Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 255 You Are Here

Chapter 255 You Are Here

Wei Xiankang looked at the maid cautiously, and asked, "Which yard do you belong to?"

"If you go back to your father-in-law, the slaves belong to Qiushui Pavilion." Han Yao replied cautiously.

After hearing this, Wei Xiankang was slightly taken aback, and then ordered solemnly: "Go back quickly, don't talk about this rotten thing, it's good for you and Mrs. Gao."

"Okay." Han Yao hurriedly responded and left.

At this time in Qiushui Pavilion, Gao Chuchu had already suffered six major blows, and those thugs really beat her hard.

But Ning was dissatisfied. Seeing that Gao Chuchu's eyes were still slightly open, she stood up and ordered: "Did you two not eat enough, or I didn't give you anything to eat in Qiushui Pavilion, give me a hard blow." Hit, hit hard, do you hear me!"

After those thugs heard this, they had no choice but to raise the two-inch-thick, ten-inch-by-five-foot-long board in their hands, and slapped Gao Chuchu's waist forcefully. This time, they almost used [-]% of their strength.

Gao Chuchu's complexion turned pale, and beads of sweat oozed from her forehead. She clenched her teeth tightly to prevent herself from making a sound.

The other thug then gave another hard slap, which landed heavily on her waist.

At this moment, she tightly grasped the two sides of the spring stool, turned her head and glared at Ning Shi who was sitting on the rose chair, and roared with all her strength: "Ning Shi, you poisonous woman, you want to put me in the middle of nowhere without knowing red and white." Damn, if you have the ability, beat me to death in this Qiushui Pavilion today, otherwise, I will never live with you in the future!"

After she finished speaking, her body was hit hard again, and her consciousness gradually became blurred.

Ning Shi, who was originally sitting on a chair watching a good show, felt chills all over her body when she said it, and instantly got goosebumps all over her body.

She hurriedly stood up and ordered the thug at the top of her lungs: "Give me more strength, beat me to death, beat her to death."

She couldn't care less about anything else, and yelled out the thoughts in her heart.

At this time, Gao Chuchu was close to coma, only the resentment in her heart supported her.

All around were the cries of Xiao Xiuzi, Dong Xue, Yuan Xiang, and Cai Ling, but they were restrained and could only watch Gao Chuchu lying on the spring bench more and more weakly.

The thugs had exhausted all their strength a long time ago, and they were a little weak at this time, but they didn't dare to disobey Ning's orders, so they had to use all their strength to lay down the tenth blow on Gao Chuchu.

At this moment, a thick and majestic voice was heard: "This king, who dares!"

His voice was a little hurried, panting nervously.

The two thugs were frightened by his majestic and domineering voice, their legs went limp, and they turned their heads to look. When they saw that it was King Yu, the board in their hands fell to the ground with a "bang", and their legs straightened Knelt down on the ground.

King Yu looked at Gao Chuchu whose waist was stained red by blood donation, his face became more and more gloomy, he clenched his hands into fists, came to her and squatted down.

Gao Chuchu almost fell into a coma, but when she heard his irresistible majestic voice, she suddenly became conscious again.

Looking at the man exuding cold air in front of her, she couldn't help feeling her nose sore, her eyes reddened, and the blood in her chest churning. She tried to suppress the pressure, but a drop of blood still spilled from the corner of her mouth.

She smiled at him and said, "Master, you are here."

After finishing speaking, bright red blood flowed out of her mouth slowly along with the squirming of her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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