Chapter 779
"The useless things have been fought, and I don't know who the other party is! You didn't leak the news, so that people would know that I did it?" By now, she was really exhausted physically and mentally, and could only protect herself.

The man in black was slightly startled, and said, "No, how could we confess you, the key is that they didn't force us to confess."

Yes, they didn't force a confession, but you have a lot of mouths, and you just blurted it out, don't you have a beep in your heart?
Hearing this, Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Get out, get out of here!"

"Princess... But... I have lost so many brothers, and I haven't got the money after the incident!" The man in black said shyly, with greedy and threatening eyes.

It seemed that if the princess didn't give him money, he would tear his face apart.

If it wasn't for the money, how could he be so useless.

The concubine paused for a moment. These people have no skills. It would be fine if things were done quickly, but if things didn’t get done, they would be ashamed to ask her for money after things are done. She frowned and said impatiently: “No Did you say that you will only give it after the work is done? You have messed up everything, and you still have the nerve to ask me for money?"

"Things are messed up, but you only said to kill a pregnant woman at the beginning, and you didn't say to get rid of Gao's guards. There are another group of people waiting at the pier. Besides, I asked you specifically last time, Gao Fang Is there any other reinforcements for the concubine, and you keep saying no. Therefore, we all made mistakes in this mistake, and you have to pay for the burial of the brothers!" The eyes of the man in black were shining.

He is not someone under the concubine, he is a gangster in the Tao, who is afraid of whom!The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken!
He only has so many brothers in total, and this time half of them are gone at once, and he has to get some benefits for whatever he says!
The concubine was startled, she seemed to have run into a mangy dog, but the other party was clearly threatening her, so in order to calm things down, she asked someone to give her the 1000 taels of silver bills that she had promised in advance, after the incident was completed.

Who let her have no strength, and the prince didn't give her guards, so she could only go outside to hire some gangsters.

The man in black accepted the banknote, and after confirming it again and again, he said with a smile: "Thank you, Princess, I will take my leave first, and if you still have such errands in the future, feel free to come to me again!"

The concubine waved her hand impatiently, signaling him to leave. Even if she was beaten to death, such a waste would not dare to invite him again.

She has already suffered once, and it is impossible for her to suffer again.

The most urgent thing now is to see where Gao Chuchu is.

Thinking of this, she directly ordered Tingchun: "Let the people in the Gao Mansion continue to guard, and report any situation!"


The next day, Gao Chuchu was really not used to living in this palace, and she didn't even eat a bite of the meal arranged by Long Yunlei.

Now Nanyuan Kingdom is very peaceful, the border gates have been settled by King Yu, and there is nothing wrong with Long Yunlei's early court.

He was nothing more than suppressing the courtiers who were loyal to the first emperor, and those who were partial to King Yu.

Because as long as the courtiers were loyal to the first emperor, most of them were biased towards King Yu.

For these people, he first suppressed them. After all, those people have been officials in their positions for many years, and they have quite a lot of experience in the things below.

Even better than those courtiers who obeyed him obediently.

If even suppression fails to make them obedient, the only option is to resign.

As soon as he turned, he asked Ye Yan: "How is she?"

(End of this chapter)

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