Chapter 501
Hearing this, Yuan Shi winked at him a little, "You old and unscrupulous, who asked you to accompany you."

Seeing this, Gao Yang glanced at Gao Chuchu, and only then did he realize Yuan's meaning, so he didn't continue talking.

After Gao Chuchu finished her meal, she planned to go back. After all, she bought so many things today, she had to go back and tidy up.

Before leaving, Yuan Shi asked her if she would like to bring some spicy tripe back to King Yu to eat.

She was in the middle of a cold war, so she didn't want to send it to the cold nail, she refused without hesitation: "No need, next time."

Yuan Shi was slightly taken aback, exchanged a glance with Gao Yang who was beside her, then sent Gao Chuchu away with a smile.

After Gao Chuchu left, Yuan Shi wondered, always felt that something was wrong, in the past Chuchu was always happy when she returned to her mother's house, why is she a little awkward today, and didn't bring any food for King Yu?

So, she said to Gao Yang: "Master, I don't think Chu Chu is very optimistic in Prince Yu's mansion. You can find out what Prince Yu is saying some other day."

"I'm afraid you can't do it. King Yu is a prince. Now that the crown prince has fallen again, the court is talking about him being the next prince. Let's find out what the king says. This is against the rules." Gao Yang is an honest official who follows the rules. I think it's inappropriate for Yuan Shi to do this.

After hearing this, Yuan Shi was not happy, and her lips were slightly flattened: "As long as you behave, you stupid, who asked you to spy on him as a courtier, you can use it as your father-in-law, or as his uncle." Ask for your identity."

Gao Yang still feels a little embarrassed, ordinary people can talk about family affection, kings can't casually bring relatives, especially the emperor, the most taboo, if it is too casual, he will feel that you don't take him seriously. It's provoking his status!
After pondering for a moment, he said: "No, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so it's better for us not to interfere."

"You elm head, who asked you to intervene, just to ask you." After Yuan Shi finished speaking, she turned her back to Gao Yang, looking angry.

Gao Yang was most afraid of her getting angry, so he coaxed patiently: "Okay, okay, let's see for a while, if it really doesn't work, I will definitely ask, is it okay?"

Yuan's eyebrows raised, then she turned around and said with a smile, "That's about the same."

After Gao Chuchu returned to Yinyue Pavilion, he directed the big guys to start working.

"Cailing, you and Han Yao will build a stove together, and put it in the utility room, just clear the utility room."

"Auntie, you and Xiaoxiuzi go to the House of Internal Affairs and spend some money to drag a cart of firewood, rice, oil and salt over here."

"Dongxue, let's wash this fatty meat, cut it into pieces, and refine it later."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, Dong Xue said embarrassingly: "Master, this is not good, there is no precedent for anyone to open a small kitchen privately in this backyard, not even the princess is treated like this."

"Then I don't care. You all know what our food is like. In this Prince Yu's mansion, even the servants eat better than me, a side concubine. Could it be that the dining room treats me like this? I can't help myself. Find a way." Gao Chuchu became angry when he thought of the so-called meat, vegetable and soup.

Cai Ling also hesitated and said: "But."

"It's nothing to worry about. Don't worry about it. It's just a small kitchen. If you don't steal or grab it, why don't you do it? If something goes wrong, let's wait for something to happen. I will take care of it." Gao Chuchu waved his hand to signal them to work quickly .

(End of this chapter)

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