yellow fairy tale book

Chapter 11 The Invisible Prince

Chapter 11 The Invisible Prince (2)

Seeing this, the Prince of Golden Island was more distressed, for he did not know where the fortress was, nor how to save it.However, he is determined to search the world at all costs and find Princess Rosalie as well.He sailed first, taking advantage of the favorable wind.But, at sea, bad luck still followed him.A violent storm hits and nearly disorients him.After hours of wrestling, the boat hit the reef and was smashed to pieces.Fortunately, the prince hugged a log so that he would not sink to the bottom of the sea.After a tenacious struggle in the storm, the prince was washed up on a strange island.As he came ashore, he was surprised to hear heart-rending laments, mingled with the beautiful songs he knew so well.With a very curious mood, he moved forward cautiously.

He saw two giant dragons guarding the gate of a wooden house.The appearance of the two giant dragons is amazing.The whole body is covered with gleaming scales; the curly dragon tail drags the old elders on the ground; the mouth, nostrils, spraying flames; a pair of eyes so fierce that even the bravest man will tremble when he sees them.However, the prince is invisible, and the dragon could not see him, so he slipped into the wooden house.He found himself in a maze and walked for a long time without meeting anyone.In fact, all he saw was human hands, protruding from the ground and buried underground from the wrist down.Each hand wears a gold bracelet with a name engraved on it.The farther he went in the maze, the more incredible he felt.In an alley of cypress trees, he came across two corpses, each with a red string around its neck, and their names engraved on bracelets;

The invisible prince recognized the two male corpses as the kings of two island countries neighboring his kingdom, but the princess's name was not familiar to him.Deeply mourning their fate, he immediately intended to bury them.But when he buried them in the grave, their hands immediately stretched out from the earth, exactly as they had just seen.

The prince of the Golden Island continued to move forward, uneasy about the strange phenomenon he saw.Walking to a turning, I suddenly saw a big man with a sad face, holding a red rope in both hands.In addition, another man with a sad face came, and the two hugged silently, without saying a word, put the red rope around their necks, and fell to the ground dead.The prince ran up to untie the red rope around their necks, but it was too late.He buried the two in the same way, and continued on his way.

He realized, of course, that extreme caution was necessary, or else he himself would fall victim to some kind of magic.Invisibility allowed him to slip past two dragons and into a beautiful garden.In the garden there are clear spring water, bright flowers, a group of men, and a group of girls.He couldn't forget all the horrors he had experienced, and he wanted to solve the mystery.He noticed two young men talking, and leaned over, thinking that maybe he would get some clues.

A prince said: "You swear, you will love me until death, but I am afraid you will not be so faithful, I probably need to go to the 'Desperate Fairy', half of this island belongs to her. People who have moved on and are in pain are placed in a maze, let them walk non-stop, wear a bracelet on their wrists, and wrap a red rope around their necks, until they meet another person who is as unfortunate as him, and they can't stop Then, the red rope around their necks tightened, and they both fell, and the first passers-by behind them came to bury them. It was a terrible way to die." Then the prince continued: "If I lose your love, then , living is worse than dying like this.”

This intimate conversation between lovers made the Prince of Golden Island even more sad. He could only wander around the shore to pass the time.One day the prince sat on a rock and lamented his fate.Suddenly, the sea surged up so high that it was almost connected to the sky, and there was a terrible sharp echo between the caves.He saw a woman rising from the bottom of the sea, flying frantically, pursued by an angry giant.The woman's cry for help touched the prince's heart. He took out the pebble from his mouth, revealed his original shape, drew his sword, and ran towards the giant, hoping that the woman would take the opportunity to escape.But as soon as the prince was about to touch the giant, the giant touched the prince with a ring he held in his hand, and the prince was frozen in place and could not move.The giant caught up with the woman again, caught her, and threw her back into the sea.Then, the giant sent some sea gods who were half man and half fish, tied up the prince of the Golden Island with iron chains, and brought them to the bottom of the sea.The prince thought he would never see Princess Rosalie again.

This giant turned out to be Poseidon, the third son of the queen in charge of the four elements.The ring he had just used to touch the prince had the power to make mortals live underwater.The Prince of Golden Island found that the half-man, half-fish Poseidon bound him with iron chains and led him through a place where many monsters lived, through a dense forest of seaweed, and finally reached a vast sandy land surrounded by huge rocks.On the highest rock, sat the giant.

The prince of the Golden Island was pulled in front of the sea god.The God of the Sea said to the prince, "You reckless young man, I should have put you to death, but I want you to be tortured more deeply, so go and join that rank."

At this time, the prince found himself chained to a rock.He was not alone. He was surrounded by princes and princesses chained by iron chains, all of whom were captured by giants. The giant's favorite thing to do was to set off a monstrous wave and capture a group of captives.

Because his hands were tied, the Prince of Golden Island couldn't put the pebble in his mouth, so he could only be chained there, thinking of Rosalie day and night.Later, the giant came up with an idea of ​​self-entertainment-let some captives fight each other for him to watch.Many people were pulled out, and one of them threw himself on the prince, and the iron chain was loosened.Taking advantage of this opportunity, the prince immediately stuffed the pebble into his mouth and disappeared.

The surprise that the giant saw when the prince disappeared suddenly was completely conceivable.He ordered all passages to be blocked, but it was too late, and the prince had slipped through a cleft in the rock.He traveled through the forest for a long time, and all he saw were terrible monsters.He climbed over one rock after another, turned around among the big trees, and finally came to the foot of the mountain near the sea.This place, which he had seen in the mirror of time, was where Rosalie was being held.

Surprised and delighted, the prince of Golden Island tried his best to climb to the top of the mountain and found a palace.He entered the palace. In the middle of a long corridor, there was a crystal room. Rosalie was sitting in the room, guarded by the patron saint day and night.The house had neither door nor window, and the Prince was more than ever anxious, not knowing how to let Rosalie know that he was back with her.It broke his heart to see her crying all day long.

One day, Rosalie was walking around in the house, and she was surprised to see that the crystal wall was blurred, as if someone's breath had reached the wall.What's even more strange is that as soon as she moves, mist will appear outside the crystal wall.The princess thought, it must be her lover who came to rescue her.In order to paralyze the prince of the sky, the princess deliberately treats him nicely, so that he will not refuse when she makes some requests to improve the conditions of detention.She asked to be allowed to walk the promenade for an hour each day, and was granted.The Invisible Prince took advantage of this opportunity and handed the pebble to Rosalie, who immediately took it in her mouth.The Sky Prince is furious over Rosalie's disappearance.He ordered the elves in the air to fly all over the sky, and he must find Rosalie back.The elves were ordered to fly everywhere to find them.

At this time, Rosalie and the invisible prince held hands, passed a door in the corridor, and walked up a passage leading to the garden.They were silent and walked quietly.They thought they were safe, but by chance, a ferocious monster rushed towards them, and Rosalie let go of her hand when she was frightened.Because of the invisibility, they can't speak; moreover, they know that there are elves all around, and as long as they make a sound, the elves will find them.So they had to silently hope that their hands would hold together again.

But, crap, the joy of freedom is short-lived.The princess stumbled in the forest, and at last came to the water spring.As she walked, she wrote on some trees: "If my dear prince passes here, let him know that I am here to stay. I cry every day by the spring, and my tears are mingled with the spring water."

An elf saw this message and went back to report to the master.The Sky Prince also hid himself this time and came to the spring, waiting for Rosalie.When Rosalie approached, the Sky Prince stretched out his hand, and Rosalie held it tightly excitedly, thinking it was her beloved Prince of the Golden Island.Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Sky Prince took out a rope to tie the princess's arms, took off his invisibility, showed his original shape, and ordered the elves to drag the princess to the lowest pit.

At this moment, the invisible prince came here and saw the master of the elf rising into the air holding a string. He immediately guessed that the one who was taken away must be Rosalie.

The prince of the Golden Island was so desperate that he thought it would be better to end his life.He said to himself: "Can I still get rid of my misfortune? I thought my troubles were over, but it turned out to be worse. What should I do? I will never find out that this monster will hide Rosalie." to where."

The unfortunate young man resolved to kill himself, indeed, his grief was enough to kill him.But he felt a glimmer of hope at the thought that the Time Mirror might be able to find out where Rosalie was.So he continued walking in the forest, and after several hours he came to a temple whose gate was guarded by two large lions.By virtue of his invisibility, the prince entered the temple without hindrance.In the center of the temple, there is an altar with a book on it, and a huge curtain hung behind the altar.The prince approached the altar and opened the book, which was full of names of loved ones all over the world.The end of the book records: Rosalie was taken to a monastery by the prince of the sky, and the entrance to the monastery can only be found on the way to the golden spring.

The prince did not know where to find this golden spring.He thought he must be further away from Rosalie now.He said to himself: "Even though I am stepping forward step by step, I may be farther away from her. Fortunately, I already know that she is alive somewhere."

Coming out of the temple, the Invisible Prince saw six paths before him, all paths through the forest.He hesitated and didn't know how to choose.Suddenly, he saw two people walking towards him, on the far right path.One of these two was the Prince of the God of Earth, and the other was his friend. The Invisible Prince wanted to know the news of his sister, Princess Atherine, so he followed them and eavesdropped on their conversation.

The prince of the land god said: "Do you think I will give up when I have a chance to break free from the chain? I know Princess Acetine will never love me, but I miss her more and more every day. If I still can't get her love, I will Worried that she must be in love with someone else. So I must go to the Golden Spring to get rid of my pain. If a drop of water falls on the sand by the spring, the name of my rival will be reflected. I hate this kind of test, but Only this test can make sense of my misfortune."

Of course, it is conceivable that after hearing these words, the Invisible Prince followed the Earth God Prince inseparably, walked a certain distance, and came to the Golden Spring.The unhappy Prince of the Earth God stopped by the spring, sighed, dipped a finger into the spring water, and let the water drop on the sand, where a name was immediately written—his own brother: Fire Prince of God.The prince of the earth god was really taken aback, and fainted in the arms of his friend.

What the invisible prince was thinking at the moment was how to rescue Rosalie.Because he had been touched by a giant with a ring and could live in water, he immediately jumped into the spring.He saw in one corner a door leading to a mountain, and at the foot of the mountain was a huge rock, with an iron ring embedded in the rock, and a rope tied to the ring.The prince guessed that the rope was used to bind the princess, so he drew his sword and cut the rope.In an instant, he felt that the princess's hand was already in his.Except for praying and coaxing the prince of the sky, the princess hides with pebbles in her mouth.

So, the invisible prince and Rosalie went over the mountain hand in hand.But since the princess cannot live underwater, she cannot cross the Golden Spring.In his rage, the sky prince set off a terrible storm, and the invisible prince and Rosalie were close together, hiding silently by the spring and trembling.This storm has been going on for several days.Lightning blazed, thunder rumbled, and fiery bolts fell from the sky, burning forests and even cornfields.Only for a moment, the storm stopped, and the invisible prince took this opportunity to bring the princess out of the golden spring.

It was a long time before they reached the Golden Isle, and we can imagine that they were never to be parted again.

(End of this chapter)

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