Chapter 767
They felt that the dark guards were trained by the King of Yu, and they were strict.

But after the dark guards left, they returned to seriousness.

Gao Yang said solemnly: "Chuchu, seeing that you are about to give birth, who would have known that such a thing would happen at this juncture, we know about the man in black in Prince Yu's Mansion, but there is another man in black I don’t know who sent it and what purpose it is.”

"Father, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Since he has heard the news, there will definitely be follow-up actions. It's useless for us to worry about it now. After all, they are in the dark and we are in the light." Gao Chuchu comforted.

Yuan Shi nodded, and said worriedly: "Although I say that, but I'm flustered, it's hard not to worry."

"With regard to the hundreds of secret guards arranged by the prince, if others want to deal with me, there will be no way for a while. Besides, even if they have a way to let a large number of people break in, it will also have to look at Dad's face. Be scruples, unless he is the king of heaven, I would dare to go to war. So, father and mother, don't worry, it's getting late, you should go back and rest."

What Gao Chuchu said is right, trespassing on a private house is a crime.

Not to mention trespassing on the house of a high-ranking official like Gao Yang, that would kill his head, and ordinary people would not dare to do so.

Perhaps her words had an effect, Gao Yang and Yuan Shi got up and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Yuan Shi tightened her hand and said: "Chuchu, no matter what, your father and I will do our best to protect you, so don't worry too much, you won't be hurt if you move your fetus." Alright."

"Mother, don't worry, I won't." Gao Chuchu comforted her in turn.

She felt gratified to have adoptive parents like Gao Yang and his wife after she came here.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would have kicked her out long ago, wanting to distance themselves from her, for fear of being implicated.

But they comforted her, wholeheartedly wanting to protect her.

Hearing this, Gao Yang and Yuan Shi went back to the upper room in peace.

After they left, Gao Chuchu's heart was in turmoil.

But sleepy and worried, she finally went to bed and rested.

In Prince Yu's mansion, the man in black was indeed sent by the princess.

At this time, he was clutching his injured right arm, and was reporting the situation to the princess: "Princess, I can see what happened today clearly. The high-side concubine is not as terminally ill as you said, she simply has something wrong." pregnant!"

This man in black is just a gangster that Wang Hao brought from the capital, but he is really good at lightness kung fu, so he became the leader of the crowd and formed a team of killers.

Hearing this, the princess was stunned. She asked incredulously, "What? Are you sure you saw the right person?"

"Of course I saw the right person. I have visited every courtyard, and I have never seen the Concubine Gao you mentioned. It is only in the East Courtyard that I see Concubine Gao. How can ordinary people live in the East Courtyard?" That kind of good place. The servants also call her little master or master, and Gao Yang and his wife even visited her yard." The man in black swore.

Although the princess did not give her a portrait, he could only prove it based on these.

After receiving an affirmative answer, the princess felt a "thump" in her heart, and her heart was instantly shattered into scum.

Isn't that right, if there is a pregnant woman in Gao's mansion, who else has the possibility except Gao Chuchu?

(End of this chapter)

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