Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 238 Scarlet 1 Pieces

Chapter 238

Li Dongsheng then went to the map manager to ask for their registration.

He looked at Mengshuang and Menglan who were plain looking, and asked, "You two, did you work in Yinyue Pavilion before?"

"If you go back to your father-in-law, the servant girl and Menglan did work in Yinyue Pavilion before, but Mrs. Gao likes to be quiet. She only left the personal maid brought by her natal family, an aunt, and a little eunuch. Back to the internal affairs room." Meng Shuang said and then quietly played tricks on Meng Lan.

Seeing this, Meng Lan hurriedly agreed: "Yes, father-in-law, although Mrs. Gao has a bit of a weird temper, she is still quite a nice person."

She knew that it was a taboo not to speak ill of the former master.

After hearing this, Li Dongsheng suddenly remembered the last time when he asked Gao Chuchu not to copy books, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Hmph, it's just a lady, even if she is a little self-aware, she also knows that she doesn't deserve so many servants to guard her." in front of."

"Yes yes yes!" Meng Shuang and Meng Lan hurriedly echoed.

Seeing the two of them agreeing, Li Dongsheng was quite satisfied, he nodded slightly, and said condescendingly: "You guys, pack up quickly and follow me to Qiushui Pavilion. From now on, we can only be loyal to our common master Concubine Ning. .”

"Yes." The remaining six servant girls answered in unison.

After a while, the maids followed Li Dongsheng to the Qiushui Pavilion. They were arranged to wash clothes in the yard after they had just put down their burdens. When they saw the pile of clothes as high as two mountains, they were all stunned.

Especially Mengshuang and Menglan, they thought that when they arrived at Qiushui Pavilion, life would not be more difficult than Yinyue Pavilion.

Why do you have to wash your clothes now? Isn't this a matter of the laundry room?
Both of them were in a daze, when Li Dongsheng's shrill voice sounded: "Why are you still standing here, quickly boil the water, iron these clothes before washing them, these are what the master likes, if It's broken, watch your heads."

"Yes." Mengshuang and Menglan were so frightened that they hurriedly responded and started to work.

After a while, they were in charge of two tubs of clothes, and there were red and off-white clothes in the basin.

The two carried a pot of freshly boiled water, and poured it all into the wooden basin without even thinking about it.

At this time, other maids stepped forward and reminded: "God, you have to separate the dark and light clothes, otherwise these dark clothes will stain the light clothes after being scalded in boiling water, so that you can get rid of the dark clothes." It doesn't look good."

After hearing this, Meng Shuang said displeasedly: "I usually hate when someone tells me what to do, can't you take care of yourself?"

After hearing this, Meng Lan also chimed in: "That's right, let's clear the snow in front of the door separately."

Seeing that the two of them were unreasonable, the maid who kindly reminded her didn't say anything, and just washed her clothes on her own.

After a while, Meng Lan grabbed an off-white dress, stared at the bright red one, and screamed: "Ah! What a tragedy! Now it's really dyed another color!"

The maids who were washing clothes at the side acted as if they hadn't heard it, and blamed themselves for not persuading them!

"Hush! Keep your voice down, you are afraid that others will not know that we have ruined the clothes." Meng Shuang said and covered Meng Lan's mouth.

However, at this time, Ning's family in the room was resting. She was woken up by screams, so she asked Li Dongsheng to see who was making the noise.

(End of this chapter)

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