yellow fairy tale book

Chapter 32 The Death of the Sun Hero

Chapter 32 The Death of the Sun Hero
Many, many years ago there was a great king, and God gave him a smart and handsome son.When the boy was ten years old, he was already so clever that all the king's advisors put together could not compare with him; at twenty, he was the greatest hero in the whole kingdom.His father's wisdom is naturally not as good as his.The king always made him wear gold and silver, so that he was as dazzling as the sun.His mother gave him a white horse that never slept, and it ran like the wind.All the people in the kingdom loved him very much and called him the Hero of the Sun, because they thought there was no other like him under the sun.Lo and behold, one night his parents had the exact same dream, which was extraordinarily bizarre.They dreamed that a girl dressed all in red came and said: "If you want your son to be a real sun hero in deeds and not just in name, then let him go to the world to find the 'Sun Tree', when Let him pick a golden apple when he finds it."

The king and queen told each other their dreams about their sons, and were astonished to find that they were exactly the same.The king said to his wife: "This is obviously God's revelation that we should send our son to the world so that he will be a great sun hero when he comes back--as the red girl said, not only the sun in name but also in deeds." hero."

The queen agreed, with tears in her eyes, and the king at once bade his son set out to find the sun tree, and bring back a golden apple from there.The prince was delighted with the prospect, and set out on the journey that day.

He roamed around the world for a long time, until No.90 nine days after departure, he met an old man who could tell him where the Sun Tree was.He rode on the horse according to the old man's instructions, and after another 99 days, he came to a golden castle in the middle of the vast wilderness.He knocked on the door, and the door was quietly opened by invisible hands.Finding no one around, the Prince rode on until he came to a large meadow where the sun tree grew.He approached the tree, and was about to reach out to pick a golden apple, but the tree suddenly grew taller, and his hand could not reach the apple.At this time, he heard someone laughing behind him, turned around and saw the girl in red walking over, and said to him:
"Brave son of the earth, do you really think that it is so easy to pick golden apples from the sun tree? To pick golden apples, you must first complete a difficult task. You must guard this tree for nine days and nine nights, no Let two black wolves destroy it, they'll try to do that. Do you think it can be done?"

"Yes," replied Sun Hero, "I will guard this tree for nine days and nine nights."

Then the girl said, "But remember, if you don't guard well, the sun will kill you. Now start watching."

After that, the girl in red returned to the golden castle.No sooner had she left than the two black wolves appeared, and were driven away by the Sun Hero with his sword, but they soon returned.Hero Sun drove them off again, but no sooner had he sat down to rest than the two black wolves reappeared.He persisted in this way for seven days and nights, when the white horse turned to the hero of the sun and spoke in a human voice--it had never done this before--and said, "Listen to what I have to tell you. A fairy sent me to Gave it to your mother, to help you, so let me tell you—if you sleep and let the wolf damage the tree, the sun will surely kill you. The fairies foresaw this, let All the people in the world are under spells, so that they will not obey the order of the sun to kill you. But she forgot one person, if you sleep and let the wolf destroy the tree, he will surely kill you. So put Take care of the tree and don't let the wolves come."

So the Sun Hero kept the wolf away with all his strength, and overcame the drowsiness; but on the eighth day he was exhausted, and could not help falling into a deep sleep.When I awoke I saw a woman in black standing beside me and said, "You have done your task very badly, let two wolves destroy the sun tree. I am the mother of the sun, and I order you to ride immediately Get out of here; I sentence you to death for having done nothing to deserve the honor of being so proudly called the Hero of the Sun."

Sadly, the young man climbed on his horse and rode home.After seeing him return, people gathered around, eager to hear the story of his adventures, but he said nothing, only told the truth to his mother.But the old Queen smiled and said to her son, "Don't worry, child; you see, the fairies have kept you, and the sun has found no one to kill you. So be merry."

After a while the prince forgot all about that adventure, married a beautiful princess, and lived with her very happily for some time.But one day when he was out hunting and feeling very thirsty, he came to a brook, stooped to drink, and it killed him—a crab swam up and clamped his tongue with its pincers.He was carried back, dying, when the woman in black appeared on her deathbed and said, "At last the sun has found an animal that has not been restrained by the fairy's spell, let it come and kill you. Whoever in the world wants to get a reputation that is not due Everyone will suffer the same fate.”

(End of this chapter)

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