Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 586 The odds are higher

Chapter 586 The odds are higher
Hearing this, the two old people looked at each other, and the aunt asked: "Girl, I want to ask, do you know them? Or who are they?"

"Of course we know each other. I'm Gao Jinghao's elder sister. I bought meat here before. I have something to do with her today, so I'll ask her." Gao Chuchu explained the purpose of her visit.

Hearing this, the aunt was slightly startled, and then said excitedly: "So you are the one."

Seeing this, Gao Chuchu hurriedly put his index finger between his lips and made a "hush" sound, "Ma'am, I don't want to attract attention when I'm away from home. My name is Chuchu, so you can call me Chuchu."

"Hey, okay, okay, Chuchu, I'm Jinghao's mother-in-law. When Jinghao was at home, she often mentioned you to me, saying that you took good care of her, but she was pregnant recently, so we don't worry about her coming out to betray her. The pork is gone, so let her rest at home. As for my son, he passed the imperial examination a few days ago, and now he is an official in the palace, so he has no time to come out to sell pork, so the old man and I drove the cattle. The car has set up a stall in the capital, and sometimes I will drop by to see them."

When the aunt spoke, her face was full of pride and joy as a mother.

Hearing this, Gao Chuchu was slightly startled. He didn't expect that Lin Jun really had two skills.

She smiled and said: "Since you are Jinghao's father-in-law and mother-in-law, I will tell you the same about some things. After you go back, just talk to them again. It takes about [-] catties of pork, fatty meat, lean meat, and three pieces of fat and thin meat. If separated, it is about [-] catties of fat meat, [-] catties of lean meat, and [-] catties of fat and lean meat. Look at you Excluding the pork from the stall at home, can you supply this amount?"

Hearing this, the couple were stunned at first, then stunned, and now it was the uncle's turn to speak: "Five hundred catties is not too difficult, at most, it is enough to kill two more pigs a day, but this matter is still It's a bit big, I have to go back and discuss it with my daughter-in-law and son, and then I will reply to you, do you think it will work?"

"Okay, then listen to the old man. I'll send someone to come over to talk to you or get the goods some other day." Gao Chuchu was very satisfied with the behavior of the old couple. I have to ask my son and daughter-in-law about this kind of thing.

"Okay, we'll go ask after we close the stall." The aunt said with a smile.

"Well, then I have something to do, so I'll leave first." Gao Chuchu waved and left.

After she left, she bought a lot of ingredients, and was going to go back and make a delicious meal for King Yu, and then come and talk to him about it.

Although she knew that she didn't cook food, the chance of the prince agreeing to him was very high, but if she made delicious food to control his stomach, wouldn't the chance of success be even greater?

Er. Gao Chuchu didn't know that she was thinking too much, what's the use of controlling her stomach, but also controlling Xiaoyu Wang!
She wasn't worried about anything else, what she was most afraid of was that the prince was always stern and selfless, and I heard that no one in the court could bribe him.

Half an hour later, she returned to Yinyue Pavilion, and led the servants in the yard to cook delicious food.

Today, she plans to make a few dishes with a slightly stronger taste to go to the front hall, because the injury on her back is almost healed, and the prince has a skin trauma, let alone, there is no need to be taboo.

(End of this chapter)

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