yellow fairy tale book

Chapter 14 Little Frog

Chapter 14 Little Frog (2)

The prince obeyed the frog's instructions and arrived at the palace smoothly.The door opened, and everyone in the palace was fast asleep.He passed through the passage, found the sleeping girl, woke her up, and asked her firmly but politely to follow him.The young lady hesitated for a moment, and agreed, with only one condition: let her put on a robe first.The request sounded reasonable, and it never occurred to the prince to refuse it.

As soon as the lady's hand touched her skirt, all the people in the palace woke up immediately, and the prince was caught again and tied up.He was so remorseful for his stupidity that he was so depressed that he didn't want to justify his actions.If the immortals hadn't softened the hearts of the palace people and released him again, he would have been in terrible trouble.However, what he worries most is how to meet the frog who has been so kind to him again.What should I say when I see it?After thinking about it, he figured it out: it's useless to say anything now, only to accept the punishment honestly.Sure enough, the frog gave him another lesson.The prince sincerely admitted his mistake again and again, and at the same time he bravely made a slight excuse, saying that the lady's request was reasonable and could not be refused.The frog's answer was simply, "You must learn to do as I tell you."

Poor Sephyl, despondent, begged pardon, and at last the frog's wrath was quelled.The frog gave the prince a small diamond. "Go again," it said, "and bury this diamond at the gate of the palace. But watch out, don't go to the stables, and don't go to the bedroom again, both of which will make you suffer. Go into the garden, wear Go through a corridor with pillars and enter a small forest. In the middle of the forest is a tree whose trunk is made of gold and whose leaves are emerald. The beautiful bird you have been looking for for a long time is perched on this tree. You Its perching branches must be cut off and brought to me without delay. But I warn you solemnly: if you do not obey my orders, as you did the last two times, I or anyone else will I can't help you." It jumped into the water after saying that.The prince took his warning to heart, and came to the palace for the third time, and everything was just as the frog had described, the colonnade, the grove, the precious tree, and a beautiful bird sleeping soundly on a branch.The prince quickly broke down the branch, and although he saw a beautiful golden birdcage hanging nearby, which was just suitable for the bird, he ignored it and walked carefully on tiptoe all the way back to the spring, lest he would wake the precious bird .What surprised him more than ever was that, where there used to be a water spring, now there is a simple but unique royal palace. There is a charming lady standing at the door. Whenever the lady's eyes touch him, he will be out of his mind.

"My God!" cried the Prince, "My God! Is that you? Is it the girl in the mirror?"

The lady blushed, and replied, "Oh, my Prince, it has been such a long time since I saw you. I thought you never saw my real face."

"Oh, miss," said the prince, "you can't imagine how I got here after the days and nights since I lost your image." The two told each other the strange things they had encountered, and the more they talked, the more they believed The truth of the image in the mirror.The prince asked her what good luck brought her to the forest?Why is the fountain gone?Ask her if she knows anything about the frog, on which his happiness depends.What should the little bird do, the prince asked her?Fortunately, it is still asleep.

"Ah, my prince," she said in a rather strange tone, "as for the frog, that is me before you. Listen to my story, it's not long. I don't know which kingdom I belong to, and I don't know Who are my parents, the only thing that is certain is that my name is Serpentine. I was raised by the gods from birth, hoping that my family would forget me. The gods educated me and gave me meticulous care. I am used to Closed life, I don’t want to change to any better environment in the past two years. I have a mirror,” said here, stuttered a bit due to shyness, and restrained himself, “You know, the immortals insisted that I obey them, I was never allowed to ask questions. Before you came, they turned the Petit Palais into a fountain, turned me into a little frog, and taught me the things I have told you over and over again. But when you stood facing me , my heart aches. I've been thinking about you, and yet I've appeared before you in such a horrible form. However, there's no way I can do it. I have to endure it as much as it hurts. I pray with all my heart that you will succeed, not only for you For myself, but also for me. Because before you become the master of the beautiful bird, I cannot return to my original shape, even though I have no knowledge of making you search hard."

Sefiel tells her about his father's illness, tears in his eyes.

Serpentine listened to Sefiel's story, her heart was full of sadness, and her lovely eyes were also full of tears.

"Oh, my Prince," she said, "you know nothing of me except me in the mirror. I do not know the names of my parents, but I know that you are the son of a King."

Sai Feier said: "Love does not care about status." To this, Serpentine only replied: "I love you so much, so I only allow you to marry girls of equal status. Of course, I will be very happy for this." Not happy, but I will never change my mind. If I can't prove from the fairy that I am also of royal blood, then, whatever I may feel, I will never accept your marriage proposal."

The conversation had come to this point, and it was possible to go on, but at this moment a fairy arrived in an ivory carriage, accompanied by a beautiful middle-aged woman.The bird woke up suddenly at this moment, flew to Sefiel's shoulder (and never left again), and was very affectionate to him.The fairy said that she was very satisfied with Serpentine's behavior, and she also highly praised Sefiel, and introduced Sefiel to the lady who came with her. This lady was none other than Sefiel's aunt, Dimen King Tino's widow Eglandine.

At this point, they hugged each other.Immortal got into the carriage, still let Eglandin sit on the side, let Seifel and Serpentine sit in the front seat.The sage also sent a message that the prince's entourage should return to the court of King Feredo.After the matter was properly arranged, the fairy ordered the carriage to set off.The carriage was speeding steadily in the air, time passed so fast, Sefiel and Serpentine had no time to review all this again, they were still feeling extremely happy and confused about this reunion, and the carriage was already Arrive at the palace of King Feredo.The king had been carried to the roof of a room where he might die at any moment.The carriage approached quickly, and the beautiful bird flew over as soon as it saw the king, and the king was cured immediately.At this time, the bird regained its human form, and it turned out that she was Queen Constance, who the king thought had died long ago.Feredo embraced his wife and son, ecstatic, and with the help of the celestial beings, made preparations for Sefiel and Serpentine's wedding.Serpentine turns out to be the daughter of King Dimentino and Eglantine, one is a prince and the other is a princess.The subjects of the kingdom are very happy, and everyone lives contentedly and enjoys the rest of their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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