yellow fairy tale book

Chapter 37 Who is the real princess

Chapter 37 Who is the real princess

A long time ago, there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess—and she had to be a real princess.So he worked tirelessly to travel all over the world to find the ideal princess.However, things backfired, and although he met many princesses, he couldn't be sure if they were real princesses or not.Every time he always felt that they had some flaws, so he couldn't talk about finding the real princess in his mind.He had no choice but to return to the palace dejectedly - although he longed to marry the real princess.One night, suddenly there was lightning and thunder, and it rained cats and dogs outside.It was terrible!Then there was a knocking on the palace gate, and the old king went out to open it.

Outside stood a princess.oh!The raging storm made her miserable—the rain ran down her long hair, down her clothes, into her shoes, and seeped out of the heels.Surprisingly though, she claims to be a real princess.

"Okay! Then prove it to us!" the old queen thought to herself.But she didn't say it, and went straight to a bedroom.She had all the quilts taken away, and put a pea on the bed, and then ordered twenty layers of cushions to be laid on top of the peas, and then twenty eiderdown mattresses were added to the cushions, and the princess slept on the bed. above.

The next morning the old queen came and asked her how she had slept last night.

"Oh! it's terrible!" answered the princess. "I couldn't sleep a wink all night! I think there must be something small on the bed, though I don't know what it is. It's terrible to sleep on such a hard thing and get all bruises all over my body!"

Now people began to believe that she was a real princess, because she could feel the pea through twenty cushions and twenty eiderdowns.

It was so obvious - she was a real princess!

So the prince and the princess held a grand wedding, because the prince knew that he had finally found a real princess.And what about the pea?are preserved in the Royal Museum.If no one stole it, it must still be on display.

This is a true story.

(End of this chapter)

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