yellow fairy tale book

Chapter 30 The Story of the Frost King

Chapter 30 The Story of the Frost King

A long time ago there was a peasant woman who had a daughter and a stepdaughter.The daughter does whatever she pleases and is always right in her mother's eyes; the poor stepdaughter has a hard time.No matter what she does, she will be blamed, and no matter how hard she tries, she will not be thanked.What she does is always wrong, everything goes wrong.But to be honest, it is very valuable that this girl has no selfishness and a very kind heart.But the stepmother didn't like her, and the poor girl wept all day, because it was impossible for her to find peace with this woman.The vile shrew, determined to drive the girl away by fair or wrong means, is always saying to the father, "Take her away, old man, anywhere, as long as I don't see her, see her again." I'm upset, don't let me hear her voice, it's hard to hear. Take her out into the wilderness, and let her taste the frost."

The poor old farmer wept and begged her to take pity on his daughter.But it's useless, the woman is very determined.Not daring to resist, he put his daughter on a sleigh, not even daring to give her a horse shawl to keep her warm.He took the child out into the wilderness, kissed her, and left her there, returning quickly in his sleigh, so as not to see her die a tragic death.

Abandoned by her father, the poor girl sat under a fir-tree on the edge of the forest, sobbing silently.Suddenly she heard a faint sound, and it was the Frost King leaping from tree to tree, with crackling of his fingers.At last he came to the fir-tree under which she sat, and after a crisp crackle he fell beside her and looked into her lovely face.

"Hey, little girl," he said quickly, "do you know who I am? I am the Frost King, also known as the Red Nose King."

"Long live the great Frost King!" answered the girl, in a gentle but trembling voice. "Are you here to take me away?"

"Are you warm, girl?" he asked.

"Very warm, Lord Frost," she answered, though her voice was trembling as she spoke.

King Shuang leaned over beside the girl, and the crackling sound became louder and louder, like a sword fighting.Then he asked again:

"Girl, are you warm? Are you warm, pretty girl?"

"Very warm, King Frost," she said softly, though her breath was almost frozen to her lips.

Then the Frost King gnashed his teeth and crackled his fingers, and his eyes twinkled, and the crisp crackle grew louder; and he asked her for the last time:
"Girl, are you still warm? Are you still warm? Lovely child."

The poor girl was so stiff and numb that she could only say in a very weak tone: "It's still warm, O Frost King!"

Her gentle and courteous words and her uncomplaining behavior finally moved King Frost.He took pity on her, and wrapped her in furs and blankets, and brought a great chest containing fine jewels and rich robes adorned with gold and silver.She looks even cuter in her gown.The Frost King went with her in a sleigh drawn by six white horses.

Meanwhile, the wicked stepmother was waiting at home for the news of the girl's death, preparing pancakes for the funeral.She said to her husband, "Old man, you'd better go out into the field and find your daughter's body and bury her." Just as the old man was about to leave the house, the puppy under the table started barking, saying:

Your daughter will live to bring you laughter;
Her daughter will die tonight.

"Shut up, you stupid beast!" the woman cursed. "There's a pancake for you, but you must say:
Her daughters will be rich in gold and silver;
His daughter was frozen stiff. "

But the puppy barked after eating the pancakes and said:

His daughter shall wear a laurel wreath;
Her daughter had no one to court and marry, and she was done for.

Then the old woman tried to coax the puppy with more pancakes and frightened it by beating it, but the puppy just kept barking and repeating the previous words.At this moment, the door opened suddenly with a creak, and a heavy and large box was pushed into the room, followed by the stepdaughter, who was dressed in jewels, radiant, beautiful and lovely.The stepmother was momentarily dazzled.Then she cried to her husband, "Old man, hitch the horse to the sled quickly, and take my daughter into the same field, and leave her in exactly the same place." So the old man took the girl, and left her in the Under the fir tree.After a while, King Shuang passed by, looked at the girl, and asked:

"Are you warm, girl?"

"You must be a blind old fool to ask such a question!" she replied angrily. "Don't you see my hands and feet are freezing?"

Now the Frost King was jumping up and down in front of her, asking her questions, but getting all rude answers, and at last he flew into a rage, snapping his fingers and gnashing his teeth, and froze her to death.

While her mother was still in the cottage, waiting for her return, she became more and more anxious, and said to her husband, "Ride the horse out, old man, and bring the boy; but be careful not to overturn the sledge, or lose it." box."

But the little dog under the table began to bark, saying:

Your daughter is frozen stiff,
She will never get a chest full of gold and silver.

"Don't talk that immoral nonsense!" the woman scolded. "Here's a pancake for you, now say:
Her daughter will marry a great king. "

Just then the door was suddenly opened, and she rushed out to meet her daughter, but she died of cold herself when she held the frozen child in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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