Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 810 1 chess piece

Chapter 810 A chess piece

Song Deji was forced by him, so he quickly agreed to the matter.

Alas, as long as the position is stabilized, everything will be straight when the boat reaches the bridge, and it will be a big deal with King Yu at that time.

If the other party is at the top and he is at the bottom, just pretend to be pitiful and show sympathy, or stay away and save your life.

If the jobs are gone, he's game over!
Long Yunlei paused slightly, hum, he didn't realize it at all, he insisted on making a unique move, he said with a smile: "That's right, well, since it's all agreed, then you go back and prepare well."

Based on his understanding of Song Deji, he was not afraid of his betrayal. Anyway, he just let him fish in troubled waters, put on a show, and disturb King Yu's military morale.

And the one who is really worthy of the great responsibility has to choose someone he can trust.

"Yes, I'm leaving!" Song Deji cupped his hands and left, his palms were wet, this Long Yunlei is really hard to coax!

Like a father, like a daughter, he just came out of Chengming Palace, and on the way, he bumped into Princess Yu.

Like Song Deji, she planned to enter the palace to hug her thigh.

But at the same time she hugged her thigh, she also wanted to inquire about Gao Chuchu's news, lest this disaster stay in the world, she always felt uncomfortable.

As Princess Yu, even though King Yu became Long Yunlei's number one target.

However, power struggles rarely involve women and the emperor's heirs, so, in her capacity, it is not difficult to enter the palace, it depends on whether others see her or not.

She saw Song Deji walking angrily from a distance, so she made a detour to salute: "Father, long time no see, who made you so angry?"

Song Deji was too angry for a while, coupled with the fear of the unknown in his heart, he walked dejectedly all the time.

He didn't even notice that the concubine came to him, until someone asked him a question, he stopped and suddenly raised his head, but still bumped into her who was asking the question.

He looked at his daughter whom he hadn't seen for a long time, without any expression of joy, instead he frowned and asked, "Why are you entering the palace?"

"My daughter went to the palace to find Concubine Ruan Gui." The princess said coyly.

Song Deji took a look at her, and said displeasedly: "That's fine, if King Yu is going to die, you can get closer to the harem and win the relationship, and then you will be less implicated."

"Yes, my daughter obeys my father's teachings, but does my father have something to worry about?" Wang Hao asked again.

Song Deji sighed, and said: "Oh, don't mention it, the emperor asked me to go to the front to fight when King Yu returned to Beijing! Can you not bother me!"

The concubine was startled, and hurriedly said: "Father, this job can't be done, you two, no matter which side wins, my daughter will feel bad!"

"Women's benevolence, this is something that can't be helped, do you think I think so?" Song Deji scolded angrily, and then said: "Okay, okay, I don't want to talk to you, you do your own thing, take care of you Just do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he left without looking back.

The princess looked at his back and sighed deeply. Her father has always been selfish. In his eyes, she is probably just a pawn!

In the past, when the first emperor favored King Yu, he treated her well.

Now that the new emperor is fighting against King Yu, he doesn't even give her a good face.

After shaking her head, she turned and went to the Golden Jubilee Palace.

When she arrived in front of the Jinxi Palace, the maid guarding outside asked, "Who? I don't know if this is my mother's bedroom, but she dared to come forward."

(End of this chapter)

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