Chapter 798
How easy is it to let the dining room to entertain the person from Lijing Palace directly?

Dongxue and the others didn't speak. They knew that at times like this, it's better to keep your mouth shut if you say more than you make mistakes, and don't cause trouble for the master. They can just bear it silently.

No one knew that the master was in this palace.

Who would have thought that Concubine Ruan Gui suddenly stared at Dong Xue, seeming familiar, "You, raise your head and show me."

Dong Xue was slightly taken aback, Concubine Ruan Gui had been to Prince Yu's Mansion once when she was the Sixth Princess, did she recognize her?
So, she pretended not to hear, bowed her head and said nothing.

Seeing this, Concubine Ruan Gui was not happy, and directly signaled to the servants in the palace.

Immediately, someone came up and straightened Dong Xue's head, making her face Concubine Ruan.

Concubine Ruan Gui could see Dong Xue's face now, and the feeling of having seen it before became stronger and stronger.

But she thought about it for a while, but she still couldn't remember who was coming, so she waved her hand and said, "Okay, let's start the torture!"


Then, a servant came in with a scorpion.

At this time, Yuan Xiang served Gao Chuchu a bowl of noodles, fried a poached egg with the leftover ingredients in the kitchen, and fried some beef slices to make saozi.

Gao Chuchu didn't pick anything either, she was really hungry.

She took the bowl from Yuan Xiang's hand, looked at the dark sky outside, and said, "Why haven't Dongxue and the others come back yet? You and a few guards outside will look for it, and nothing will happen."

She hasn't come back yet at this time, it's really not like Dongxue's style, she began to worry.

Hearing this, Yuan Xiang nodded in agreement, and went to find someone.

She also noticed the problem, after all, Dong Xue and the others had never been so unruly.

It's past time for the master to eat, and they haven't seen any shadow yet.

It would be fine if one was missing, but four of them were missing, which would be a bit troublesome.

After she went out, she called a few guards sent by Long Yunlei to guard outside, and said: "The servants in the courtyard of the young master are all gone, you guys accompany me to look for them."

The guards looked at each other, some nodded in response, and some ran away.

Yuan Xiang thought that those who ran away had something to do, so she didn't take it to heart, and took a few people who were willing to follow, and first searched in the palace.

If you haven't found it in the palace, then you will be in serious trouble. I'm afraid it will be more or less ominous, and you have to go to the capital to find it.

Gao Chuchu stayed in Lijing Palace to eat noodles, while eating, her right eyelid twitched.

It made her very hungry and restless, she only ate half a bowl of noodles, and then she punctured the window paper to observe the movement outside to see if they came back.

After a while, Yuan Xiang came back with an anxious expression on his face.

Seeing this, Gao Chuchu knew something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Auntie, is something wrong?"

"My lord, I searched the palace with the guards just now. I heard from the servants in the palace that at dusk, there was a row of servants kneeling in the Jinxi Palace. Later, Concubine Ruan called them in and never came out again. , I took people there to have a look, but there were no slaves outside, but I heard someone crying inside, which sounded like the voices of Dongxue and the others." Yuan Xiang knew that he had gone, but he also tried to scare the snake away.

After all, she was just a slave, and it was useless to go there, so she had to come back and tell Gao Chuchu to see if she could do anything.

During this period of time, Gao Chuchu had never been out of the Lijing Palace, so she didn't know much about the people in the harem.

(End of this chapter)

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