yellow fairy tale book

Chapter 42 The Story of the Darning Needle

Chapter 42 The Story of the Darning Needle
Once upon a time, there was a darning needle, which thought itself slender, and believed that it was an embroidery needle. "Be careful, hold me tight!" Darn said to the fingers that held it, "don't let me fall! If you drop me, I'm so thin that you'll never find me again!"

"Okay!" said the fingers, pinching the waist of the darning needle.

"Look, I'm wearing a skirt!" said the darning needle--it called the long thread trailing behind it a "skirt," but it was unknotted.

The fingers mend the cook's shoe with the darning needle.The upper is off the line, and the upper and the sole must be sewn together.

"Let me do this rough work!" complained the darning needle, "I'm too thin to go through, I'm going to break, I'm going to break!" And it did. "Didn't I tell you!" said the darning needle, "I'm too thin!"

"It's useless now!" said the fingers, but they still had to hold it tight, for the cook had rubbed sealing wax on the needle and pinned it to the front.

"Now I'm a brooch!" said the darning needle. "I knew I'd be promoted one day. As long as it's a piece of material, I will be promoted one day!" It smiled triumphantly—but you can't see it A darning needle laughs, and then it straightens up triumphantly as if in a royal coach, and looks around.

"May I ask if you are golden?" it said to its neighbor pin. "You look pretty good, and your head is special, but it's too small! You have to suffer a lot to make your head bigger, because not everyone has a head of sealing wax," said the darning needle. , standing up proudly, unexpectedly slipped off the clothes and fell into the cook's sink.

"Now I'm going on a journey!" said the darning-needle. "I hope I don't get lost!" But it was lost.

"I'm too small for this world!" it said lying in the ditch, "but I have self-knowledge, so I can often be content and happy!"

The darning needle continued to maintain a complacent look, and her temper was still so good.

Then shavings, straw, and newspaper crumbs floated over his head.

"Look at the way they float by!" said the darning needle. "They don't know I'm down there! They don't know how stable I am! Look at those shavings that think they're just a little bit of wood! Look at the straw ——Needless to say, the light can turn around and do somersaults! Don't think you're great, and be careful not to hit your head on a rock! Look there floats a little scrap of newspaper, something written on it that people have long forgotten, but it is still there So proud! And me, sitting here patient and quiet. I know myself, and that's enough for me!"

One day, there lay beside it something thick, so gleaming and so dazzling that the darning needle thought it was a diamond, but it was nothing but a shard of glass.Seeing it was shiny, the darning needle started talking to it, introducing itself as a brooch.

"Needless to say, you are a diamond?"

"Yes, almost like a diamond!" They all thought that the other was a very valuable thing, and they both boasted how proud their identities were.

"I was born in the sewing-box of a lady," said the darning-needle, "who was a cook. She had five fingers on each hand. I have never seen anything more haughty than these fingers! They are Just to take me out of the sewing box and put me back in!"

"Then they must be of noble birth?" asked the Fragment of the Glass Bottle.

"Noble birth?" said the darning needle. "That may not be true, but they are all very arrogant! They are five brothers, and they are all called Fingers. They are different in size, but each is more arrogant than the other. Standing at the end of the queue The thumb is short and fat, and there is only one bend in the back, and only one can bow, but it says that if a man loses it, he is as useless as a soldier without a thumb; the second finger is sweet. The bitter one can stick to anything, and can point to the sun and the moon. It is also the one who directs the pen when writing by hand; the third finger is tall, and the other fingers are not as high as its shoulder; the fourth finger is waist-high. And a golden hoop around the neck; the smallest fingers do nothing, but are the most arrogant. They are too fond of boasting, so I left them."

"That's why we're sitting here now, shining together!" said the glass fragment.

At this moment, more water poured into the gutter, overflowed the edge of the ditch, and washed away the glass bottle fragments.

"Well, it's elevated now!" said the Darning Needle. "I'm still here because I'm too thin, but it's my pride and a mark of decency!" It sat there very proud , continue to daydream.

"I firmly believe that I was born as a ray of sunshine. Look at how thin I am! I feel as if the sun is always looking at me under the water. Oh, I am so thin that my mother can't find me! If my old needle eye is not broken I'd cry if it fell; but I can't cry—it's not honorable to cry!"

Then one day, two urchins in the street were wading in the ditch, picking up old nails and copper coins and the like to play with.The ditch was very dirty, but they played happily.

"Ouch, ouch!" exclaimed a child, who had been pricked with a darning needle, "that's a nice thing!"

"I'm nothing, I'm a lady!" said the darning needle, but no one could hear.The sealing wax had long since fallen off, and it had become dark, but it made it look slimmer, so it felt thinner than before.

"Look, there's an eggshell floating there!" said the boys, and they stuck their darning needles into the eggshell.

"Eggshell white, I'm black—what a contrast!" said the darning needle. "I'm more noticeable now! I hope I don't get seasick! I should have given up all hope of myself!"

But he wasn't seasick, and he wasn't hopeless about himself.

"Look at how strong I am. No, the disgusting feeling is gone in no time. This is indeed stronger than human beings. Look at how thin I am. The thin ones are more bearable than the thick ones."

"Crack!" A big wheel rolled over the eggshell.

"Oh, it hurts me!" said the darning-needle. "I'm really going to be seasick now. I'm going to break!" But though the big wheel ran over him, he didn't break, and just lay there. Year after year.

(End of this chapter)

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