Carry the system with you

Chapter 201 Unexpected Surprise

Chapter 201 Unexpected Surprise

For example: worn-out talisman seals, unknown grade, unknown utility, suspected to be heaven-ranked talisman seals.

Seeing this at first, Yunfeng was quite happy, but as soon as he pulled out the details of the item...

"Heaven-rank talisman (suspect) is on sale, buy it back, you can't be fooled, you can't suffer, now it's only [-], take it home immediately!"

"Damn! Do you think it's an advertisement? Why don't you sell Jiujiujiu Ganmaoling Granules? It's even more expensive."

After reading these items, Yunfeng no longer has the energy to curse, he just wants to say to the system: "You son of a bitch!"

Unable to complain, Yunfeng calmly opened the science and technology page, and the blue light shot on the light screen, and the items began to change.

Laser gun (level [-] item): [-] exchange points, [-] exchange point for every ten bullets.

Advanced Gravity Bracelet (Level [-] item): [-] exchange points, you can adjust the gravity from one to one thousand times arbitrarily.

Laser cannon (level [-] item): [-] exchange points, [-] exchange points for cannonballs.

Neutral particle cannon (level [-] item): [-] exchange points per shot, gathered into a high-energy directional beam, fired at sub-light speed, and destroyed the target. (Also contains armor-breaking properties.)
Plasma cannon (level [-] item): [-] exchange points per shot, high heat-resistant mucus bubbles wrap the plasma and throw it out, the temperature can reach tens of millions of degrees, any substance will be evaporated instantly in front of it, and creatures Instantly carbonizes. (contains annihilation attribute)
In addition, there are thousands of technological items such as beam cannons, gravity field weapons, antimatter weapons, gravity impact cannons, charged particle cannons, etc., but most of them are weapon types. For some reason, there are very few life types.

"But these are too expensive! The particle cannon costs [-] exchange points, which is five gold-level missions! Nima, this system will not harm me, right?" Yunfeng couldn't help doubting.

But suddenly, he thought of a question and said to the system: "By the way, can I use the items I bought for other people?"

"Ding! Yes, but only with the consent of the host, others can use it. However, the exchange points consumed by the use of the item still need to be paid by the host himself."

"Oh, it's fair." Yunfeng nodded slightly, "Okay, then I'll take a look at what this fantasy item is. With my current exchange points, it's not that simple to exchange some technological items. The opponent of the monster."

Saying that, Yunfeng clicked into the fantasy area.

Immediately, the light screen in front of his eyes began to become colorful, colorful and gorgeous.

"This...these are all..." Yunfeng couldn't hide the shock in his eyes at all. If the items on this panel were all real, then he would definitely use the authority to exchange for one of them by leapfrogging.

Because the items in this fantasy category, whether it is Yunfeng's past life or this life, are all very desirable things.

For example, the "Heavenly Tribulation Fire Sword", a second-level item, has a total length of 130cm, a blade of about 108cm, and a handle of about 3cm. It has the ability to emit flames, and the sword is extremely strong. Shakugan Shana".

When Yunfeng was on Earth in his previous life, he liked watching anime very much, but he didn't expect that after the upgrade of the exchange system, all these things could be realized!

If these are all fantasy items, then Yunfeng feels that he will wake up laughing from his dreams in the future.

(Feimeng is weakly asking for a recommendation ticket here, thank you everyone!)

(End of this chapter)

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