Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 528 Don't Regret

Chapter 528 Don't Regret
Just thinking about it, I felt the little hand in my hand move slightly.

He immediately brightened his eyes, staring at her little hand without blinking.

When the little hand moved again, he almost cried with joy, but he restrained his emotions very well.

He is a man who cannot shed tears easily.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Chuchu opened his heavy eyelids with difficulty.

She looked at the strange bed, then turned her head to look at King Yu, and finally, her eyes stayed on the hands that were clasped together.

She withdrew her little hand reflexively, wanting to separate herself from him.

Seeing her so agile, he smiled angrily and said: "Why, do you still remember the grudge?"

"I want to hold hands back to your Prince Yu's Mansion to take other women. There are a lot of people waiting in line for you to hold hands. Let alone holding hands, cuddling and cuddling is not a problem. Maybe you can turn the clouds and turn the rain around!" Gao Chuchu general Turning his face away, he said angrily.

King Yu stood up and pretended to say: "Okay, what you said, then I will go to fetch other women, don't regret it!"

Hearing this, Gao Chuchu secretly scolded the stinking man in her heart, and casually said that he really did it, so she turned her face back again, intending to take a sneak peek.

At this moment, her little trick was caught by the cunning King Yu.

She was furious and fierce at him: "Smelly man, don't you want to go, you should go!"

She felt aggrieved, but she held back her breath, not letting herself cry.

Seeing her stubborn appearance, King Yu helped her to sit up, and asked distressedly: "You haven't eaten for three days, are you hungry?"

"Forget about starving to death." Gao Chuchu said angrily.

"Nonsense, if you starve to death, you will go crazy." King Yu put a bowl of fish porridge prepared in advance on the table in the room, and he brought it in front of her to feed her.

But she ignored him, there are many women in his backyard, how could he really go crazy?
He handed the porridge spoon in front of her, but she was still unwilling to open her mouth.

Seeing this, he threatened her: "Is it because I'm used to feeding you medicine and water mouth to mouth these days, but now I have to feed you porridge myself?"

Hearing this, Gao Chuchu didn't speak, but just wiped his lips in disgust.

Seeing her so childish, he really wanted to laugh, but he was more anxious. Apart from medicine and water, she hadn't eaten for three days.

I had to ask her patiently: "What do you want, do you only drink porridge?"

Gao Chuchu glanced at him coldly, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, and said word by word: "I want to give you a cuckold!"

When King Yu's originally patient smile heard her words, he suddenly turned cold. He lost the tenderness just now, pinched her jaw, and forcibly turned her face to him, letting her Looking straight into his eyes, he said playfully, "Wearing a cuckold? It's not like you haven't worn it for me before! You're still addicted to wearing it now, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm addicted to wearing a cuckold for you! How about it!" Gao Chuchu glared at him angrily, thinking of what he said before she fell into a coma, she became angry.

King Yu stood up, raised his palm and wanted to slap her.

"Come on, hit me, kill me if you can!" Gao Chuchu lost control of her emotions and roared hoarsely.

In the end, when King Yu faced her beautiful and angry eyes, he withdrew his hand in mid-air, but slammed the porridge bowl in his hand on the ground, smashing it to pieces.

Gao Chuchu turned away from looking at him.

(End of this chapter)

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