Chapter 326
It turned out that He Jiarou really asked his relatives to test him. The test was nothing but patience.

No wonder he bought a lot of presents and said that he was talking about it. Everyone just smiled with satisfaction, and those who were polite to him were unwilling to tell him Jiarou's address.

"Eighth prince, you have a heart, but it's too late today, it's inconvenient to disturb my eldest brother, how about this, you come to me early tomorrow morning, and I will take you there myself." It was He Ankang who said this. Cousin, He Pingkang.

He was also dragged by He Ankang's family, trying the patience of the Eighth Prince to see if he really likes Jiarou.

And when he found out that the other party was the Eighth Prince, he was under tremendous pressure. Except for not telling the address, he would treat him with delicious food and drink, so he didn't dare to neglect.

After these few days of observation, he has confirmed the patience and sincerity of the eighth prince. It is commendable for a prince to put down his figure and ask him for Jiarou's address several times.

The eighth prince was even more overjoyed when he said that he would take him to find Jiarou tomorrow, and hurriedly said: "Okay, thank you, Mr. He, I will come back tomorrow morning." Li, then turned and left.

It's great, I can see Jiarou tomorrow, and he must quickly capture Jiarou's heart.

So, the next morning, at dawn, the Eighth Prince rode a carriage to He Pingkang's residence.

He Pingkang was just getting up at this moment, and when he heard from the servant that he had arrived, he was even more certain in his heart, the eighth prince has a heart, and he is even more anxious than his cousin!

In fact, he is also anxious. It is a great advantage to have relatives in the family who can develop a relationship with the prince. I just don’t know if his cousin He Ankang, who is not enlightened, has this kind of thought, so he wants to see it in person. Look, if the symptoms are not right, it is easy to persuade them.

"Hurry up and welcome him into the main room for tea, I'll be right there." He ordered the servant outside.

After a while, he dressed neatly and came to the main room.

Seeing that the Eighth Prince was looking anxious, he stepped forward to salute: "Eighth Prince, have you been waiting for a long time."

"Master He, I've just arrived too, not long ago." The Eighth Prince said and stood up.

"Then let's go, let's meet my cousin." He Pingkang said with a smile.

Not long after, the two got into the eighth prince's carriage, and the carriage began to drive towards He Ankang's house.

The eighth prince was a little uneasy in the car. When the son-in-law sees his father-in-law, it is like seeing the emperor. As for the father, he has his third brother to support him, so he has always been able to get by.

So, he said to He Pingkang in the car: "Well, is there anything I should pay attention to?"

He Pingkang smiled and said meaningfully: "My brother has nothing to taboo, as long as he likes you, he can say anything else."

The eighth prince became even more flustered after saying something, and he didn't know if Jiarou's father liked him, her mother liked her, and her other family members liked her.

Seeing the slight sweat on his forehead, He Pingkang comforted him: "Eighth prince, don't be nervous, my brother is hard to say, but he is a caring child, as long as Jiarou likes you, then you two will have a good relationship." Be sure."

After listening to the words, the corner of the Eighth Prince's mouth twitched slightly, yes, this is the key!

He doesn't know anything about love, he doesn't know if Jiarou likes him, he even thinks Jiarou hates him.

(End of this chapter)

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