never heard i love you

Chapter 27 Lovesickness

Chapter 27 Lovesickness (3)
When I came to the detention center, I learned that Fang Yiran's case had not yet been formally heard in court, and he could not visit him for the time being.After getting in the car, he was about to call Yan Susu, but she called first.The conversation revealed that Fang Yiran's crime of attempted murder was well-documented, and another robbery case was also involved.

"Robbery?" Shu Pei repeated in disbelief: "You said Fang Yiran ordered others to rob?"

"Hmm..." Yan Susu paused, and then said, "The target of the robbery is Zi'an."

With a "snap", Shu Pei's phone suddenly slipped from his hand.Although he once suspected that Fang Yiran had something to do with He Zian's robbery, it was confirmed that this feeling was different.It's the same with Fang, she hated her and looked down on her too much, but she has never wished for him to die immediately like now.

Dazed for a second, she picked up the phone and said goodbye to Yan Susu, quickly hung up, turned around and found He Zian's number and dialed it.Once, twice... Countless times, the receiver is always filled with that cold robotic female voice.

After calling countless times, she put away the phone, leaned heavily on the back of the chair, and closed her eyes in a slump.Back at the apartment at night, when passing by He Zian's door, Shu Pei stopped involuntarily and stood there for a full minute before turning her head and opening the door of her room.

After dinner, she couldn't help picking up her phone and calling He Zian again, but the result was still the same as in the afternoon.After repeating it several times, she put down the phone in disappointment, took the gift from Principal Li, and opened it with her hands.

The thumb-sized colorless glass bottle is full of hearts folded from various colored papers.Shu Pei took a breath, and hurriedly took out all the glass bottles, and sure enough, she saw a note at the bottom of the box.The handwriting on it is familiar and striking: Shu Pei, life is impermanent, meeting you and falling in love with you is the happiest time in my life.School for the deaf, if you don't want to continue, you can end at any time, take care.

Shu Pei held her face in a daze, tears trickled down her fingers, and murmured: "I will continue, for you..."

In mid-January, the sunny weather suddenly disappeared, the sky was gloomy every day, and the whole city was filled with water vapor.

He Zian, who was far away in the mountains, received a call from Xiang Chen and learned that Lu Yifei had come to discuss the establishment of a film and television company, so he rushed back to Xingang day and night.

Early this morning, Shu Pei bought all the fruits in the cold wind and returned to the store exhausted.After finishing the preparations, I went back to the counter to have breakfast and watch the news as usual.The results of the medical incident at the General Hospital of the Armed Police Force have come out. Fang Yiran was prosecuted by the prosecution for murder. Professor Ma, who was also the victim, took the blame and resigned.

After reading it calmly, she couldn't help but think of He Zian again, and a smile slowly appeared on her cold face.According to Principal Li, in a day or two, he should be back from his trip.This time, she must meet him and explain her misunderstanding to him in person.

At around 9:[-], Shu Pei waited for Xiaoqi to guard the store, and while she was talking, she received a call from Shu Chuande, with an anxious and desperate tone: "Pei Pei, your mother is missing! Suddenly, many people came downstairs to collect debts .”

"Dad, don't panic. I'll be right back." Shu Pei hung up the phone and told Xiao Qi that if someone came to make trouble, she must close the door and call the police immediately.Then he ran to the parking lot to get the car, and immediately drove back to Xinhua Community.

Near the entrance of the community, the street ahead was blocked by police cars, and the street was full of explosion-proof policemen.Shu Pei was so frightened that she broke out in a cold sweat, she parked the car in a random place, and ran home with her feet up.The situation downstairs was even more serious than outside. The names of Guo Yueyao and Zhang Xueqiu were written on the white banner, which looked particularly pervasive.

An old neighbor who recognized Shu Pei yelled at her and asked her to pay back the money.Shu Pei dodged the attack trembling all over, got behind the riot police, and got into the elevator in a panic.

The living room was dimly lit, Shu Chuande, who had never smoked, held a cigarette in his hand, his face was pale and haggard behind the smoke.Shu Pei sat down with a tight throat, reached out and snatched his cigarette, and smothered it: "Didn't she be fine yesterday? What's the matter with just running away?"

Shu Chuande shook his hands, took out a notebook from under the coffee table, and handed it over tremblingly: "These guys got a total of tens of millions of money from relatives, neighbors, and people they met in teahouses to speculate in real estate. Months ago, the housing prices of the community they bought suddenly dropped sharply, and they lost several million in one fell swoop. In addition to the sudden plunge in gold before, she said that she had no losses, but she actually lost a lot of money."

After Shu Pei finished listening, she looked carefully at Guo Yueyao's special account book, and her heart sank to the bottom of the valley instantly.The monthly interest paid is at least one million, including the principal that needs to be paid, she can't figure out where the money comes from.

In the silence, the landline at home suddenly rang.Both father and daughter were startled, Shu Chuande patted his chest, pretended to be calm and answered the phone: "Hello."

There was a second of silence on the other end of the phone, and then a cold voice came: "Mr. Shu Chuande, right? I'm an investigator at the urban police station. Your lover Guo Yueyao suddenly fainted at the entrance of the Huashun Farmer's Market. We have sent him to the armed police General hospital rescue, please come and confirm immediately."

Shu Chuande hung up the phone with an earthy face, and immediately dragged Shu Pei out.Seeing that his expression was wrong, Shu Pei's ominous premonition became stronger: "What happened to my mother!"

"I don't know either. The policeman said that he fainted suddenly, and his mobile phone must have been robbed, otherwise it would be impossible not to answer my call." Shu Chuande quickly pressed the elevator button with an extremely serious expression.

Shu Pei opened her mouth, and found that there were no comforting words to say.

I rushed to the Armed Police General Hospital in a hurry, and the police who called earlier told me that I was sent to the operating room, and the situation was not very good.Shu Pei subconsciously supported Shu Chuande, for fear that he would not be able to bear it.

After politely thanking the police, the father and daughter took the elevator to the door of the operating room on the 18th floor, and were immediately asked to complete the signing procedures.Acute renal failure, accompanied by severe liver cirrhosis, the one that was asked to sign was actually a critical illness notice.

Shu Chuande seemed to have lost his soul, holding the pen and not signing it.Shu Pei smiled apologetically, took another pen trembling, and solemnly signed her name.After the doctor left, the father and daughter were relatively speechless, and walked stiffly to the rest area to sit and wait.

It took Shu Chuande a while to recover, and he patted Shu Pei's shoulder out of control: "Your mother is too bad-tempered, the King of Hades will definitely not accept her so early."

Shu Pei's mind went blank, staring blankly at Shu Chuande's gray hair, tears fell silently, but she didn't dare to cry out.In the silence, the phone in the bag kept vibrating.

Taking out her mobile phone and walking some distance, she saw that it was the number in the store, and then slid the answer button: "Xiaoqi is me."

When Xiaoqi heard her voice, she cried out with a "wow": "Sister Shu, come back quickly. There are many people outside the store who say they want to collect debts. I'm so scared."

Shu Pei quickly put away her tears and gritted her teeth in grief: "You call the police immediately, I will be there in 20 minutes."

After the call was over, he returned to Shu Chuande to tell the whole story, and then ran to the elevator hall.When I went back, I passed the famous tobacco and wine stall opened by Zhang Xueqiu’s family, with white debt collection banners, and excited people.

Shu Pei speeded up the car and drove back, not daring to think about the situation of her shop.

When we arrived nearby, we saw that the street was blocked from a distance, and the sounds of police sirens and horns merged together, which was harsh and terrifying, so we had no choice but to drive in through the back door of the parking lot.Lock the car and go out quickly. The situation here is not much better than the famous tobacco and wine stalls at the Zhang family, and it seems to be worse.

Before the police arrived, the store's rolling gate had been locked, and the wind chime hanging under the door had long since disappeared.Shu Pei took a deep breath, and immediately hid in the parking lot to call Xiaoqi while no one noticed.

Knowing that she had called the police, those people just smashed the door and yelled. The store was not damaged at all, and the heart hanging in their throats slowly fell back.After waiting quietly for about 5 minutes, the police car that was blocked at the intersection slowly drove over.

Shu Pei moved her steps covered in cold sweat, suddenly there was the sound of hurried footsteps behind her.She was frightened and rushed out without thinking, not wanting to bump into someone all of a sudden.

Before he could see the person's face clearly in the fuss, his arm was grabbed tightly, followed by a scream that resounded like thunder: "She is the daughter of that liar Guo Yueyao, catch her quickly and make her pay back the money!"

The crowd quickly gathered around, Shu Pei didn't know where the brute force came from, and broke away from the man's hand fiercely.Before he could run away, someone grabbed his arm again, but the strength was gentler than before.In the next second, she was pulled around half a circle, and finally saw the person standing in front of her - He Zian.

The complicated emotions were only for a moment, and then they were replaced by fear.They were surrounded by the crowd at this moment, and there was no way to escape.Fortunately, the police who dispatched the police came to rescue in time, and the two were able to escape the siege.

The first person to recognize Shu Pei was Wang Hui who lived next door to Shu's house before the demolition of the Xinhua Community.She was stopped by the police and couldn't get any closer, and immediately yelled angrily: "Shu Pei, if your mother doesn't return the principal and interest, your family will not be able to live in peace in the future."

"Pay back the money!"

"Pay back the money!"

There were echoes everywhere, and the debt collectors gradually approached and the crowd was raging, and the police couldn't stop them at all.Shu Pei took a step forward, only to realize that He Zian was holding her hand the whole time.

Glancing at his profile with distress and gratitude, Shu Pei cleared her throat, and said calmly: "You say that my mother owes you money, but there is no basis for what you say, and this is not the way to ask for a debt."

The crowd was quiet for a moment, then became rioting again.Wang Hui yelled with resentment: "I have an IOU and evidence, even if you want to renege on the debt, there is no way!"

Shu Pei was so angry that her voice was a little unsteady: "If you have evidence and an IOU, if the public security organs find out the truth, I will naturally pay back the money. It's useless if you make a big fuss now."

Someone at the bottom didn't believe it: "What if the police don't deal with it!"

Shu Pei frowned and looked, and found that the speaker was a gangster who had been wandering around the Xinhua community, so she hurried to the policeman beside her and whispered to him.After hearing this, the policeman issued orders to his colleagues: "Take everyone back to the prison, and let anyone who has an IOU go away. If you don't have an IOU and take the opportunity to stir up trouble, you will be detained for 15 days and fined."

There was a resurgence of discussion, and the gangster who took the lead in questioning Shu Pei spat reluctantly, and sneaked away with the people he had summoned.There were about 40 real debt collectors left, all of whom followed the police to a nearby police station.

Shu Pei sent the police away, shouted to Xiaoqi to open the door from the inside, and stopped a taxi to let her go home and rest first.

(End of this chapter)

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