The concubine is on top: the cute prince, get down

Chapter 369 A Bubble of Imagination

Chapter 369 A Bubble of Imagination
Fengchen Jun's eyes flickered, and he suddenly couldn't answer. The joy that Yun Xiangchu took the initiative to find him disappeared in an instant, and he didn't know what he should do now.

For so many years, he has not found a reason for him to live. The only reason is to find Yun Xiangchu, but now that he has found her, it is completely different from what he imagined.So what should he do?He can't just give up so easily.

He knew that what Yun Xiangchu said was reasonable, but subconsciously, he always believed that he had a chance.He will definitely make Yun Xiangchu fall in love with him, he no longer knows whether he loves the little guy Yun Xiangchu from before, or the violent and powerful Yun Xiangchu now.

Now he can't tell what the feeling in his heart is. He really doesn't like this kind of ambiguity, so he wants to get Yun Xiangchu immediately, otherwise his hard work for so many years will be in vain !
He didn't know what thoughts were in his mind now, his eyes became a little firm.

Seeing his eyes like this, Yun Xiangchu secretly screamed in his heart, this man is really difficult to deal with, he has already made his words clear, but now he is still determined to do something?

Yun Xiangchu's expression turned ugly, and before he could speak, he said before him: "Lord Feng, what you fell in love with was just a figment of your imagination, maybe that person didn't exist at all, maybe that person I have already left this world, but I can be sure that the current Yun Xiangchu is definitely not the person you fell in love with."

Fengchen Jun was shocked, he had just made up his mind, but was easily shaken by Yun Xiangchu, because every word Yun Xiangchu said hit the deepest fear in his heart.

He smiled suddenly, "No, I won't give up. I won't take what you said today to heart. As long as it's my decision, it won't change."

What Feng Chen-Jun said was nothing more than telling Yun Xiangchu that he would never give up. As for the reason, he didn't care at all, all he cared about was the result.

Yun Xiangchu was so angry with him, this guy is really not good at anything, if she could, she really wanted to kill him directly, but there were many reasons why she couldn't do it.

Regardless of Fengchen Jun's identity or his previous relationship with "Yun Xiangchu", it is impossible for her to solve him quietly. The most important point is that although her strength has greatly increased now, She doesn't know how strong Feng Chenjun is, and she is afraid that if she fights, she will destroy this place.

Yun Xiangchu felt powerless for the first time, this guy really made her feel down, she stared at him hard, her patience had already been worn out, "No matter what you want to do, I can't promise you anyway, I don't care what kind of relationship you had with Yun Xiangchu before, what kind of relationship you had, I just know that I have my own life now, and your behavior has interfered with my normal life."

After speaking, Yun Xiangchu turned around and left. If she could, she wanted to beat this guy up, but then she seemed to think of something, and she paused, "Lastly, I want to remind you that if you chase someone like you, it's better to be someone else." People have been scared away by you a long time ago, you really have a good skin."

These words were purely said by Yun Xiangchu to provoke Fengchen Jun, but he misinterpreted them into another meaning.

Looking at the back of Yun Xiangchu's leaving, Mr. Feng Chen's eyes lit up slightly, does Yun'er's saying so prove that he has a chance?

After leaving, Yun Xiangchu was still full of anger in his heart, and then he thought of the culprit who brought Mr. Fengchen into the palace, who had disappeared to nowhere in the past few days, and the fire in his heart became even more intense.

Thinking of Jiang Jingshu, Yun Xiangchu walked towards the imperial study with a dark face. She had already said all she could say just now, and it has nothing to do with what Fengchen Jun thinks. She has no interest in him at all. No, not before, not now, and never will be.

Now she is going to find that guy Jiang Jingshu, and drive Lord Feng Chen out as soon as possible. The king of a country is so leisurely going to other countries to chase women?
If this matter gets out, I'm afraid it will cause a sensation. No, I'm afraid that the news has already been spread out. She doesn't believe that after knowing that Lord Feng Chen is not in Fengluo Kingdom, that guy Yin Xi will not do anything at all. I'm afraid everything has been planned long ago.

Thinking of this possibility, Yun Xiangchu's face darkened again, it was very possible for that guy, he was so insidious, it was not surprising that he would do anything.

How many conspiracies are these guys hiding in their hearts, whether it is Yin Xi or Feng Chen Jun, in her heart she always feels that they are the kind of people who approach others with a certain purpose.

Compared to them, Jiang Jingshu was so clean that it made people feel a little ashamed, no, sometimes that guy is also a devil who comes here, Yun Xiangchu curled his lips, unwilling to admit that deep down in his heart, he always favored Jiang Jingshu.

But this is indeed true, Jiang Jingshu is much better than them, so it is not surprising that she thinks so.

When she came to the imperial study room and saw Eunuch Li guarding the outside, Yun Xiangchu walked in as if no one was there, and looked back. Fortunately, that guy didn't follow her, and she instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

In the imperial study room, Jiang Jingshu seemed to be sitting there in deep thought, and Yun Xiangchu walked straight towards him, "Idiot, you quickly deal with that guy, I promised to give him a chance, but now it's almost the limit, There's no way I'm interested in him at all."

Jiang Jingshu was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized, "What? Has it been decided? Although you said before that you would give him a chance, but there is no deadline. Now I don't seem to have any reason to drive others away, right?"

I don't know if Jiang Jingshu did it on purpose, but Yun Xiangchu was so angry that his face turned red. In the final analysis, this guy just didn't want to pay attention to her.

But speaking of it, she was a bit wrong at the beginning, because she agreed to Nangong Yu's request without considering Jiang Jingshu's feelings, and of course he would not want to help her now.

Yun Xiangchu sat down on the table in front of Jiang Jingshu a little discouraged, "It's really a big trouble, if you don't want to owe him, who would agree to this nonsense request."

Yun Xiangchu was talking to himself, but Jiang Jingshu heard it clearly, and he didn't care what she said and owed her anything, but said a little embarrassed: "Now you know that you shouldn't just agree to other people's requests, right?"

 Thank you for the simple vote of the monthly ticket~ The article is coming to an end~

(End of this chapter)

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