Chapter 30
It was Liao Hui, the leader of the Economic Investigation Detachment who checked the books with her a few days ago, who received Shu Pei.After a brief opening remark, Liao Hui finished talking about the recent progress, and focused on the punishment that Guo Yueyao might face.

Shu Pei waited for him to finish speaking, and asked cautiously: "My mother owes a debt, and it can be fully refunded in a month at most. Can this reduce the sentence?"

"Reduction of sentence depends on how the court judges. We are only responsible for collecting evidence and arresting suspects." Liao Hui explained in a business-like manner: "Is it possible for your mother to refund your sentence before the incident can reduce your sentence? I suggest you Better consult a lawyer."

"Thank you Captain Liao!" Shu Pei stood up gratefully, and immediately called the law firm after leaving the office.

Driving back to the Xinhua Community, Shu Chuande was still not in good spirits. He hugged the computer all day long and kept searching the Internet for all the folk remedies for treating kidney failure and liver cirrhosis.

It's better to have something for him to do than to think about it every day.Shu Pei knew that persuasion was useless, so she knocked on the door after a while and told him that the time to visit was coming soon.Shu Chuande replied, let go of the mouse and continued to take notes with a pen and paper.

Regarding the source of the kidney transplant, the doctor said that he has searched for a matching type in the information database and will notify him as soon as there is news.Shu Pei knew that this matter should not be rushed, but she was afraid that the longer it was delayed, the more dangerous it would be, so she went for a checkup without telling Shu Chuande, and planned to donate a kidney to Guo Yueyao.

It takes about 3-4 working days for the matching results to come out. While I feel uneasy, I can't help but pray every day.

Guo Yueyao's situation is still not optimistic, she will wake up occasionally, but most of the time she is asleep.After changing into the sterile clothes and going in, just in time for her to wake up, the father and daughter stood quietly beside the bed, whispering comforting words.

It is said that the illness comes like a mountain, but within a few days, Guo Yueyao's round cheeks have become so thin that the outline of her chin can be seen.She smiled with difficulty, and said to Shu Pei weakly: "Pei Pei, come here, Mom has something to tell you."

The erratic and feeble voice was heavy and stinging in the ears.Shu Pei clenched her lips to prevent herself from crying, and squatted down to the head of the bed with difficulty: "Say, I'm listening."

Guo Yueyao panted heavily, and said quietly: "I have a bad temper...and I don't know how to get along with you. Ever since you broke up with Fang Yiran, I was afraid that you would be cheated by men again...and worried about you...worrying You can't get married. This child, Xiao He... is good, if you... like it, go and chase him back."

"Don't talk about these things yet, take care of your illness." Shu Pei's voice was low, and she tried her best not to reveal her emotions: "When you recover, tell me everything."

Guo Yueyao's cheeks trembled, and her panting voice was rough and heavy: "I have to say... otherwise I won't have a chance in the future. Mom... I have never been a qualified mother. Every time I see children from other families, I will be affectionate and act like a baby... I'm always thinking, why are you always... unwilling to get close to me. "

Shu Pei was afraid that she would cry out if she listened any longer, so she quickly interrupted her: "Mom, take care of yourself, we will be home soon."

Guo Yueyao seemed to have a lot to say, she gasped weakly for a while, then calmed down and said, "I am envious of other people's children... give me a hug every now and then, you seem to have never hugged me at your age... "

All of Shu Pei's calmness was suddenly defeated by her intermittent nagging.The tears kept flowing and flowing, as if they would never stop, no matter how much they wiped, it was useless.

Maybe it was due to too much energy consumption, after Guo Yueyao finished speaking, she gasped for a moment, then fell into a coma again.

Shu Pei half-kneeled on the cold floor tiles, until a fishy sweetness came from her mouth, and she barely stopped the urge to scream.Pulling himself together and returning to the Xinhua Community, Shu Chuande went back to his study to fiddle for a while, cheering happily: "Pei Pei, your mother is saved!"

"Really?" Shu Pei casually echoed, leaning on the back of the sofa, not wanting to do anything or move.

Shu Chuande ran out of the study room and dragged her to the study room. His index finger tremblingly poked on the computer screen, pointing to a small paragraph: "This herbal medicine can relieve the symptoms of kidney failure. I will take the car to buy it for your mother tomorrow." .”

Shu Pei looked obediently, and found that the place where the herbal medicine was produced was in Pinggu, about 200 kilometers away from Xingang, and it was in a mountainous area.Shu Chuande has been in a trance recently, and she is really worried that he will go out by himself: "You stay and take care of my mother, those soups and waters are still delicious, I will go find herbs."

Shu Chuande pondered for a while, and happily agreed.

Early the next morning, Shu Pei wore simple sportswear and went to the passenger terminal early.The road to Pinggu was too dangerous and steep, and she dared not take risks.As soon as she bought the ticket and sat down in the waiting room, she unexpectedly received a call from Liao Hui, saying that the security deposit for refunding the fundraising had been transferred to the bank account, and asked her to contact the creditor for a refund as soon as possible.

After finishing the call, she froze for a second, and hurriedly sent a text message to He Zian.He replied quickly, but never mentioned the matter of helping to repay the loan.Shu Pei watched it several times, crying and laughing, and solemnly sent him a message: Let's make up.

On this end, He Zi'an stared at the phone screen with mixed feelings in his heart, and left the group of colleagues in the conference room who were looking at each other, and hurriedly opened the door and went out.

Shu Pei waited for a long time for no reply from him, and boarded the bus to Pinggu in great disappointment. As soon as the bus drove away, she boredly took out her mobile phone and surfed the Internet to pass the time.After leaving the city, the signal was strong and weak, and I couldn't open the webpage for a long time. I was restless when a text message came in.

Seeing that the sender was He Zian, she immediately turned her head and looked out the window anxiously.Not far behind the bus was a black Land Rover, which was too far away to be seen clearly, but He Zi'an's deep-rooted face appeared in his mind very clearly.Withdrawing his gaze, his fingertips trembled and landed on the screen, and he clicked on the text message.

Just look, there is a salty wet liquid dripping from the corner of the eyes, but the upward curve of the corner of the lips keeps increasing.Holding the phone against his chest, he took a deep breath, landed his slender fingers on the screen, and couldn't wait to type in the reply column of the text message: I want to see you.

After pressing the send button, she leaned her back firmly against the back of the chair, staring blankly at the sky outside the window.The unbearable silence enveloped his heart with a dead air, the flames in his eyes also dimmed, and his lips were tightly pursed into a line.

Amidst the bumps, a tall figure landed on the seat beside him.The familiar breath, as well as the familiar feeling, flooded in like a tide in an instant.Turning his head suddenly, He Zian's magnified bitter smile stopped at the tip of his nose.So close, close enough to feel the hot air of his breath on his face.

Shu Pei stretched out her hand, covered his thin face like a dream, and gently stroked it.

The scorching body temperature, like the warm sun in winter, penetrates from the palm to the softest part of the heart.Zi'an, her Zi'an...

He Zi'an looked at her affectionately, and his strong and powerful arms were heavily encircling her, locking her firmly on his chest.

The lingering kiss ended hastily under the peeping of others, He Zian put his arms around her body, and leaned against the back of the chair together.

The scenery outside the window is constantly changing, but a heart seems to have found a place to stay, beating strong and powerfully.Not empty, not hesitating, not even shrinking.

In the past few days, he thought a lot, and the thoughts in his mind became clearer every time.What Lu Yifei said is right, if he keeps hiding and does not show up, even if it is not Lu Yifei, another Zhang Yifei and Li Yifei will appear.

Mistakes can be forgiven, but misses cannot be made up for in a lifetime.He didn't want to be able to look at her from afar and smile, to see her sad but not be able to give her a hug in the days to come. These were things he didn't want and couldn't tolerate.

After embracing each other until he calmed down, he took out his mobile phone to unlock it, and quickly tapped his fingers on the screen.After finishing the long explanation and editing, he lowered his head and kissed the top of her head lightly. His black pupils were hidden under the eyelashes, and deep anxiety was written inside.

Shu Pei tilted her head to rest on his chest, took his mobile phone as naturally as before, and deleted all the content he typed, leaving only one sentence: I am willing to be with you, no matter the ends of the world.

He Zian's arms around her suddenly tightened, his head buried on her shoulders, and a hoarse growl came out of his throat.This was the first time Shu Pei heard him speak. His rough voice seemed to be ground by sand, but to her it was like hearing the sounds of nature.

Arms wrapped around his waist unconsciously, wanting to say a lot, but suddenly felt that there was nothing to say, as long as the heart was clear.

The steady-moving bus passed through the high mountains covered with withered grass, and continued to drive forward on the winding mountain road.

On the same section of the road, the black Land Rover followed the bus at a leisurely pace, turning sharply and driving steadily at other times.Occasionally, when the road conditions are flat, the speed of the car will increase rapidly, and the overtaking will be thrilling and exciting all the way. Judging by the situation, the driver is obviously playing for fun—playing with his life.

It's a pity that when Chen Yao in the car realized this fact belatedly, she was already vomiting dizzily, and her mouth was full of astringent and bitter saliva.After bumping and driving for a while, Lu Yifei finally parked the car on the side of the road kindly, opened a bottle of water and drank leisurely.

Chen Yao stumbled and jumped out of the car, her face pale and pale, she vomited for a long time, then climbed back into the car trembling: "Lu Yifei, you are a scourge."

"Little girl, you should have forced me to come here, and I didn't say that I have good driving skills." Lu Yifei turned his face away, deliberately not looking at her pitiful appearance.

Chen Yao leaned back on the chair weakly, gasped for half a minute, and cursed back: "Shameless! I didn't force you, it's clear that you can't let go of my sister-in-law, and you insist on asking me to show you the way."

Lu Yifei could see that she was really uncomfortable, so he unscrewed another bottle of water and handed it over: "Okay, I'm the one who is shameless."

"My brother will definitely be able to bring back my sister-in-law this time, so save yourself." Chen Yao didn't give a good face, and deliberately didn't take the water in his hand, but opened a bottle by herself: "You have never been my brother's opponent from the beginning. , now it is even more impossible to catch up."

Lu Yifei didn't answer, put away the water in his hand, and leaned heavily on the back of the chair like her, but his thoughts flew far away.Chen Yao didn't know, it was precisely because he wasn't sure about Shu Pei's feelings for He Zian that he deliberately approached him again and again.

The reality is cruel, and I see many girls who ask for material things in the name of love.I have met Shu Pei several times, whether it is the place to eat or the place to take a walk after dinner, every place is carefully selected, and the temptation is always there.

However, her eyes were always calm, even stagnant, not like pretending at all.Several times he thought that if Shu Pei was really pretending, he would be willing to admit it. Fortunately, she is not that kind of materialistic and vain girl.

To be honest, facing such a girl who can tell the difference between reality and neither arrogant nor impetuous, it is completely unavoidable to be tempted.It's just that you have to choose between love and friendship. The former is broken just a few times after pinching it, and the latter has been with me for decades. Even a chainsaw can't cut through those memories related to youth.

Back in time to 11 years ago, Xingang Yingrui High School was still one of the top high schools in the city.As a repeat student, Lu Yifei was arranged to sit at the same table with He Zian.Because he couldn't hear and couldn't speak, Lu Yifei, who turned on chatter mode as soon as he came to class, felt the teacher's deep intentions for the first time.

After a month of living in peace and harmony, his grades have improved significantly, and he has also learned a new skill: sign language.

This hidden skill made him excited and thrilled - it was so cool to pick up girls.So, knowing that He Zi'an liked a certain girl in the class, and had accompanied her on a morning jog for a whole month, he confessed to her as a prank.

Lu Yifei, who had always presented himself as a fool, never thought that his confession would be accepted, and he was as shocked as if he had been struck by lightning.The classmate is not very beautiful, but she looks gentle and clean, and when she smiles, she reveals small canine teeth and pear dimples, and her eyes are full of shyness that is eager to speak.

The whole person is like a flower in the poet's pen, blooming softly but warmly.

At that time, Lu Yifei only thought it was funny, and didn't want to have anything to do with him at all, but He Zian seemed to have his whole heart tied to him, besides having to accompany him on his daily morning run, he also gave him many expensive gifts.

16, 7 years old beautiful girls, good grades and good family background, more or less a little arrogant.While accepting He Zian's gift, at the same time pretending not to have a deep relationship.Lu Yifei couldn't figure out why she accepted the confession, so he didn't think about it, what should he do in class.

Just when Lu Yifei had forgotten about the confession, the classmate took advantage of the morning reading and suddenly read the love letter He Zian wrote to her in front of the whole class.Those hazy feelings of love at the beginning of love, in the sneering tone of the classmates, sounded extremely ridiculous.

There was laughter everywhere, and Lu Yifei remembered that her mean face was all in his mind at that moment, and his ears were buzzing as if he couldn't hear anything suddenly.In the end, no matter how good He Zian's character is, or how outstanding his grades are, in the eyes of some people, he is always different.

It was also at that time that Lu Yifei knew that it was his childish behavior that caused his best friend to be ridiculed and ridiculed...

"Lu Yifei, are you still going to Pinggu or not? If not, let's go back to Xingang. I'm so hungry." Chen Yao took a breath, and suddenly found that Lu Yifei seemed to be asleep, and she couldn't help feeling anxious: "Don't sleep, okay? "

"Okay..." Lu Yifei pulled back his thoughts, put his hands on the steering wheel, started the engine and turned around.

The bus to Pinggu wobbled all the way, and even wearing a seat belt still made people feel flustered and scared all the time.Shu Pei clenched He Zi'an's hand tightly, only in this way could the lingering fear in her heart be dispelled.

He Zian turned his body halfway, his arms wrapped around her shoulders strongly, trying to keep the two of them balanced in the bumps.Fortunately, this section of the road is not long. After going down the mountain to the second-level road, the road surface gradually becomes flat and open.

Shu Pei calmed down, took a sip of the water she bought before getting into the car, and asked him in sign language with a smile: "What will you do if I don't promise to forgive you?"

He Zian grabbed her hand and put it to his lips, made a silent gesture, and explained gently in sign language: "There is no if."

Shu Pei was amused by his determined expression, leaned over and gently leaned against his chest.After a while, the bus stopped at the service station at the entrance of the expressway to take a rest. He Zi'an was afraid that he would get motion sickness, so he quickly took her hand and got out of the car to breathe.

Shu Pei didn't have much appetite, so He Zi'an felt distressed and helpless to buy motion sickness medicine and two packs of soda crackers.After resting at the service station for about 10 minutes, the two returned to the car first.

Sitting on the seat and fastening the seat belt, He Zian thought for a while and suddenly asked her in sign language: "Did you decide that I would be in the car?"

Shu Pei smiled and gestured dexterously with both hands: No, I thought you would drive behind the bus, and then stage a scene of overtaking and forcing the bus to stop.

He Zi'an rubbed his temples with a dry smile, and explained hesitantly: "The one who drove along was Lu Yifei, he..."

Shu Pei stretched her five fingers and clasped his hand, showing with practical actions that she doesn't care what Lu Yifei thinks or thinks.At the beginning of their acquaintance, she had made it very clear that she didn't have the slightest feeling for him.

It was already past 2:[-] noon when the bus arrived in Pinggu. Shu Pei found the address that Shu Chuande had written to him on his mobile phone, stopped Mo's as soon as possible, and rushed to the doctor's house.

The motorcycle drove on the street for 10 minutes and stopped in front of a private house in the suburbs.The ivy vines are wrapped around both sides of the iron gate, but there is no sign of the hospital.Shu Pei paid the fare, ran over and knocked on the door without thinking too much.After knocking for a long time, someone finally came to open the door.

Shu Pei turned her head and gave He Zian a relaxed look, anxiously explaining why she came.The other party looked warily, looked back and forth several times, and then said displeasedly that their family doesn't make medicine, and they don't know the so-called secret recipe.

Although I made mental preparations early in the morning, this result is still very shocking.Shu Pei thanked her politely, checked the address again carefully, and felt disheartened when she was sure it was correct.

He Zian silently walked out of the alley with her, turned on the phone's navigation, and looked for a place to eat.Shu Pei was depressed for a few minutes, then pulled herself together again, no matter who she met, she would ask them if they knew a doctor who could treat kidney disease.

(End of this chapter)

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