Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 598 is the big cousin

Chapter 598 is the big cousin
This feeling of tooth extraction is simply too painful, more uncomfortable than being hit by a board.

"I smeared the poison on my... that meat. Because I skipped the meals in Concubine Gao's yard before, and then saw her back in favor, I wanted to win her over again. Who knew that he didn't accept my kindness, so I held a grudge." In his heart, he intentionally poisoned his flesh!" He put all the crimes on himself, but he was not selfless, but when he entered the mansion, Ning said that if something happened to him, she would help him. He did it, but if he confessed to her, she would be the first to kill him.

He doesn't want to die, he has to wait for Ning Shi to rescue him!
Hearing this, Gao Chuchu leaned on King Yu, and said coquettishly, "Master, he doesn't tell the truth, he talks nonsense."

A trace of fear flashed in Guanshi Xu's eyes, and he repeatedly complained: "My lord, Concubine Gao, everything I said is true, everything I said is true, I haven't read any books, and my parents are used to temper at home. I don’t dare to do this anymore, please let me go!” When he spoke, blood flowed from his mouth. "

Gao Chuchu, who was watching, frowned and complained to King Yu: "Master, there is so much blood, it's so disgusting."

King Yu pressed her head on his shoulder, covered her beautiful eyes lightly, with a look of doting on her.

Then he turned his head and glared at Guanshi Xu, completely opposite to his tender and affectionate appearance just now.

"Come here, since he refuses to tell the truth, then drag him out and kill him immediately, so as not to mess up Chuchu's eyes here."

Hearing this, Guanshi Xu trembled all over. How could this be different from what he thought? The Ning family hadn't come yet, so if he was going to be executed immediately, wouldn't he be very wronged.

Since Ning didn't come, he should save himself.

So, when everyone was about to tie him up, he yelled loudly: "Don't, don't, lord, you can't treat me like this, I'm your big cousin."

In a word, the people who were going to tie him up were startled. They looked at King Yu and asked for his consent.If this person is really the eldest cousin of the prince, they dare not do anything.

Gao Chuchu pulled King Layu's sleeve and asked, "Master, do you still have such a big cousin?"

King Yu put his arm around her waist, tightened her hand with the other, and said softly, "It's nothing."

Manager Xu's ears are very sharp now, and when he heard that he denied himself, he was so frightened that he confessed to Ning.

"Yes, yes, I am really your big cousin. There are many women in your backyard, so it is not surprising that you may not know me, but I am indeed the big cousin of Concubine Ning's family. Do you remember? One year, you went to Ning's house once, and I was there at that time, oh, my cousin, I will never forget your heroic appearance at that time."

Now that things have happened, he has no choice but to bring this relationship to the table, so as to give himself a chance to survive.

But this move of his really angered King Yu, "This king hates you the most incompetent people, and you still seek connections with me, what kind of thing are you? I don't know if Ning recognizes you or not It's the problem!"

This remark stunned Guanshi Xu, indeed, the Ning family didn't even recognize him.

Gao Chuchu saw that she had confessed Ning, so he asked: "Xu, you are in charge of the dining room, and you carry a poison with you. No wonder I always fell ill and fainted when I ate the food in the dining room. , Could it be you who poisoned my yard too, let me just say, why is my body so weak, it turned out to be your fault, say, who ordered you to do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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