Chapter 241

Three days later, Double Ninth Festival

Those servants who went home to visit their relatives also returned to the palace one after another.

Of course, Dong Xue, Xiao Xiuzi, and Cai Ling also returned to Yinyue Pavilion.

Xiao Xiuzi is a stickler, this time he didn't bring wild vegetables and wild fruits, because last time the master emphasized that beehives are a good thing, so he brought some beehives this time.

Dongxue brought some pomegranates and grapefruits grown at home.

Cailing's family was really poor. Her mother passed away, and her father ran away with the widow at the entrance of the village. Only her and grandma were left at home, but she still wanted to send some gifts, so she brought some oranges and pickles.

Gao Chuchu stared at the pile of food on the flower pear table, swallowed, and said, "Are you all sure that you are going back to visit your relatives, instead of bringing me something to eat?"

Xiaoxiuzi and Dongxue were used to it, Cailing smiled embarrassingly, this was the first time she brought something back from home, I don't know if the master likes it or not.

"Wow, what is this, it seems very spicy." Gao Chuchu opened a ceramic jar and asked excitedly.

Cailing blushed slightly, and said in a low voice: "This is the pickles my grandma pickled herself, this one is radish, the other one is spicy cabbage, and the bigger one is beans. I only have grandma left in my house. There's nothing to take out."

Seeing her saying this, Gao Chuchu hurriedly interrupted her: "Well, this is good, I haven't eaten this before, it's really fresh, but how do I eat this?"

Hearing this, Cailing was a little overjoyed, and she replied with a smile: "This can be served for dinner. When we have no food in the countryside, we use this for instant meals. It can also be eaten with porridge in the morning, or fried meat is very good. Yes. If Master wants to taste it, you can eat it like this."

"Really." Gao Chuchu dubiously took a pair of chopsticks from the Huali Tiao Table, and ate a radish in the ceramic pot that had just been opened, chewing it with a "crack, bang, bang" sound.

"Well, this is delicious. It's crispy, fragrant and spicy. It tastes so good." Gao Chuchu nodded in praise.

Seeing this, Cailing smiled gratifiedly: "As long as the master likes it, as long as he likes it."

Immediately afterwards, Gao Chuchu tasted all the food on the Huali Tiao table one by one.

After a while, she hiccupped and told Dongxue: "Dongxue, take that pickled bean to the dining room and ask the dining room to fry it with meat at night, oh no, fry it with minced meat." Thinking about eating meat It was a little greasy, so she changed her mouth.

"Okay, I'm going to the dining room now." Dong Xue said, holding the jar of pickled beans to the dining room.But as she was walking, she ran into Mrs. Zhao, and she just felt that the clothes Mrs. Zhao was wearing were very strange.

So, after she thought about it, she suddenly realized that it wasn't
Thinking of this, she hurriedly bowed her head and went to the dining room, and briefly explained to Guanshi Xu before trotting all the way back to Yinyue Pavilion.

She rushed to the hall in a hurry, and said to Gao Chuchu who was talking to Yuanxiang and the others: "Master, I...I discovered a big secret, that... the clothes Mrs. .”

Hearing this, Gao Chuchu was extremely shocked. If it was said that Mrs. Zhao was the one who stole the artwork, then Jin Lan in the locker room was the one who let people kill her in private?
Just her?A little lady?Besides, she also dealt with Mrs. Zhao, so Mrs. Zhao is nothing more than that.

(End of this chapter)

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