Chapter 731 Flanking from both sides
Of course, he was selfish at the time, which came in handy.

Otherwise, if you send your own people, I'm afraid an innocent soldier will die.

He saved Wei Cai's life, and whether he can survive in the future is none of his business.

He is not a saint, and in the face of war, he will not be merciful just because he is originally from Nanyuan Kingdom.

Although those people were originally from Nanyuan Kingdom, they have been completely brainwashed by He Yong and the others.

It is a fact that they were deceived, but He Yong must have done something to them, so they would work so hard to treason and become soldiers of the barbarians!
Three days later, it was time for the two sides to fight.

At a quarter of noon, King Yu led his people to Pingjing Pass on time.

Junshi Tang saw them coming from the front from a distance, so he had already made preparations at the front of the pass.

But soon, they noticed something was wrong.

"Hey, why are there so few people this time? Didn't they only kill or injure a few thousand people last time?" Junshi Tang said.

As soon as the voice fell, a soldier came to report: "General, Junjun Tang, it's not good, it's not good, the other party's people started to go up the ladder from the middle, and disturbed our people."

Hearing this, Army Master Tang hurriedly turned his head to look, and saw King Yu's men climbed up the city wall along the ladder one after another, blocking his men at the waist.

They even started fighting.

The people on the other side were powerful and mighty. After they were cut off at the waist, they were divided into two groups, cutting the waves on both sides, and advancing bravely.

Seeing this, he hurriedly ordered: "Fire arrows, roll stone carts and rocks! Overturn their ladders!"

After the soldiers got the order, those who shot arrows released arrows, those who rolled boulders rolled boulders, and when it was their turn to overturn the ladder, they found that the other side's ladder was placed so low that they couldn't reach it at all, but it was just enough for them to climb up.

In addition, the soldiers blocked by the waist could not see at all, nor could they hear the orders of Army Division Tang, and they only cared about saving their lives.

Then arrows and cannon stones from the city were thrown like hail.

This wrong instruction delayed everyone's time and killed many people.

King Yu saw that the other party was in a mess, and there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth. What he wanted was this effect. He just wanted to make a move to make them fall back and forth. He waved his hand and said, "Brothers, break through the city gate!" , kill in!"

As soon as the voice fell, the crowd drove the car, held the battering hammer, and began to attack the city gate.

For a while, the military flag fluttered, the military drums were loud, the city gate roared, gravel and iron filings rolled, and the city gate was about to fall!
At this moment, Tang Junshi and He Yong were like headless chickens. The army was in disarray, and they were attacked from both sides.

But the people behind had already rushed over, and the city gate in front hadn't fallen, so he didn't care that much.

After a while, Army Master Tang saw that more and more people had climbed up the pass through the ladders, so he gave a new order: "Fire the rockets and burn their ladders!"

This rocket is to shoot out flaming arrow feathers to burn the opponent's ladder and make them unable to climb up.

This time he finally gave the correct order, but unfortunately, King Yu led his men to break through the city gate and attack from the front.

But King Yu's men gave up climbing the ladder when they saw the other party firing rockets, and instead attacked from the city gate that they had just broken through.

As soon as the city gate was broken, the soldiers rushed in one by one, waving their swords, arrows, and spears, and stabbed at the enemy.

Although they also had casualties, when one person fell down, countless soldiers stepped up and smashed the opponent's soldiers to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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