Carry the system with you

Chapter 205 Determining the Exchange

Chapter 205 Determining the Exchange
"It seems that this system really judges the level based on the character's own potential. In this way, as long as you choose a character who is weak in the early stage and strong in the later stage, then the exchange points he needs should be much less."

After confirming the range of exchange, Yunfeng began to rummage, and finally identified three characters.

They are Ace, Uzumaki Naruto and Kurosaki Ichigo.

But after reading the detailed introductions of these three characters, Yunfeng discovered that Kurosaki Ichigosho later became powerful. In addition to the protagonist's aura, he also had the help of his own Zanpakuto.However, judging from the current situation, Yunfeng obviously didn't have time to wait for Kurosaki Ichigo to communicate with his Zanpakuto, so this character was excluded.

Then there's Uzumaki Naruto.

After Yunfeng thought about it, he found that Uzumaki Naruto was not suitable, because even if he released the nine-tailed demon fox in his body, he couldn't control it, and it was not impossible to turn back on his master in the end.

Faced with such uncertain factors, it is impossible for Yunfeng to entrust his life on such a character full of uncertain factors.

So in the end, only Ace is left.

Fire Fist Ace, whose full name is Portgas D. Ace, possesses burning fruits and overlord color.

In the world of One Piece, his bounty has reached 5000 million.

Although in the anime, Ace was not strong enough, was caught by Blackbeard, sent to the navy, and was finally executed.

But Yunfeng believes that this is entirely because he has not developed the ability to burn the fruit himself.

Burning fruit has the powerful ability to turn itself into a flame, but in the anime, although Ace has created many tricks, the development of burning fruit itself has not reached an extreme.

It stands to reason that Ace can even raise the temperature of his own flame to the same level as the sun.

But in the anime, Ace's flame is not even as hot as the magma.

According to Yunfeng's speculation, Ace can completely increase the temperature of his own flame by burning the surrounding gas.

When the quantity reaches an extreme, it can cause a qualitative change.

It is no surprise that burning fruit is a powerful ability.

At this time, Yunfeng already had an inference in his mind, and directly spent [-] exchange points to exchange Ace (stage [-]).

In the system space, a white beam of light descended from the sky, which lasted for about 1 minute. A young man with his upper body naked slowly walked out of the white beam of light.

He has black hair, freckles on his cheeks, and a tattoo of "ASCE" on his left arm, where the S is crossed.

He wears an orange cowboy hat with "Smile" and "Sad" badges pinned to the brim.There is also a skull tag tied, a red bead necklace around the neck, and his signature shorts.

In addition, there is a dagger pinned to his left waist, and the white-bearded skull pattern on his back shows his identity.

--Ayes the fire fist!
This is Ace when he was young, but at this time, he has already obtained the burning fruit.

In addition, there was still a little flame on his body, but it didn't cause him any trouble.

Ace stretched out a finger, and the flames quickly surrounded them, wrapped them into a small fireball, and slowly rotated.

But he seemed dissatisfied with this, frowned, looked up at Yunfeng and said, "Are you the alien who summoned me?"

Yunfeng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then responded: "If you are Ace, then I am indeed the one who summoned you."

"Why has my strength become so weak?" Ace seemed to be asking Yunfeng, and muttered to himself, "Why is it similar to when I and I first got the Shaoshao Fruit?"

(End of this chapter)

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