Chapter 275 Persia
This is now the prince's favorite person, and she has also been promoted to a side concubine, although she was very kind in the past.

But in the past few years in the palace, after seeing a lot of favors or promotions, he became arrogant, and he was completely different from the original master.

Concubine Ning is a good example. When she first entered the mansion, she was still a wife. At that time, she was full of smiles, she smiled when she met everyone, and she was polite to servants.

Ever since she was favored, she didn't know who she was anymore, especially after becoming a side concubine, she didn't take her servants seriously, and she didn't look good when she saw anyone.

Seeing this, Gao Chuchu asked Yuan Xiang who was standing beside him to go inside to get the silver in a low voice, and then said with a smile: "Elder-in-law just follow the old rules, why are you being so polite."

Hearing this, Xiao Hengzi was slightly taken aback, why didn't this guy put on airs at all, logically speaking, the newly promoted position should give him prestige.

So, he said with trepidation: "You can't make it, now you are the side concubine of the mansion, and the servant still has to kneel down for the first time."

Seeing that he was so stubborn, Gao Chuchu didn't say much, "Okay, get up, what are you holding in your hand?"

After hearing this, Xiao Hengzi got up slowly, and said with a smile: "As for Concubine Gao, here are the little things that the prince bought outside. He said that he was worried that you would be bored, so he would relieve your boredom."

The corner of Gao Chuchu's mouth twitched slightly, there is something interesting here, maybe I bought Jiulianhuan to relieve her boredom.

Just thinking about it, Xiao Hengzi lifted the lid of the box, revealing a fluffy snow-white inside.

Gao Chuchu was instantly attracted by the fluffy snow-white, she quickly stretched her neck to look into the box, and saw the cute thing lying in the box, wasn't it just a kitten.

"Ah, it's actually a kitten, bring it to me and have a look."

Hearing this, Dongxue put down the soup bowl, walked up to Xiao Hengzi, took the box from Xiao Hengzi's hand, and handed it to her.

Gao Chuchu impatiently stretched out a hand to touch the cat's snow-white fur, from head to tail, it was very smooth.

"This cat is so cute, is it famous?" She asked while teasing the cat.

Xiao Hengzi was slightly taken aback, cute?Don't you mean sprout?How can you say cats are cute?
Although he was puzzled in his heart, he explained patiently: "Ah, this cat has no name for the time being. The prince told you to give it a name. It is a kind of native cat. It is called a lion cat, also known as a white cat."

Hearing this, Gao Chuchu couldn't help laughing out loud, what kind of earthy cat, white cat, or lion cat.This cat is all white, with one yellow and one blue mandarin duck eyes, cute and docile, doesn't it just look exactly like a Persian cat.

Immediately, she asked again: "Is this cat a male or a female?"

"The male one, originally there was a female one, but it wasn't too lively. This one is more lively, so the prince chose this one." Xiao Hengzi said truthfully.

Well, keeping animals should be more lively, if they are quiet all day long, they really don’t feel like they exist.

So she smiled and said, "Since he doesn't have a name, let's call him Persia."

Hearing this, Dong Xue and Xiao Hengzi looked surprised, Persia?Why, they have never heard of this word.

But Xiao Hengzi didn't have the guts to ask, so he could only scratch his head and said, "I think this name is good, it's special and pleasant to listen to. Since Concubine Gao received it, I have an errand in front of the palace, so I'll leave first."

(End of this chapter)

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