Chapter 259
The master told me that these things must be sent to Yinyue Pavilion.

His eyeballs were rolling, and after a moment of contemplation, he put all the things in his hands on a red sandalwood semi-round table in the middle, and then ran away in a hurry.

At this time, the government doctor was taking Gao Chuchu's pulse through the silk handkerchief, and everyone didn't bother to pay attention to Li Dongsheng's funny behavior. Only Yuan Xiang glanced at him and continued to look at the screen.

The concubine also saw this scene in her eyes, she secretly laughed in her heart, ah, let the Ning family be arrogant, now that they have done something, they are rushing up to deliver things, why bother!
The rest held their breath and stared intently at what was happening inside the screen.

After a while, the government doctor came to King Yu with a dignified expression and saluted: "My lord, Mrs. Gao's condition is not very good. It stands to reason that the top ten boards should not be so serious. After the female doctor's examination, her waist was already bruised. The flesh and blood are bloody, and if there are a few more boards, the bones will be broken. In addition, I don’t know if Mrs. Gao is exercising, or if it is supported by her consciousness, her life is not in danger for the time being, but "

The mansion doctor paused as he spoke, looked at King Yu with some fear, and continued, "Mrs. Gao has injured a woman this time. I'm will be difficult to get pregnant in the future."

After saying these words, beads of sweat had already oozed from his forehead, and he glanced at the increasingly gloomy King Yu in trepidation.

King Yu frowned slightly, as if his heart was being grabbed by someone, there was a faint pain.

Can't get pregnant?Among princes and nobles, how can a woman who is not pregnant get along? If everyone has the status of a princess, it is okay to be able to hold a child elsewhere, but someone who has no status like Chu Chu and cannot have children, wouldn't she be bullied by others? Can't lift your head up?
He had thought of having a baby with her at the beginning, but now this is the result.

Thinking of this, he reluctantly asked the doctor: "But there is another way. This king wants to save Gao's life, and he can give birth to children for this king in the future."

Hearing this, the government doctor knelt down with a "plop", and said embarrassingly; "Well, my lord, now I can only save Mrs. Gao's life temporarily. The wound on her waist is really deep, and it directly hurt the woman's mother." , this woman's uterus is the main internal organ that conceives life, if it is damaged, no matter how good the old man's medical skills are, he will be powerless to recover."

After hearing this, King Yu was slightly taken aback, leaned on the armchair with some disappointment, and didn't say a word for a while.

On the other hand, the concubine at the side secretly rejoiced, hehe, no matter how favored a lady is, it will be difficult to turn over if she can't get pregnant.

Seeing this, Wei Xiankang at the side said to the government doctor: "Then you and the female doctor will cure Mrs. Gao quickly, and then think about it carefully to see if there is any way to save her from being infertile."

Alas, the prince is afraid that he has already thought about having a child with Mrs. Gao, otherwise he wouldn't be so disappointed.

"Alright, alright, I'll discuss it with the female doctor right now." The doctor said and stood up slowly.

After a while, he took out a beige medicine bottle from the medicine box, and told the female doctor: "Since Mrs. Gao's wound is as you said, this old man has a special medicine for wound ulceration. According to this old man, she is very likely to be injured." If the wound causes fever due to wound infection, you can use a cotton swab dipped in some medicinal wine to help her wipe the wound, then wrap it with gauze, and change the dressing twice a day to prevent the wound from becoming red, swollen, hot, painful, or pus oozing."

(End of this chapter)

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