Chapter 24
With one kick, the expensive custom-made sandals also flew out.Fang Yiran jumped to pick up the shoes in a panic, picked up the bricks that had fallen from the flower garden, and threw his hands at the car with hatred like a trapped animal.

Shu Pei watched his movements amusedly, and fell back leisurely again.After a few minutes of stalemate, the 110 police car drove up behind the car, and Shu Pei reversed the car to find a safer place, got out of the car and cried.

Fang Yiran, who was still holding the stone in his hand and had no time to throw it away, was escorted into the car by the police, and Shu Pei followed calmly to the nearby police station.It was almost noon after finishing the notes, and the clouds in the sky were getting thicker and thicker, so dark that it seemed that it would rain at any moment.

Go back to the apartment and close the windows tightly, call Yan Susu and ask her to urge the tax bureau to find out the fact of Fang Yiran's tax evasion as soon as possible.After that, I was bored and sent a text message to the big boy: I was so unlucky, the car was almost smashed by the EX. Fortunately, I called the police wisely.

After reading the text message, He Zian, who was aliased as a big boy, felt so stuffy in his chest that he couldn't breathe, and he hesitated for a long time before replying: What a heroic heroine.

Shu Pei smiled sincerely, and couldn't help but make an exception and send another one: Rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry.

He Zian imagined her sly appearance, subconsciously raised the corners of his lips, and answered her: big rabbit.

Shu Pei is in a good mood: Big boy.

He Zian couldn't hold back, and tentatively asked: Did your EX treat you badly before?

"Which one do you want to ask?" Shu Pei finished talking to herself, but didn't reply after all, lost her phone and climbed onto the bed in a depressed mood.

Drowsily falling asleep, Shu Pei vaguely dreamed that she had returned to the campus of Dongda University.Under the tall and verdant paulownia tree, a girl with black and shiny shawl and long hair stood facing her back. Fang Yiran kneeled down on one foot in a gentlemanly and romantic way, holding a large bouquet of newly picked lotus flowers in his arms, with a hearty and seductive laugh: "Shu Pei, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Shu Pei ran over in shock, wanting to tell the self at that time, don't agree...don't agree.It's just that there was someone who was faster than him and threw his fist without hesitation in an instant. Fang Yiran got up from the ground screaming, his eyes were burning with anger.

White T-shirt and jeans, straight and slender could it be him! "Zian!" Shu Pei yelled, realizing that he would never hear her voice, and crouched down tremblingly hugging her arms, suppressing her crying.

"He Zi'an, please speak clearly!" Shouting and waking up, the pillow was icy cold.Outside the window, bean-sized raindrops hit the window edge, and the sky was as dark as ink.

Like a wandering soul, he got up from the bed and grabbed the watch on the bedside table.At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, I actually slept for more than two hours.Shu Pei recalled the scene in the dream, and walked to the bathroom to wash up with a blank expression.

The wind and the rain were violent, and the gray sky hung heavily over the city.

Shanghai, which is thousands of miles away, is also experiencing torrential rain at this time, and the cold wind is howling.He Zian fiddled with his phone, annoyed that his slip of the tongue made her unhappy, and also angry that he couldn't return to Xingang in time.

The tumor resection operation was successful, but he didn't have the courage to return to his original number, and sent Shu Pei a text message in an open and honest manner.After losing his mobile phone, Xiang Chen helped him buy a new one and replace the card the next day. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to save one of the photos on the original mobile phone.

At noon, he heard her say that Fang Yiran was going to smash the car when he met Fang Yiran. With a relaxed and teasing tone, his heart suddenly became confused.

A thousand and 1 sorry are not enough to make up for the harm I caused her.For two months and 1464 hours, he wanted to come back to her every moment, to see her smile, to see her angry or acting like a baby, but his reason told him that he would never have another chance.

While distracted, He Ziming and the attending doctor pushed the door in, followed by his parents with relaxed faces.

"The patient is recovering well after the operation, and he will have a comprehensive examination tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and he will be discharged from the hospital." The doctor finished the corresponding examination for He Zian, and added: "Remember to avoid food, pay attention to a reasonable diet and rest. "

He Ziming thanked him happily, and told He Zian in sign language: "I can be discharged from the hospital and return to Xingang in a few days."

He Zi'an pulled back his thoughts, looked at He Ziming with sparkling eyes, and then at his parents who were beaming with joy, the corners of his lips gradually curved into a beautiful arc.

A week later, He Zian and his family set off from Shanghai back to Xingang.The moment he walked down the gangway, a familiar aura rushed over his face, and the joy in his heart surged, which was then replaced by monstrous anger.

After returning home to rest for a while, He Zian, accompanied by He Ziming, went to the Armed Police Headquarters.Ma Rongmao was off work, and the two brothers left the hospital in tacit agreement and went directly to his home.

The closed door opened, and the woman cried and laughed intermittently from the room.He Ziming frowned, and told He Zian in sign language: "Professor Ma's wife is ill again."

Impressively seeing He Zian who was safe and sound, Ma Rongmao already had a premonition in his heart that they must have something very serious to come here.After He Ziming and He Zian finished discussing, he hesitated to hand over the examination results issued by Shanghai ENT Hospital: "Professor Ma, please take a look at this examination by Zian."

"How come..." Ma Rongmao's hands trembled, and the meridians on both sides of his temples bulged faintly: "Since I misdiagnosed, you can sue in court, or directly negotiate with the hospital, I will definitely be responsible for my wrong judgment. "

While talking, Ma Rongmao's lover ran out of the bedroom madly holding a plastic doll, muttering, "Look, baby, two uncles are coming to see you."

He Zian couldn't bear it, so he quietly tugged on the corner of He Ziming's clothes, and said goodbye politely.Walking out of the family building of the hospital, the two brothers returned to the car and sat silently.

After a long time, He Zian took the initiative to pat He Ziming's shoulder, and gestured: "Let's forget about it. His medical skills have always been very good. Don't ruin his career because of this trivial matter."

He Ziming pondered for a while, then hesitated and asked, "What about Shu Pei? I know you have always wanted to save me."

redeem?Ever since he begged his aunt and mother to pretend to be his parents-in-law, the relationship between him and Shu Pei has been irreversible, and there is no way to redeem it!He Zian smiled wryly, turned his head and looked out the window...

In a blink of an eye, it is already January, and the Spring Festival is approaching, and the faces of passers-by are reddened by the tea plums in full bloom.

Shu Pei went to the flower shop early in the morning to order a flower basket, and prepared a big red envelope, and drove to attend the opening ceremony of Yan Susu's jewelry store.Since the government prohibits the setting off of firecrackers and fireworks, as soon as the auspicious time comes, the sound of crackling firecrackers can be heard from the speakers placed outside the door.

The red silk was cut, the guests greeted and greeted politely, and the customers waiting outside the store rushed in.Shu Pei found a free time to finish talking with Yan Susu, and then returned to the car in a daze.After a moment of silence, the mobile phone receives the latest news from Xingang every day.The facts of Fang Yiran's tax evasion were found out, and experts estimated that he would be sentenced to at least five years. The luxury goods and real estate he bought were all appraised and sealed by the bank.

In addition, there was another piece of news that Yue Lu, the person in charge of another company that also evaded taxes, was taking a young lady to a baby products store with his wife when he was arrested.

The strange things in this world are everywhere... Shu Pei pressed the delete button contemptuously, and opened the text message involuntarily.It has been 10 days since I last texted with the big boy.

To be precise, she was deliberately avoiding the three unshakable text messages from the other party every day.In the morning, at noon and at night, the greetings that were more punctual than clocking in, made her think of He Zi'an involuntarily.

When we first separated, she thought that she would forget about it soon, but two months later, every time she met a single customer who came to strike up a conversation, his smile would subconsciously appear in her mind, and she couldn't control herself from making contact with him. compare with.

On the surface, she is still the same as before.I set aside one day every week to volunteer at a school for the deaf, occasionally treat Meiya Xiaoqi to supper, and go shopping with Yan Susu to go to the spa from time to time. It seems that my life has not changed at all.

It's just that Guo Yueyao seems to be a different person, and the topic of blind dates with appetizers has disappeared since then.Even occasionally when Shu Chuande talked about her cousin's child, she would interrupt and change the subject, for fear of being irritated.

Probably because she was used to hearing her loud abuse, but now her cautious appearance made Shu Pei flustered and at a loss.Leaning on the back of the chair exhausted, she closed her eyes and let out a deep breath of depression. She turned around and took the phone to start editing text messages.

It took less than half a minute for the message to be sent, and the other side replied: I wish your friend's shop a prosperous business every day.

The expression that had been stiff for a long time softened, and then a warm smile emerged.Shu Pei pursed her lips, and sent another message: It's a pity that you are not in Xingang, and I really want to find someone to accompany me to have a drink.

He Zi'an felt chest tightness after seeing it, and replied in a tactful tone: Drinking with boys is easy to be taken advantage of, so you are not afraid that I am a pervert.

Shu Pei laughed, but the image of He Zi'an obediently sleeping on the floor and guarding herself all night flashed through her mind when she was drunk in the lotus pond.The sour and suffocating emotions silently surged from the bottom of my heart to my throat, instantly moistening my eyes.

He Zi'an waited for a long time before seeing her reply, so he couldn't help but send another message: Did I say something wrong?

Shu Pei leaned on the back of the chair with tears in her smile, and it took a long time to calm down. She replied: No, I just remembered an old friend.

Is she talking about herself... He Zian put down his phone, walked lonely to the French window, and looked down.The range visible to the naked eye is extremely small, the signboard of Attendre is vague, the pedestrians on the street are very small, and the cars are pitifully small.

After a while, he finally couldn't bear the strong desire to know the details, picked up the phone again, and sent back to Shu Pei: I met a classmate just now, isn't that old friend of yours very special?

Shu Pei simply answered the word no, and was dragged out of the car by Yan Susu, and went back to the shop to admire the various jewelry she bought.The invited guests gathered in twos and threes in front of the counter, looked at every piece of jewelry, and praised the proprietress for her good eyesight while chatting and laughing.

Everything is expensive and authentic, the Mu family is rich and well-connected, so how can it be bad.Shu Pei listened to the discussion with little interest, but couldn't stand Yan Susu's repeated recommendations, so he casually took a gold bracelet and admired it carefully in his hand.

Yan Susu shook her head when she saw this, and said with a low voice, laughing: "Choosing jewelry is like choosing a man. At the beginning, you choose good-looking ones, and there is not much room for actual appreciation. When you are too picky, you will encounter a favorite that can appreciate in value and keep the price. No money."

"I have the money to buy it." Shu Pei disagreed with her nonsense, and retorted: "Although the price of gold is unstable, it is worth more than the cash in your hand in troubled times."

Yan Susu covered her mouth and laughed: "People say that Sheng Shixing collects and buys gold in troubled times. You know that the price of gold is unstable, so why keep buying it. If the price of this thing falls, it will take at least several years to recover."

"Don't buy gold to buy a house? The news is talking about regulating housing prices every day. Maybe one day it will be controlled. Wouldn't it be a worse death?" Shu Pei put the gold bracelet back, and her eyes fell on a green jade bracelet.

Yan Susu smiled as usual, but there was something in her words: "I think, regardless of the price rise and fall, women still have to buy jewelry that they like, and the same goes for men."

Shu Pei heard her overtones, found a place with few people, and asked if she wanted to be a matchmaker again.Yan Susu was also straightforward, saying that Mu Wenzhe's company was going to hold a small reception, and she was welcome to attend.

After asking about the time and venue, Shu Pei thought about it and agreed.

It is said that time is a good medicine to heal emotional injuries. In her view, all pain comes from obsession.The thoughts in my heart are extinguished, and even if time does not pass, I will not feel pain.

Back at the apartment at night, Shu Pei stepped out of the elevator and finally mustered up the courage to open the door next door.Everything was as before, and the room was so clean that he seemed to have never left.Without turning on the light, he walked barefoot to the living room and sat down, and mechanically took out the salary card and key that had been prepared.

The sound of metal colliding with glass was crisp and frightening. Taking a last look at the familiar scene, she unconsciously closed her eyes and murmured: "Goodbye, Zian." At the end, she got up and left unwilling to stay for a moment.

The moment the door closed, He Zian came out of the darkness without a sound, picked up the key that was still warm from her fingers, and held it tremblingly.She had waited for her for more than two months, and her belated cognition was like a sharp knife piercing into the depths of her heart.

Excited and at a loss, he took out his phone, quickly switched to his original number, edited a long text message with hope, and pressed send tremblingly.The dim light outside the window penetrated the curtains, dimly illuminating everything in the room, only those eyes that were as deep as the sea were shining brightly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the mobile phone held in the palm of my hand was silent, as if it had suddenly lost its signal.I checked repeatedly in disbelief until I was completely disappointed.After tossing and turning without sleep all night, when the sky was slightly bright, there was a slight vibration in the chest.

Sitting up in ecstasy to check, the content was cruel and unfeeling: Sorry, you sent it wrong.

The enthusiasm that had been restless all night suddenly dropped to freezing point...

(End of this chapter)

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