Chapter 729
She sucks up when she gets the chance.

"I hope so." The princess sighed.

By mid-September, the weather was getting colder, Gao Chuchu's belly became pregnant, her morning sickness was not so severe, and she began to have an appetite for food.

Finally at this time, Gao Chuchu naturally made up for all the nutrients he spit out before.

After all, she is not alone, she still has a baby in her belly, and the baby cannot be malnourished.

At this moment, she glanced at the bare tree outside the window and thought of him.

I heard that the weather at Wuyu Pass is colder than that in the capital. After all, the capital is dry and cold, while the weather there is wet and cold.

In addition, they are all tents set up in the wild, so it will be even colder?

Two months have passed, and I don't know how he lived there, how the battle was, and whether he was injured.

Did you miss her and the baby?
At the same time, King Yu of Yongmen Pass was processing official documents. He didn't know if he had a clear understanding, so he glanced at the weather outside.

Thinking it's getting cold, the little wild cat needs more clothes.

And he is about to start the second war.

This time, he planned to take the initiative to attack, first lead the troops to set up camp around Hirai Pass, let the spies investigate the situation, and then make plans.

He called the army division to come in, "Military division Chen, seeing that autumn is here, why don't you take the soldiers to Hirai Pass."

Yes, autumn is here, can winter be far behind? After winter, his little wild cat will soon be giving birth.

"Well, yes, I thought that He Yong and the others had more than 20 soldiers. I thought this battle would last for two or three years. Who knew that the prince is so resourceful, and they are too simple-minded and well-developed. It seems that this battle does not need to be fought." It's been a long time." Chen Junshi said.

King Yu is courageous and resourceful, but he will not be arrogant. He said modestly, "I'm honored, but it's just a small trick. Thanks to your help in making a plan. No matter what the enemy is, we can't take it lightly, let alone the enemy."

Basically, he came up with ideas for major events and discussed them with Chen Junshi, while Chen Junshi was in charge of the on-the-spot battle.

After all, King Yu's lack of experience on the battlefield is undeniable.

"That's natural, then I'll tell the generals outside." Chen Junjun said and walked out.

At noon that day, the mighty army set off for Hirai Pass.

This time is different from the last time. The last time Junshi Tang and the others were directly attacking, they did not expect to be slapped several times.

King Yu set up camp at the junction of Pingjing Pass and Yongmen Pass, and then asked people to find their point, and directly declared the war.

It stands to reason that if the two countries are at war, it is impossible to cut off the letter of war, but for people like Tang Junshi.

I'm afraid he is an unreasonable person, so the envoy he sent kept a hand.

Three days later, the envoy of King Yu went to Junshi Tang's camp, and handed the letter of war to Junshi Tang and He Yong.

Sure enough, Army Master Tang read Yu Wangyue's battle letter, which stated that the battle would be fought at Hirai Pass in three days.

When he was done, he glanced at the messenger vigilantly, and put his hand on the saber at his waist casually, as if he was thinking about something.

Just as he drew his sword, those generals rushed in, one of them was still very excited.

"Man, I heard that Wei Cai is back!"

"General, it's me, I'm back!"

"Come, come, let me see how you are doing recently." General Peng said kindly.

(End of this chapter)

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