Chapter 560 Too Angry
In the past, he would have softened his heart after she gave birth to two children, but now he knows that Ning's family is not a good person like the princess, so he doesn't pay attention to her who is crying like pear blossoms and rain.

It was just an order to the servants in the room: "Let the two of them go to this king. If you dare to arrest and beat people in the backyard indiscriminately in the future, this king will be the first to beat your servants of Qiushui Pavilion to death!"

"Yes!" The servants in the room replied tremblingly, and then untied the ropes on Aunt Rong and Aunt Qiao.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they were going to be stabbed to death in the Qiushui Pavilion, but luckily the prince came in time.

"Thank you, my lord!" After kneeling on the ground and kowtowing three times, they turned and left.

Ning shi knelt on the ground and dared not speak.

King Yu glanced at her, and said flatly: "Mr. Ning, do you think that you can be defiant and domineering in the backyard just because you gave birth to Xinqian?"

"No, no, no, I dare not. I was just too angry for a while, and I didn't think too much about it. I won't dare next time." Ning said tremblingly.

"Hmph, this king is going to see the child." King Yu got up and went into the inner room.

Seeing this, Ning breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was a child blocking her, otherwise she really didn't know how to explain it. It was really a coincidence that the prince came here today.

She stood up with difficulty, thumped her slightly numb legs, and followed into the room.

King Yu hugged Xinqian in his arms and coaxed him. The child was most obviously sick and cold. A few days ago, he was grinning at every turn, but today his mouth is flattened, his eyes are red and swollen, and the corners of his eyes are still wet. Damn tears, so pitiful.

He carefully inspected the rash on Xinqian's body, and asked Ning who was beside him: "Can the doctor tell you when this will be cured?"

"It's said that it will take a month, and I can't go outside to have a wind." Ning felt depressed when she thought about it. She finally had a son, and she had to stay at home for a month before she could go out.

King Yu handed the child to Ning Shi, and said lightly: "Then just stay in the courtyard, and tell me what you need."

Ning's heart was overjoyed, she nodded and said: "Okay, thank you, my lord, for your compassion."

Yu Wanglin glanced at the child before leaving, and then strode back to the front hall.

Looking at his tall figure that was gradually going away, Ning Shi felt both love and hatred in her heart, what's wrong with the prince, she has finished confinement this month, and he doesn't spend the night with her.

But what she's struggling with now is not this, but why the prince came so coincidentally, she hugged the child in her hand, turned to Li Dongsheng and said, "Go, ask me carefully, and see who informed the prince. .”

Li Dongsheng hurriedly nodded his head and went to investigate.

Half an hour later, he came back, "Master, I have inquired about it. I heard that it was Concubine Gao who went to the front hall, and the prince hurried over to our Qiushui Pavilion. According to my servant, this matter is probably true." The pillow wind blown by Concubine Gao."

"Nonsense, don't you need to talk about it? Gao Shi's vixen is getting more and more courageous, and she dared to play tricks behind my back. Heh, you, you think highly of her too much. With her dead appearance, it's just a slap in the face." It's just eye drops, she can't get the wind blowing on the pillow, with her current body, I guess even the prince can't bear it once." When Ning thought of the masculine appearance of the prince, she couldn't bear it, so the prince wouldn't let her sleep with her .

(End of this chapter)

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