never heard i love you

Chapter 12 Intimacy

Chapter 12 Intimacy (4)
The content of his text message is very simple: Xiang Chen's old classmate returned to China and insisted on pulling me over for a sit-down.

Shu Pei replied with a smile, raised her eyes to meet Zhang Fan's gaze, and suddenly lost the interest to continue sitting down.After a while, she made up a random reason, saying that she still had something to do first.

Zhang Fan pretended to be considerate and understanding, and didn't say whether he wanted to formally start dating, so he got up in a gentlemanly manner to pay the bill.Shu Pei took the opportunity to send another message to He Zian: I'm leaving, I'll treat you to dinner later.

He Zian smiled as if relieved, and simply went back to the ambiguous past, waiting for them to leave, then looked up at Xiang Chen.

Xiang Chen looked at him speechlessly, and after a long silence told him in sign language: "This person doesn't work in any real estate company in Xingang."

He Zian's thoughtful gaze slowly fell on the man beside him, motioning for him to speak.The man tilted his head and stroked the mustache on his chin, and took out a sealed portfolio from the bag he was carrying.

Xiang Chen said a few words to the man politely, and beckoned the waiter to take an order.He Zian brought the file bag over, casually dug out the information inside and scanned it, his brows furrowed instantly.He is not afraid of someone chasing Shu Pei, but it is obvious that Zhang Fan has a very problematic background, which he absolutely cannot bear.

After the end of the weekend, there was a sudden heavy rain in Xingang, and the business in Shu Pei's store was affected by the weather, and it was a little deserted.When the weather cleared up on Wednesday, she unexpectedly received a call from Zhang Fan asking her to eat tofu fish by the river.

Speaking of which, her impression of Zhang Fan can't be said to be very good, but it's not bad either.What's more, at this point, the fantasy of love in my heart gradually dissipated like floating clouds.In addition, she was really tired of going on blind dates like jumping off a building with a clear price tag, so she agreed to his invitation.

Seeing that it was still early before the agreed meeting time, Shu Pei told Meiya a few words, and drove back to the apartment to take a shower and change clothes.Unexpectedly, Fang Yiran, who had been quiet for a few days before putting on makeup and was about to go out, called again.

Shu Pei stopped changing shoes, sat down on the shoe stool in the entrance, and slid the answer button impatiently: "What's the matter?"

"That's right. Mr. Mo's art exhibition was held in the art gallery this afternoon, and he accidentally mentioned that he wanted to meet you." Fang Yiran lied calmly: "It happens that I want to go back to Dongdae University in the evening, do you want to come together?"

Shu Pei originally wanted to say who wants to go with you, but when it came to her mouth, it turned into: "Okay, you can buy me some gifts for me, and I will give you money when we meet later."

Fang Yiran generously said no, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Then I will wait for you at the gate of the East Gate. Goodbye Shu Pei."

Shu Pei rolled her eyes, poked the hang up button vigorously, and was about to put away her phone when another text message came in.After reading the picture email received in the mailbox, she bit her lower lip tightly, trembling all over with anger...

Kicking off the high heels she was only wearing, she put on a pair of black flip-flops indiscriminately, and drove home in a hurry.

Guo Yueyao recruited another group of people to build the Great Wall in the living room. The air-conditioned house was not drafty, and the pungent smell of smoke was everywhere.Shu Pei was so angry that she dragged Guo Yueyao to her room.

"Did you eat gunpowder today?" Seeing her daughter's dark complexion, Guo Yueyao scolded preemptively, "If there's anything you can't talk about on the phone."

Shu Pei closed the door, gritted her teeth, dug out the photos received in her mobile phone, and handed them over without saying a word.

Guo Yueyao looked at the naked man and woman hugging each other in the photo, and instantly became enraged. She took the phone and turned around and rushed out.Shu Pei calmed down alone in the room, and suddenly heard the sound of the table falling to the ground, fearing that she would hit someone in a hurry, so she hurried into the living room.

"Zhang Xueqiu, what do you mean? There is something wrong with my family Shu Pei, you actually found her a duck!" Guo Yueyao pointed at Zhang Xueqiu who fell to the ground with one hand on her hips and scolded angrily: "Why don't you leave it to your family Xiao Guo? !"

Zhang Xueqiu was at a loss. She didn't know why Guo Yueyao suddenly went crazy. She sat on the ground and cried and yelled back: "Guo Yueyao, you spitting blood! It's not because of the sisterhood for so many years, you think I'm happy to give your family Shu Pei Introduce someone!"

When Guo Yueyao heard this, she squatted down in front of her with a sneer, poked the phone under her eyelids angrily, and shouted, "Look for yourself!"

When Zhang Xueqiu saw the person in the photo clearly, his face turned red and then pale, and he was speechless for a while.

Shu Pei didn't bother to listen to their arguing, so she took back her mobile phone and went out without saying a word.

She got in the car and called Yan Susu, and when she learned that she and Mu Wenzhe were having dinner outside, Shu Pei hung up sullenly.I drove to the soup pot shop near the apartment, packed a dinner, and went straight home.

After entering the door and putting away things, the phone in the bag kept ringing.She took it out and glanced at the number, seeing that it was Zhang Fan, she resolutely refused to answer and changed to flight mode, then ate in silence.

In fact, as early as the way back, her emotions had calmed down.Although it's embarrassing to meet a duck on a blind date, at least for a long time, you don't have to face strange men for dinner, and you don't have to put yourself on the table over and over again for people to evaluate.

It was still early after eating, and she didn't want to go out at all.After taking a shower and changing into her home clothes, she went back to the bedroom, hugged the computer and browsed the forum for a while, thought for a while and changed the mode of the phone back, then sent a text message to Zhang Fan, straight to the point, saying that the two of them were not suitable, and we will not see each other in the future.

Just as the text message was sent, another call came in.After seeing the number, Shu Pei pursed her lips and refused to answer, then logged on to her private WeChat account that she hadn't used for a long time, and posted a photo of her feet overlapping under the blurred light, with the caption: loneliness.

Moments later, WeChat prompted someone to comment on her photo.She glanced at Fang Yiran's name, set her phone to silent mode and threw it on the bedside table, put on her earphones comfortably, and lay down on the bed to watch the drama.

After entering summer, the days are long and the nights are short, especially in Xingang, which is located in the subtropical monsoon climate zone.

After 8 o'clock in the evening, the sky will be completely dark, and the 27th floor of Xingang CBD Ming'an Building is brightly lit.In the fitness room opposite the office, He Zi'an was shirtless, sweating profusely playing tennis with Xiang Chen in the tennis area.

His skill at the game is superb, and after several rounds of defeats, Xiang Chen was exhausted and asked for a rest.Putting away the racket and sitting on the sofa beside him, He Zian drank some water, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, and asked in sign language, "Do you think she will read the email?"

Xiang Chen raised his head and poured down half of the bottle of water. After panting for a long time, he put down the water bottle and returned to him: "She often uses the email address. It will take more than a day. Even if she doesn't log in to her phone, she should receive a reminder message."

He Zian frowned, and gestured again: "Will she be suspicious?"

Xiang Chen took a deep breath and tried not to distort his expression: "Anyway, I won't suspect you."

He Zian laughed silently, took the racket, skipped and skipped to the training room beside him, and practiced alone.

"What happened to him today?" He Ziming, who had just finished his work, unbuttoned his shirt collar with a tired expression, and sat down next to Xiang Chen: "Did he succeed or did he not confess at all?"

Xiang Chen's eyes fell on He Zi'an, please smiled and shook his head, and handed over a bottle of water: "Neither, he is waiting for the time to pass quickly."

He Ziming asked suspiciously, "Wait for the time to pass?"

Seeing that He Zi'an's attention was not on this side, Xiang Chen looked away mysteriously, and said the matter roughly in a low voice.After hearing this, He Ziming smiled noncommittally, rolled up his sleeves, took another pair of rackets, and went to find He Zian to fight.

Although he was wearing everyday formal clothes and leather shoes, his movements were no slower than He Zi'an's, and he didn't even lose a single goal.Xiang Chen was excited watching from the sidelines and couldn't help applauding him vigorously.He Zi'an caught a glimpse of his movements from the corner of his eye, and his heart suddenly became competitive.

After three rounds, the two brothers did not lose or win, and it was almost a tie.Xiang Chen was addicted to watching it, laughed and stood up, and suggested to eat the crispy roast goose.He Ziming and He Zian expressed no objection, put away their rackets and went to shower and change their clothes.

Before dawn the next day, the harsh ringing of the alarm clock rang through the bedroom.

Shu Pei woke up in the morning light, hurriedly washed and ran downstairs a few times, and then drove to the farmer's market to replenish raw materials.After returning to the store to finish the preparations, she habitually took out her mobile phone to watch the news online.

Click on the news application software, and a headline pops up on the customized daily Xingang. The police raided pornography and arrested nearly a hundred men and women engaged in special occupations in a bar street.

Shu Pei scrolled to the bottom to read the comments, closed the app speechlessly, and made himself a cup of hot corn juice.After He Zian resigned and left, Xiaoqi and Meiya expressed that they were not used to it. In fact, she was not used to it either, but they didn't say anything.

A week passed in a blink of an eye, since the incident with Zhang Fan, Guo Yueyao didn't mention the blind date anymore, and she was happy and at ease.When I have nothing to do, I post photos on WeChat, and add words that hurt the spring and autumn, and occasionally pretend to miss the past.

Fang Yiran, as she expected, always likes and occasionally comments on the photos as soon as they are posted.Shu Pei didn't pay attention at all, and didn't even mention it at all, and asked him to buy gifts for him to see Teacher Mo.

The business in the store was not too busy that day, Yan Susu just called and invited her to participate in the charity event planned by Mu.Knowing that the purpose of the event was to donate money and materials to the school for the deaf and dumb in the city, and to do volunteer work by the way, Shu Pei agreed without hesitation, and went to the parking lot to pick up the car after hanging up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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