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Chapter 72 Break the formation!

Chapter 72 Break the formation!
The ten giant wind blades posed a huge threat to Ge Lao. If he didn't use his life-saving cards, he would definitely be unable to resist!
A trace of solemnity and determination flashed in Ge Lao's eyes, his palm brushed the sumeru bag at his waist, and a plain white talisman appeared in his hand.

At this time, Ge Lao closed his eyes, as if gathering strength, at the same time, the giant wind blade arrived!

The time difference between these is very short, only an instant.But this amount of time is enough for a master of Ge Lao's level!

Suddenly, Ge Lao opened his eyes, and a gleam flashed in his eyes. The white talisman in his hand was successfully triggered before the giant wind blade arrived. In an instant, Ge Lao's figure disappeared in place.

The giant wind blades lost their target and collided with each other, followed by a loud bang!The wind and waves are rolling, like a rushing river, so violent, so violent!
Yunfeng's eyes were blurred by the dust and sand blown up by the wind and waves, and he couldn't see the elder Ge's figure clearly.However, according to the distance between himself and Fengyan, Yunfeng vaguely felt that Ge Lao should have reached the center of the wind-killing formation.

The white talisman used by Ge Lao is a basic teleportation talisman, which can move to any place within a hundred feet, and the deviation will not exceed one foot, which is very rare!
For this kind of special talisman, rank is not the most important thing. There will never be more than three people in the three empires who own this kind of talisman!And Ge Lao is one of them.

Life-saving hole cards always have to be very precious to appear very powerful.

But Ge Lao's teleportation location was not the eye of the wind that Yunfeng expected, but teleported behind Xu Changfeng!

Xu Changfeng's eyes froze suddenly, and a palm shrouded in mist passed through his heart.

The situation was terrifying and the ending abrupt.

No one expected that Elder Ge suddenly appeared behind Xu Changfeng, and took his life with one move, and he couldn't even resist.

The story is over, when Xu Changfeng died, the Wind Killing Formation was broken.However, it is a pity that the secret of the one-handed seal has also been lost since then, which made everyone feel a little disgusted towards Elder Ge.

According to the regulations of the Cultivation Alliance, as long as the challenger successfully defeats the former dean, he will automatically become the current dean.

Xu Changfeng is like this, and so is Ge Lao.

Xu Qifeng became the dean by killing his master, and Mr. Ge killed his senior brother to become the dean.

The ways of the two are actually so similar.

But even if everyone has a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts, they must now admit the identity of the old dean of Ge.

Because the Cultivation Alliance does not allow them to dispute!Otherwise, managers will be sent to clean up these opponents!
Mr. Ge stepped on the corpse of his senior brother and ascended to the position of dean.

But after he became the dean, the first thing he did was not to clean up the completely destroyed arena, nor to bury the body of the former dean, but to announce that all sects in Tiandou Cultivation Academy would leave quickly. Academy, otherwise, obliterate it!

Ge Lao's attitude is very tough, and there is no room for any opposition.Even if there were opponents, they were obliterated by him.

Although Ge Lao has just experienced a big battle, with his realm, he is still able to deal with these little ones with ease.

Seeing Elder Ge's fast-moving methods, Yunfeng couldn't figure out for a while whether Elder Ge was here to avenge his master, or to challenge for the position of dean.

(End of this chapter)

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