Chapter 14
Due to the high salary she offered, she recruited people within two days.The new part-time job is in his early 20s, he is a sophomore boy majoring in advertising in the art department of Dongda University, named Xu Lin.As soon as he came, Shu Pei's free time gradually increased, and from time to time he asked Yan Susu to go to the spa or go swimming.

On Saturday afternoon, I went to the store to settle accounts as usual, and Fang Yiran, who hadn't contacted me for a long time, unexpectedly appeared outside the store holding a bouquet of roses.Shu Pei stared at him coldly, pretending not to see, but the camera of the mobile phone was focused on the lower half of his face and the rose in his arms.

After filming, she put away her phone as if nothing had happened, and went to the counter to talk to Meiya.

Fang Yiran stood outside the door covered in sweat for a while, but he didn't see Shu Pei coming out, so he had to push the door open and go in.

"Mr. Fang, are you going on a date?" Meiya rolled her eyes and greeted in a neutral manner: "Would you like juice or fruit tea?"

Fang Yiran ignored Meiya, walked up to Shu Pei, and calmly showed a gentle smile: "Today is the last day of Teacher Mo's art exhibition, and several students have come to congratulate him."

Shu Pei feigned surprise and raised her head: "I've already ordered a pair of flower baskets for delivery this morning."

"The students mean that they want to attend Teacher Mo's celebration banquet." Fang Yiran continued his efforts: "Mu Wenzhe and Yan Susu have already arrived at the hotel, are you really not going?"

"Go..." Shu Pei lazily replied, her eyes fell on his face casually: "But I don't intend to go with you."

Fang Yiran was still smiling, but his eyes were complicated and inexplicable.Shu Pei pretended not to see his expression, took the car keys and bag, and walked out of the counter with a relaxed expression.When passing by him, he was pulled back unexpectedly.

It's not too annoying to do this trick again!Shu Pei slandered, turned her head slowly, and looked contemptuously: "Fang Yiran, you said that if Meng Xin knew that you bought roses to pick me up, would she be so stupid as to pay your mortgage?"

Fang Yiran lowered his eyes to meet her gaze, and the hand holding her arm, the knuckles on the back of the hand were all white, and he let go.Shu Pei snorted mockingly, Pingping Tingting walked out of the store, turned right and went to the parking lot to pick up the car.

The celebration banquet in the evening was actually very boring. Mr. Mo was too busy to deal with them, so he didn't have time to pay attention to them disciples and grandchildren.Shu Pei sat for a while, then slipped out as soon as the banquet opened at 7:[-], returned to the car and sent a text message to He Zian.

After waiting patiently for a few seconds, He Zian's text message quickly replied: Come to Fuqian Road Subway Exit, I will take you to eat ancestral grilled fish.

Shu Pei smiled knowingly after reading it, then started the engine and left the hotel's underground parking lot.

The ancestral grilled fish that He Zian talked about was neither a well-known old shop in Xingang, nor a well-known shop in the gourmet city.

Shu Pei was full of doubts, and under his command, drove the car towards Crescent Lake.The distance from the urban area to Crescent Lake is not close, and it is quiet in the carriage, only the sound of the roaring airflow keeps echoing in my ears.

Several times, Shu Pei couldn't help but want to ask what he said about the ancestral grilled fish.Considering that he has no hearing and it is inconvenient to type while driving, he gave up.

The car drove into Wanghu District in silence, it was already past 8 o'clock in the evening.While waiting for the red light, He Zi'an quickly handed over his mobile phone to let her see the content on it: I borrowed the key from Xiang Chen, and you drive directly to the lotus pond.

Hawthorn?It's hard to see that Xiang Chen actually gave his villa such an idyllic name.Shu Pei laughed after watching "噗嗤", and when the green light turned on, she turned the steering wheel and turned right to the Crescent Lake Resort Center.

The breeze in the lotus pond at night is intoxicating, the air is full of the fragrance of flowers, and the crickets and frogs are chirping one after another.Shu Pei threw the car into the garage, followed He Zian in a relaxed manner, and strolled towards the villa.

The general ran ahead with a grunt, turned back as soon as he was a little further away, and followed their footsteps meekly.Shu Pei is not afraid of it at all now, as soon as it distances itself, she snaps her fingers.The general's ears are super sensitive. When he snapped his fingers for the first time, he ran so fast that he didn't even look back.But for the second time, He Zi'an followed closely behind Shu Pei and also hit him, so he had to run back reluctantly with his head down.

He Zian walked ahead with a full smile, turning his head to look at the naughty Shu Pei from time to time, the upward curve of the corners of his mouth gradually increased.

After entering the main room of the villa, he led Shu Pei to the dining room, and when he turned around, he saw the general staying outside the door obediently, snapping his fingers very loudly on purpose.The general who received the order smashed open the door by himself wagging his tail, ran in shaking his head, and sat down obediently.

Shu Pei couldn't help laughing, wrinkled her nose and smelled the aroma of the food on the table, and ran to wash her hands happily.He Zian, who was holding the bowl, caught a glimpse of her movements from the corner of his eye, and the happiness in his chest seemed to overflow at any moment.

The dishes are not particularly rich, a fresh steamed sea bass, simple soup with cabbage heart, and half a white-cut chicken.Shu Pei was already very hungry on the way, and couldn't wait for He Zi'an to serve her a meal, so she reached out and took a piece of chicken to her mouth.

He Zian paused slightly in his hands, shook his head lovingly, with a warm smile on his lips.

Shu Pei also smiled, but her face had a fever for no reason, and she took the rice bowl from him slightly uncomfortably.The dining atmosphere was as dull as ever, but fortunately, the two of them were used to it and didn't feel embarrassed.

After eating and resting for a while, He Zian led her out of the villa, and took the general for a walk to digest food.

When I came to the pavilion by the lotus pond, I saw a pavilion with a white steel frame structure, built in a square shape under a white orchid tree, surrounded by transparent floor-to-ceiling glass, including the skylight on the roof. It feels like entering a delicate crystal box inside.

He Zi'an snapped his fingers to summon the general, gestured towards it with his hand, and whistled at the same time.The general wagged his tail, rushed out of the pavilion like lightning, and quickly ran in the direction of the villa.Shu Pei looked around inside and out, and couldn't help asking He Zian how the pavilion was full of glass for ventilation.After asking, I found that there was an extra plate of grilled fish on the coffee table in the pavilion, and my saliva flowed out all of a sudden.

The water surface of Crescent Lake is very wide, and there are basically no high-rise villas nearby, and it is far away from the city center. At night, the temperature is obviously lower than that in the city, so it doesn't feel hot.

Above the head, a crescent moon like a silver hook hangs obliquely in the sky.The cool evening breeze blew over, and in the lotus pond under the moonlight, the lotus leaves swayed and swayed, making a soft rustling sound from time to time.A few fireflies flew past with a little yellow-green light.

Shu Pei closed her eyes comfortably and took a deep breath of fresh air.Opening her eyes, the number of fireflies was much more than before. Her gaze suddenly became pleasantly surprised, and she hurriedly ran back to the pavilion to find her mobile phone.

He Zian opened the drawer of the coffee table, took out two sets of disposable bowls and chopsticks, and set them up. When he looked up and saw her frantic movements, he immediately walked over and asked in sign language in a daze, "What happened?"

"Fireflies..." Afraid that he would not understand, Shu Pei grabbed his arm after getting the phone without thinking, ran out of the pavilion quickly, pointed at the fireflies flashing in the air and said with a smile: "Look, look!"

He Zi'an laughed silently, took her mobile phone over naturally, unlocked it, clicked on the notepad and quickly typed a line: There are many mosquitoes outside, let's go back to sit in the pavilion and enjoy while eating.

After reading it, Shu Pei smiled and agreed, but after taking back the mobile phone, she snapped a picture of the firefly, showing no intention of going back at all.He Zian had no choice but to stay by the side honestly, helping to beat the mosquitoes.

After a while, Shu Pei's ankles were frequently bitten by mosquitoes, so she had to put away her mobile phone and turned to walk into the pavilion.He Zian reacted and reached out to grab her in time, took out a remote control from his trouser pocket as if by magic, and pressed a few buttons mysteriously. In the sound of "didi", the glass facing the lotus pond opened, and at the same time, a white soft screen window fell from the top of the roof.

Shu Pei glanced at the magical remote control in his hand, slowly put away the surprise in his heart, and entered the pavilion with him to sit down.The delicious food, the beautiful scenery, the chirping of insects and the chirping of frogs, and the patches of fireflies are brighter than the stars. There is no trace of a modern civilized city.

All kinds of trance make people stay in a dream, reluctant to wake up.

During the conversation on the mobile phone, the general ran back with a basket in his mouth and scratched at the door vigorously with his paws.Shu Pei stood up and opened the door, picking up the basket on the ground by the way.Inside was a bottle of foreign wine, cups, ice cubes and fruit juice. Shu Pei took out the same ones and asked with a smile, "Zian, can you make wine?"

"No..." He Zian finished explaining in sign language as if nothing had happened, then took the phone and bowed his head to type.

Shu Pei smiled in disbelief, opened the wine on her own initiative, poured out a glass and handed it to him: "Zian, thank you for your ancestral grilled fish and delicious dinner."

He Zian raised his head in a daze, put the phone aside casually, and took out another glass to pour wine.In this way, one person has one drink, and no one suffers.Shu Pei generously touched him, and was turning around to sip a little while facing the lotus pond.

There is no pungent or spicy taste as imagined, and the mouth is full of strong fruit juice fragrance.Shu Pei was extremely pleasantly surprised, and since she was a child, she liked cold drinks, so she drank the fruit wine in the glass in two gulps, and couldn't help pouring herself another full glass.

After finishing the second glass of wine, He Zian suddenly got up and walked out of the pavilion, waving his hands to catch the firefly flying over.Shu Pei laughed and couldn't help but poured another glass of wine and drank it down.

He Zi'an chased the fireflies and gradually walked away, Shu Pei drank more and more, and when he poured the wine, he accidentally found a text message on his mobile phone that he hadn't read.She leaned back in the chair comfortably, and slowly unlocked it to check.

The text message was sent by He Zian a few minutes ago, but unfortunately it only contained half a sentence: I like Shu Pei

He Zian probably wanted to say that he likes himself.Shu Pei put the phone back like a hot potato, her face was on fire, her heart was beating like a chaotic drumbeat, and she couldn't calm down no matter what.

The alcoholic strength of the cocktail is like a filament, entangled in the mind bit by bit, and gradually overwhelmed all thoughts.

Shu Pei closed her slightly drunken eyes, leaned lazily on the back of the soft and comfortable chair, feeling like she had thought a lot, but also felt like she hadn't really thought about anything.

After a while, she opened her eyes with a smile, stood up on the chair slightly drunk, and walked out of the pavilion barefoot.The curved corridors and paths by the pool are covered with sauna wooden floors. When you step on it with bare feet, you can faintly feel the slight warmth left by the sun after being exposed to the soles of your feet.

His eyes chased the fireflies in the air, and gradually settled on the tall figure.Then she took vain steps, like stepping on a cloud, and swayed and tried to get closer.

The closer she got to him, the faster her heartbeat and pulse would be. Shu Pei couldn't tell whether it was the alcohol or her own heart, but she always had some kind of expectation.Walking behind him silently, she finally couldn't help throbbing, and raised her hand to pat him on the back.

He Zi'an turned his head with a smile without any surprise, and the hands that overlapped and covered one place slowly reached under her eyelids, motioning her to look into the hollow palms.

The flickering yellow-green light dimly fell on Shu Pei's face through the gaps between her fingers. She put her hands on her hands with a mischievous smile and opened his closed palms without thinking.The little firefly was freed suddenly, flapped its wings and flew away.

Shu Pei watched the bug fly away, couldn't help laughing and applauding, her crimson face was extraordinarily charming under the clear light of the moonlight.

He Zi'an pretended to be angry, but when he bumped into her blurred eyes, something exploded in his mind, so hot but so uncontrollable.

He took a step forward involuntarily, taking advantage of his height, and lowered his eyes to look at her.In the next moment, he only remembered that he stretched out his hand, and Shu Pei's soft and fragrant body fell firmly into his arms.

The hot lips fell down carefully, touching her smooth forehead lightly, but she was reluctant to leave.

Shu Pei was probably frightened by his unexpected behavior, or because the cocktail was too strong, and his completely uncontrollable brain was dizzy, like a boat floating in the ocean, shaking and unable to reach the shore.

The clear and clean breath, mixed with the hormonal smell on his body, tickled the mind that was sometimes awake and sometimes chaotic.With her eyes closed, she wrapped her hands around his waist unconsciously, and pressed her head against his chest. She found a more comfortable position, leaned up and down, and soon fell asleep.

He Zi'an felt his chest sink, then he picked her up dumbly, and walked towards the villa with heavy steps.The cool wind blew slowly, and he looked down at Shu Pei in his arms. Not only did he not feel the coolness, but it made it even hotter, and there was nowhere to relieve it.

Shu Pei curled up like a kitten and fell asleep on the bed, but the half of the text message that was hesitant to speak was still in the dream.He Zi'an's smiling face, brighter than the sun, came and went in his mind, she asked anxiously while he just smiled and played hide-and-seek, only the crisp jingle of wind chimes passed by his ears clearly, entangled repeatedly... …

Woke up early in the morning, unable to sleep again.

Sitting up straight with a splitting headache, she realized that she had returned to the guest room of the villa, but unfortunately she had no memory of how she got back.He got out of bed drowsily, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the people on the ground.

He Zi'an slept peacefully on the floor like a child, still wearing the usual cheap house clothes, and his two long straight legs poked straight into his eyes.

Gently crawling down from the bed, Shu Pei leaned over and approached him. When she realized that He Zian couldn't hear anything, she couldn't help but become a little more courageous, and simply squatted down beside him, staring down at him. .

He Zian's skin is very fair, the kind of healthy and sunny white.The facial features that are not particularly prominent are very suitable for him, taking into account the ambiguous qualities between men and boys, both calm and sunny.When not smiling, it is slightly deep, but when smiling is pure and innocent, people can't help but feel a little protective.

Looking at it, Shu Pei subconsciously reached out to touch his cheek.The moment the skin touched, He Zian suddenly opened his eyes, she was so frightened that she retracted her hand at a loss, and hesitated for a long time without saying a complete sentence.

He Zi'an squinted and sat up, her eyes were full of panic, her heart suddenly seemed to run into a little rabbit, rushing left and right without thinking.After a while, he suppressed the throbbing and coughed hoarsely, and said in sign language: "Good morning."

"Good morning..." Shu Pei finished quickly, then stood up and fled.

He Zian laughed silently, and stood up.Walking to the door of the bedroom, he rang the bell next to the door three times, turned back, walked to Shu Pei and stood beside Shu Pei, his eyes followed her gaze and looked out the window.

The two were very close, so close that Shu Pei could feel the slight air current of his breath, brushing hotly over the top of his head.

The transparent and bright large floor-to-ceiling windows vaguely reflected the figures of the two.Shu Pei tried her best to adjust her breathing, and raised her eyes to look carefully at He Zi'an in the reflection.He was tall and strong, standing tall and straight beside him, just looking at him felt at ease.

At this moment, the smile on his face was so deep that Shu Pei felt that the gentle eyes in his eyes were completely admiring his lover.For a moment, she almost blurted out: Zi'an, do you like me?

But before she could open her mouth, the nanny Xu suddenly shouted outside the door: "Miss Shu, breakfast is ready, do you want to bring it to the room?"

Shu Pei came back to her senses, thinking that she hadn't washed yet, and then politely refused: "No trouble, I'll go downstairs to eat later."

"Okay, I'll go down first." After sister Xu finished speaking, the footsteps gradually faded away.

Shu Pei scratched her hair a few times, and smiled embarrassedly at He Zi'an: "I'm going to brush my teeth and comb my hair..."

He Zian nodded with a smile, and at the same time added in sign language: "Together." Before she could refuse, he had already entered the bathroom first.

Shu Pei was silent for a while, and raised his heel.Looking at the bathroom with at least 10 square meters, even if two people stood in it, it seemed empty. She took the brand-new toiletries in He Zian's hand, and began to brush her teeth carefully in front of the mirror.

He Zian looked over with a smile, and brushed his teeth in the mirror.Shu Pei caught a glimpse of him imitating the example, and couldn't help laughing.Afterwards, each of them took care of their own work, the dazzling sunlight came in through the window, and a subtle atmosphere kept flowing in the huge bathroom.

After breakfast, Xiang Chen, who usually only sent text messages, unexpectedly called.After He Zian hung up, he returned the message, and Mu Ran remembered that there was a film screening today, and he had to attend it with Xiang Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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