Chapter 739 The abyss
"Go back to the emperor. He asked a lot of questions, asking me when King Yu will return, and asking if King Yu is injured."

The emperor was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect Gao Chuchu to ask these questions. It stands to reason that many people only care about being happy, so they don't care about these things.

Even the emperor himself had forgotten about this episode, and now he remembered it after being reminded.

But King Yu's letter only said that he had won the battle and the conditions of the soldiers on both sides, but he didn't say whether he was injured or not.

So, he said, "Then how did you return?"

"I didn't reply, because I don't know the situation, so I can't answer arbitrarily."

"Well, very good, you step back." The emperor said lightly.

This time, he was not only as simple as giving Gao Chuchu a message, but also had a little selfishness, wanting to know about this woman who haunted King Yu and took great pains to protect her.

Let's see if she is sincere to King Yu. If she is not a good one, he will take action when Gao Chuchu gives birth to a child.

But after understanding just now, he compared Gao Chuchu's performance with Princess Yu's.

Obviously, at this time, the concubine didn't care about the situation of King Yu except that she showed her side as a good wife and mother in front of Wang Wende, so as to claim credit in front of the emperor, and felt that she was very sensible.

Maybe in her heart, she doesn't really love King Yu. In her eyes, rights are more important than King Yu.

But Gao Chuchu is different, she can think of things that even his old father didn't think of.

Not only did he wholeheartedly look forward to his triumphant return, but he also thought about whether he was injured.

Although King Yu's letter didn't say that he was injured, but after fighting three battles in a row, how can there be any reason not to be injured? It seems that he reported good news but not bad news.

Reporting good news but not bad news, and not rushing to claim credit, is like what King Yu would do.

Only when you really love someone, you will put aside power and interests, and only care about things that ordinary couples would think of.

This reminded him of Concubine Tong. One year he went to war, and after returning victoriously, Concubine Tong lost weight because of worrying about him.

But the rest of the people in the palace were all concerned about their worries, and when they saw him, they took credit for it and began to complain.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, with a slightly bitter smile.

It's a pity, for such a woman, he didn't balance the power and her well, he took many women into the harem, and finally pushed her into the abyss!

But fortunately, King Yu has a good vision this time, and he seems to be able to grasp the balance in his heart. It seems that he, the father, is too worried.

Thinking of this, he was also relieved, as for Princess Yu, he didn't care, anyway, King Yu didn't like her, and she couldn't influence King Yu's decision-making.

He actually knew more or less about the dirty things Princess Yu did.

How can there be such a coincidence, the palace has good food, drink and accommodation, but it is more difficult to have children than ordinary people.

Some people have miscarriages one after another, and they can't even support them after giving birth!

If it weren't for that cruel woman, his Yun Yan didn't have to take pains to drive Gao Chuchu out of the palace, and arrange such an exit!

It's no wonder that Princess Yu herself was pregnant once, but she couldn't give birth. This kind of person has a heavy heart and a deep city, and even if she is pregnant, she can't rest in peace. They are all willing to die!

Soon, it was New Year's Eve, because of Gao Chuchu's big belly, it was inconvenient for too many people in the house to know, and the house kept saying that she was sick, so Gao Yang and Yuan Shi went directly to her yard for a reunion dinner.

On this day, both Yuan Shi and Gao Chuchu put on new red festive mother-daughter outfits.

During the meal, Gao Yang and Yuan Shi gave Gao Chuchu lucky money.

(End of this chapter)

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