Chapter 577
Seeing that this good opportunity is right in front of her eyes, she has no choice but to try her best to help her find a way, she leaned into the princess's ear and whispered.

Sure enough, the concubine seemed very satisfied with her attention, she nodded and said: "Okay, then do as you said, this idea is good, you go and receive the reward yourself."

Madam Wu thanked her with a face, and then went to receive the reward.

On the other side, the carriages of Gao Chuchu and King Yu arrived at the foot of Feiquan Villa.

Manager Cao had received the news a long time ago, and he had waited there with the servants of the villa early in the morning.

"My lord, Concubine Gao, I have been waiting here for a long time. The room has been arranged. Please go and have a look with my servant to see if you are satisfied." As a side concubine, the prince only brought her here alone, and she was the only one with this kind of honor in Prince Yu's mansion, how could he dare to neglect.

Gao Chuchu looked up and saw a red patch on the mountain, wasn't it just a cherry, she didn't speak, but King Ren Yu led her away.

This time there was only her alone, and King Yu obviously couldn't do without her, he didn't want to live alone, so he took her directly to the Tinglan Waterside Pavilion where he usually lives.

Tinglan Waterside Pavilion is built on a lake, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with white walls and blue stones, flying elm columns, alternate pavilions and terraces, quiet and elegant, the lake is clear and clean, and the air is particularly fresh.

The entire attic and the lake complement each other and form a whole, which looks small and exquisite and fits well with the waterscape.

Gao Chuchu didn't know what King Yu meant, "Master, the scenery here is so beautiful, so where do I live? Last year I lived in Wangyue Residence, which is too far away from my master. Can you ask someone to give it to me?" Arrange an attic closer to your grandfather's place?"

"Yes." He replied without hesitation, holding her in his arms.

After getting the answer, Gao Chuchu smiled happily, and finally came out to live the world of two alone, she didn't want to be separated too far.

In the past, there were too many people coming, she wanted to be quiet, and it didn't matter if she lived in a remote place. Besides, her mood now is completely different from last year.

But he didn't know that someone had the same thoughts as her, even worse, he kissed her flawless white neck lightly, and said: "I am also reluctant to let the little wild cat stay alone in the vacant room. I want to live with the little wild cat. So, you are here to eat, drink, play, and sleep with you, and you are not allowed to leave the master for a moment."

His words are domineering and naive, a bit childish.

Regarding what he said, Gao Chuchu was slightly taken aback at first, and then he was overjoyed.

But she still said coquettishly: "I hate it, you are so young, it's better for us to sleep separately, distance creates beauty."

"No, beauty can only be produced if you get tired of being together every day. After finally relaxing, you have time to go out with you. You have to cherish it. You will be busy in a few days, and it will be difficult for you to find time to accompany you." He began to play hard and soft.

Hearing this, Gao Chuchu pondered for a moment, it seems to be such a reason, she has been in Prince Yu's Mansion for a year, and this is the first time for the two of them to live in a two-person world, as a prince, there will be many things in court, this kind of opportunity is rare Not every day.

"Okay, then don't blame me for being suffocated."

"No, I'm satisfied with Chu Chu's company." A wicked smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, heh, since he said that, he didn't plan to hold back, this time he wanted to get her for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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