Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 547 Automatic Omission

Chapter 547 Automatic Omission
"Well, that's a good thing, I'm still used to living in the new house."

"The lower skin is rough and thick, and there is no requirement for houses. When I first went up the mountain, I didn't live in any kind of house. Compared with it, the house arranged by the imperial court is already very good. The size of the house is suitable, and it faces south. , with plenty of sunshine." Huang Xiaotian built a thatched house when he first went up to the mountain to become a bandit, and later he built the Three Hegemons Hall when he became rich.

The corner of King Yu's mouth twitched into a slight smile, remembering that Wei Xiankang said last time that he was looking for a doctor, so he asked casually: "I heard that you took your younger sister to seek a doctor in the capital? Did you find a suitable one?"

Speaking of this, Huang Xiaotian sighed a little: "Oh, I just arrived in the capital, and I'm new here, so I'm not familiar with many places. I asked a few doctors, but I met a liar, or I couldn't cure this disease. Now my wife is taking care of her in the mansion, but I won't give up."

"Well, you just came to the capital, so it's normal that you didn't find a suitable one. If you stay for a long time, you will definitely find a good doctor."

Huang Xiaotian raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "Thank you for your kind words, my lord."

This time, maybe Huang Xiaotian's mood has changed, his style of chess is not as conservative as before, and the two of them played longer than last time.

But in the end, King Yu won.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaotian nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "My lord's chess skills are really superb, I admire, admire!"

King Yu smiled, neither humble nor negative, just asked: "It's getting late, why don't you stay and have dinner together."

Of course, he just expected Huang Xiaotian to be a member of the Gu family, so he casually said that he wanted to eat with the little wild cat.

Sure enough, Huang Xiaotian shook his head and politely refused: "Thank you for your kind invitation, but my younger sister needs someone to take care of me at home, and Madam also agreed to wait for me to go back to have dinner, so I have no choice but to live up to my lord's wishes."

"Forget it, I know you are from the Gu family." King Yu said indifferently.

"Then I will step back first." Huang Xiaotian bowed his hands and said goodbye.

After he left, King Yu asked Wei Xiankang to order a meal, and then went into the inner room to check.

Gao Chuchu was reading a book, when he saw him coming in, he asked, "The man left?"

"Let's go, let's go out, we'll have dinner later." He picked her up and walked outside.

She put her arms around his neck and let him hold her. By the way, she asked curiously, "Master, what's wrong with that man's sister?"

"Weakness, I lost a child before." King Yu said casually.

Gao Chuchu was slightly taken aback, ever lost a child?Nervous breakdown?Isn't this the same as Yuan's condition?

After she pondered for a moment, she said: "Master, then this matter is easy to handle. Isn't my mother suffering from this kind of disease at the beginning, and now Doctor Zhou said that she is completely cured? It's only been a long time, why don't you take care of it?" This doctor Zhou introduced to your friend, it’s all right.”

"Doctor Zhou? Have you seen that doctor?" He asked in surprise.

"I've seen it. That time he had a follow-up visit for my mother, and I happened to be there too. He is a very charitable old doctor." She automatically omitted the fact that Dr. Zhou saw her doctor.

He didn't think too much about what the little wild cat said. After thinking for a while, he said: "Since you have said so, I will leave this matter to you. Aunt Yuan, you are easy to talk to. Wang has been busy with business recently, and the second is that Huang's mansion is also in the backyard to see a doctor, so it will be more convenient for you to go."

(End of this chapter)

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