Carry the system with you

Chapter 100 The Sword in Hand

Chapter 100 The Sword in Hand

Zhao Yu didn't see the coming of the green mountains and great rivers, but he could feel them.

So, he took the initiative to find a foothold in the green hills, turned slightly, and his feet landed there.

He opened his eyes again, looking at the green hills under his feet, and there was an extremely bright luster in the depths of his eyes.

His cheeks were pale, but his expression was still so peaceful.

A clear whistle suddenly burst out from between his lips.

It is like the clear song of a baby bird, and more like the first sound of a phoenix reborn from the ashes.

The spring breeze no longer looks warm and warm, and the black hair dances wildly.

He opened his arms, and his sleeves fluttered in the air.

Blood gushed from his severed arm.

His spiritual power spewed wildly towards the surroundings.

In the depths of the green hill, the slender one-foot green blade suddenly came through the air.

The entire Tianxiang Pavilion was filled with Zhao Yu's majestic spiritual power.

The one-foot Qingfeng seemed to have sensed his call, and he was in front of Zhao Yu in the next second as fast as lightning.

The middle-aged man looked dignified, and drew his sword horizontally in front of him.

At the next moment, the incomplete sword light around Zhao Yu finally moved.

Jianguang merged, one into two, two in one.

In an instant, hundreds of swords suddenly stopped in the spring wind around the middle-aged man, hovering in the air.

This is the last move of the Nine Palaces Sword Art - Nine Swords Returning to One!

Nine is an imaginary number, which means the extreme of the sword.

Because there are too many swords, a huge sword ball is formed, covering the sky and making it look extraordinarily cold.

Full of killing intent!
This is the world of swords.

It was Zhao Yu's world.

This is a world surrounded by swords.

He is among these hundreds of swords.

The middle-aged man was finally trapped, and even the connection with the spiritual energy between heaven and earth seemed to be interrupted.

There is no escape!

At this time, Zhao Yu held his sword.

He uses his left hand.

A broken arm and a one-foot green edge.

Holding Qingfeng, he was holding his broken arm.

Because his right arm was still on the sword, he was reluctant to leave.

He drew out a one-foot green blade, and then stabbed at the middle-aged man who was surrounded by hundreds of swords.

Middle-aged people can't see this sword, so he can only feel it.

Zhao Yu can move with the situation, so can he, even more proficiently.

He no longer hesitates, he no longer crosses the sword.

At this moment, there are no longer any city walls, nor any green hills.

At critical moments, he only trusts the sword in his hand.

At this moment, Zhao Yu successfully aroused all his fighting spirit and arrogance.

This is the confidence that only belongs to swordsmen!

Walk the world with a sword in your hand!
In front of the Qingshan sword, the one who is in charge is Yiyi!
He has drawn his sword.

When the green mountain descended, hundreds of swords suddenly collapsed, turning into bits of sword light, not even ashes left, and dissipated without a trace.

There is no longer anything that can block his sight or his sword!

But before this green mountain, there is a sword.

The one-foot green blade was held in Zhao Yu's hands.

Then it was held in Zhao Yu's hand.

The one holding the hilt is the broken arm.

Zhao Yu held his severed arm.

This scene looks bloody, but it doesn't seem to make any sense.

Except that Qingfeng seems to have grown a bit longer.

Neither short nor long, just over three feet.

Zhao Yu drew out his sword, focused and rigorous, like a green pine rooted in the field, it would rather bend than bend.

Even though he was covered in blood, he remained unmoved.

At this time, the sword in Zhao Yu's hand was longer than usual.

There was an extremely slight sound in front of the green hill.

Like an embroidery needle piercing a city wall.

It's like dripping water into a river.

Qingfeng stabbed into his chest.

Neither near nor far, just one foot in front of you.

(End of this chapter)

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