Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 329 The Only Concubine

Chapter 329 The Only Concubine
At this time, the two people who had just begun to fall in love were a little shy, and they were clearly thinking about each other, but they didn't know what to say.

In the end, it was the eighth prince who spoke first: "I just told your father that I'm not really a philanderer. Those are just to prevent my father from betrothing some officials' daughters to me. Do you believe me?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at her eagerly.

Unexpectedly, He Jiarou said without hesitation: "I believe in you."

A word of affirmative belief surprised and delighted him for a moment, so he started talking: "Jiarou, I am twenty years old, and the reason I haven't gotten married is because I haven't found someone who makes me want to be together for the rest of my life. Now, I think you That's the one I'm looking for."

After hearing this, He Jiarou was a little moved. She lowered her head shyly, and then asked with some embarrassment: " you really like me, or do you want to give me your body because I saved you? ?”

Hearing the words, the eighth prince couldn't laugh or cry, but he still patiently explained: "Of course I like you, I'm so stupid, as for using my life's happiness to make a promise with my body, what I want is a pair for the rest of my life. Man, of course you use this promise to make you promise me with your body."

Hearing this, He Jiarou suddenly raised his head, his eyes were slightly red, and he stared at him affectionately.

Like her, he actually has the idea of ​​being a couple for the rest of his life in his heart.She finally found the right person!

She was so excited that she didn't know what to do, let alone what to say.

Seeing this, the Eighth Prince asked again: "Jiarou, I don't want to procrastinate. I want to marry you and become my only concubine. Would you like to?"

He Jiarou listened to the love words that made her most satisfied, and answered irrelevant questions without hesitation: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Fortunately, this answer is not off topic, the eighth prince can understand the meaning, he comforted her softly: "I won't let you wait too long, I will tell my father right away, let him betroth you to me."

He Jiarou was slightly taken aback, and she asked with some guilt: "Will your emperor agree?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem. I'm so old, and I should get married. Besides, you are the daughter of a decent family, so why can't you?" The Eighth Prince vowed.

He Jiarou nodded slightly: "Okay then, you carry your body on your back."

"Ah?" The Eighth Prince was a little surprised, but he did as he did.

After he turned his back, He Jiarou tied the last knot of the purse that he had just embroidered. He wanted to embroider some more flowers, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, so let's keep it simple.

When she had tied the knot, she said, "Okay, turn it around."

The Eighth Prince turned around and looked at her curiously.

She was holding a royal blue purse in her hand, with crabapple flowers embroidered on it, which was the one she was embroidering just now.

At this moment, He Jiarou handed him the purse: "Here you are."

She was shy and didn't even dare to look at him when handing it over.

The eighth prince stretched out his big hand to hang in the air, and finally took the purse in her hand, feeling warm in his heart.

Then, he took off the jade pendant from his waist and handed it to her: "My mother gave it to me, she said it was for my daughter-in-law in the future, so I will give it to you first, you have to keep it safe."

He Jiarou was slightly startled, she looked at Liuyun Baifu's nephrite jade pendant in his hand, and was a little afraid to take it for a moment, after all, it was left to him by his mother.

She looked embarrassed: "This is not very good."

(End of this chapter)

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