring.

Why is there no interesting soul?

Young Master Quan was sad and depressed by himself.

After drinking for a while, getting more and more bored, he got up suddenly.

As he stood up, everyone looked at him in unison, a little unsure of what the master would do next.

Quan Jin didn't say anything, and left the private room directly.

He was going to the toilet. Although there was one in the private room, he just wanted to come out to get some fresh air and go to the toilet outside.

It was only when he reached the corridor that he encountered a good show.

Two men are surrounding a woman.

"Look at this figure, dressed like this, is she deliberately here to catch Kaizi?! Hahahaha..."

The one on the left sarcastically said, with a lot of obscenities in his mouth.

"Come with us for a drink. After drinking, we can talk about other things."

"What are you hiding, do I have thorns on my body? Come here."

The man went to pull the woman, and the woman was very frightened, looked pitifully and kept backing away, and dared not speak.

The long curly brown hair blocked half of her face, only the side face was exposed, and Quan Jin could see it clearly from this angle.

Isn't this grown according to his appetite?
Just look at it from a distance and have desire!
After seeing so many beauties, why did he just glance at this woman inadvertently, and feel that she is much more beautiful than those women, beyond the sky?

No wonder the woman was surrounded, her skin was creamy, and she was still dressed so hotly. She wore a black velvet suspender dress, and her long brown chestnut curly hair hung behind her back. It is a faint honey color, and one can't help but want to pick it at a glance.

Simply a stunner.

Quan Jin licked his lips, and stepped forward silently.

"It's quite lively, how about bullying women from good families?!"

A chilly voice sounded, and the two men looked back.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you see it, you are startled, and both of them shouted in horror: "Master Quan!"

Quan Jin's face is the symbol of his identity, not to mention how many people know that he is at Meiling No. [-] tonight, the two of them restrained their slapstick behavior of flirting with women from a good family just now, and flatteringly called out: "Master Quan is good."

Quan Jin shook his head and clicked his tongue: "It's not very good."

When the two of them heard this, they immediately clamped their tails together and behaved like human beings, and they almost asked Quan Jin what was wrong.

"Master Quan, then you..."

"My eyes hurt when I see you, what do you think?"

The next second, the two looked at each other, bowed, and slipped away together.

To put it bluntly, Young Master Quan just sees them as an eyesore.

Those who are sensible must hurry up, otherwise they will be cannon fodder.

As soon as the two left, Quan Jin looked at the woman who bowed her head and huddled in a corner. He didn't wear a coat, and it was impossible to take off this shirt for her.

Besides, even if he had a coat, he couldn't take it off for her.

"You..." He was about to ask her about her situation.

She suddenly squatted on the ground, shivering and trembling, her side face was so beautiful, she knew that people would be distracted just by looking at her, Quan Jin couldn't help thinking that just a second ago, she hated the lack of fun in life.

In the next second, the fun will come to your door automatically? !
He took two steps forward and knelt down in front of her.

He doesn't smoke, and his body smells like cedar fragrance. The woman sensed his approach, her honey-colored lips murmured, she flinched back a bit, but she didn't dare to look up at him.

Quan Jin licked his lips: "I won't eat you again, why hide!"

The suspender skirt on the woman's body was very revealing, and her chest was full of snow-white. From this angle, her eyes were a little piercing, and her mouth became parched just by looking at it. This was an unprecedented reaction.

He wants it.

Unstoppable desire.

This is not counting.

Just saw her side face...

It was only when she raised her head to look at him that Quan Jin knew what it meant to fall at a glance.

A pair of eyes, like a fox, are the most attractive in the invisible. Her facial features have a bit of mixed-race profundity, her nose is high but delicate, and a pair of slender Qiuniang eyebrows blend in all kinds of styles, which is shockingly beautiful. .

Quan Jin cursed secretly in his heart: Fuck!

What kind of trouble is this! !

"What's your name?" he asked her, his voice raised.

The woman's voice was thin and soft, not as seductive as her appearance: "Gu Xueli."

"It's quite nice." Quan Jin helped her up, with an unknown smile on his lips.

The woman whispered two words to him: "Thank you."

Quan Jin snorted lightly, still smiling: "How can you thank me?"

The woman looked at him, obviously with a pair of fox eyes, but full of innocence and silent temptation, making people unable to control him at any time.She also had a pleasant fragrance, unlike the fragrance of other women who surrounded him, which made him sick.

The sweet fragrance on this woman's body, one smells it.

"You, you want me, how can I thank you?" The woman asked him cautiously.

Quan Jin hissed: "I'm a man, what do you think?"

Before Quan Jin noticed it, the woman slowly curled the corners of her lips.The inferiority of a man exists deep down, and loyalty is a choice, not to mention that the present Quan Jin doesn't need loyalty, he just needs to have fun in time.

Seeing how frightened the woman looked, she didn't dare to say anything, Quan Jin pulled her wrist and walked towards the private room: "Follow me."

The atmosphere in the private room is very strong.

After Quan Jin left, the atmosphere became stronger, everyone played recklessly and did whatever they wanted.

But as soon as Quan Jin came back, everyone restrained a lot and became quiet.

"Master Quan brought a woman back!" Someone whispered.

"I see, that face is too amazing, but it looks familiar."

"Beautiful women are familiar. I don't know what method I used to meet Young Master Quan. I'm so lucky."

Some people are envious, some people are jealous.

But you can only watch.

Quan Jin pulled the woman to sit down, stretched out her long legs, folded them on the coffee table, and casually pointed to the water and food on the coffee table: "Take whatever you want."

Anyway, boring and boring.

It just so happened that this woman's appearance didn't turn him off, so she stayed by his side to pass the time.

The woman is very well-behaved, she doesn't talk much, and she doesn't act too timid. She can take her own food and eat slowly.

Quan Jin was playing with his mobile phone at first, but from time to time, his attention fell on the well-behaved woman beside him. She didn't move much, but she was very close to him, so he couldn't help but ignore it.

She ate quite a lot, and he saw with his own eyes that she took a lot.

Finally, I couldn't help but look sideways at her and asked, "Did you escape from starving in the slums for three days and three nights?"

The woman glanced at him, she obviously didn't make any expression, but it was a silent seduction to Quan Jin, she answered him in a gentle voice: "I haven't eaten well recently, it's rare that my appetite has improved, eat more."

After speaking, she took a glass of cocktail on the table, took half a sip, and handed the remaining half glass to him: "Do you want to drink?"

Quan Jin's throat flickered.

He thought of a word.

High-end hunters often appear as prey.

He took her as prey.

So is she.

In just half a minute of being distracted, Quan Jin felt a chill in his abdomen, and the wet touch soaked his clothes, and the water stains adhered to the skin and spread down to a certain place.

When he came back to his senses, he heard the woman's gentle apology: "I'm sorry, I didn't hold it steady, I'm sorry..."

He gritted his teeth and took a breath, stopped her troublesome hand, lowered his voice and looked at her: "What do you want?"

The woman smiled delicately and moved closer to him: "You~"

(End of this chapter)

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