Chapter 245
After hearing this, Ning was ecstatic, she hurriedly put down her chopsticks, got up and saluted: "Thank you for your mercy."

Hehe, as long as Xinrou comes back, her confinement is not really confinement. The prince will often visit Xinrou, so she will have more chances to meet him.

Unlike a few days ago, she only saw the prince once when she became popular.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help thinking, ah, it's all right now, this Ning family is a blessing in disguise.

Although the princess was not happy in her heart, she didn't dare to say anything. Not only that, she also said to Ning family with a pleasant face: "It's so good, Xinrou is a sensible person, and now I can stay by your side every day again. Xinrou is fine."

The Ning family doesn't want to talk to the princess, don't think that if you can't get a handle, you don't know what she has done.

On the contrary, she rolled her eyes arrogantly at the princess, and then continued to sit down and feed Xin Rou.

The concubine pretended not to see it on the surface, but in her heart she wanted to kill Ning Shi more and more.

Cai Shi was wearing a lake-green square-neck dress today, and she said with a smile on her face: "My lord, my servant recently embroidered a sachet, which is very suitable for my lord, but I don't know if my lord likes it. I left the sachet in the yard and forgot to take it, why don't you go to my place to have a look later."

After everyone heard Cai's blatant pet invitation, they all scolded Cai for being shameless in their hearts. Every time they invite pets, they are so blatant. If they really want to give the prince a sachet, they will leave it in the yard?
Even Gao Chuchu looked up at Cai Shi when he heard this ulterior motive, and saw that she was wearing Tang Dynasty clothes with a square collar, her body leaned slightly forward on purpose, maybe she didn't have much flesh in front of her, so Just squeeze together.

King Yu looked up at her, and said flatly, "No need, I don't like these things."

Hearing this, Cai said with some disappointment: "Oh, that servant will do something else next time."

The rest of the people are either sullen or timid, so the invitation to favor comes to an end.

After a cup of tea, King Yu got up and said, "I still have business to do."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left the table, leaving behind a group of disappointed women.

The protagonist is gone, and everyone is still staying.

With Ning Shi taking the lead, she glanced at everyone indifferently, then led Xin Rou, and left arrogantly without saying hello.

Seeing this, the princess asked everyone to leave.

After Gao Chuchu bowed and took his leave, he returned to Yinyue Pavilion.

When she came to the hall, she saw Xiaoxiuzi, Dongxue and Cailing were cleaning the room, and the red sandalwood semi-circular table was full of food, the food was full and looked untouched.

It seems that these few are disobedient.

"I told you to eat first and don't wait for me, but you didn't listen, put down what you're doing, wash your hands and eat together." Gao Chuchu sat down with Yuan Xiang and started eating.

"Okay, don't the servants want to eat more delicious food?" Dong Xue said with a smile, the master usually eats with them is good enough, although she told them not to wait for her before leaving, just leave a pickled bean fried minced meat , but they still want to wait for her to come back to eat together.

After a while, Dong Xue and the others washed their hands and went to the table to eat.

"Mmm~~ This fried minced meat with pickled beans is so delicious, it can beat those dishes at the family banquet by several blocks." Gao Chuchu nodded with relish, and praised repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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